Science Definition and 990 Threads

Science (from the Latin word scientia, meaning "knowledge") is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.The earliest roots of science can be traced to Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia in around 3000 to 1200 BCE. Their contributions to mathematics, astronomy, and medicine entered and shaped Greek natural philosophy of classical antiquity, whereby formal attempts were made to provide explanations of events in the physical world based on natural causes. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, knowledge of Greek conceptions of the world deteriorated in Western Europe during the early centuries (400 to 1000 CE) of the Middle Ages, but was preserved in the Muslim world during the Islamic Golden Age. The recovery and assimilation of Greek works and Islamic inquiries into Western Europe from the 10th to 13th century revived "natural philosophy", which was later transformed by the Scientific Revolution that began in the 16th century as new ideas and discoveries departed from previous Greek conceptions and traditions. The scientific method soon played a greater role in knowledge creation and it was not until the 19th century that many of the institutional and professional features of science began to take shape; along with the changing of "natural philosophy" to "natural science."Modern science is typically divided into three major branches that consist of the natural sciences (e.g., biology, chemistry, and physics), which study nature in the broadest sense; the social sciences (e.g., economics, psychology, and sociology), which study individuals and societies; and the formal sciences (e.g., logic, mathematics, and theoretical computer science), which deal with symbols governed by rules. There is disagreement, however, on whether the formal sciences actually constitute a science as they do not rely on empirical evidence. Disciplines that use existing scientific knowledge for practical purposes, such as engineering and medicine, are described as applied sciences.New knowledge in science is advanced by research from scientists who are motivated by curiosity about the world and a desire to solve problems. Contemporary scientific research is highly collaborative and is usually done by teams in academic and research institutions, government agencies, and companies. The practical impact of their work has led to the emergence of science policies that seek to influence the scientific enterprise by prioritizing the development of commercial products, armaments, health care, public infrastructure, and environmental protection.

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  1. bhobba

    Scientific American and Political Endorsements

    From this week's digital edition of Scientific American: 'This week, Scientific American endorses Kamala Harris. That's in part due to the Biden-Harris administration’s approach to AI safety and the White House’s support for the chipmaking industry.' Do people think a science magazine...
  2. Granola


    Hi everyone! I'm currently doing a Natural Science degree from the Open University. I've always been interested in Biology and Chemistry, but for the past few years I have started to become interested in Physics.
  3. ADrake

    Newbie Introduction

    Hello everyone & thank you for letting me join your community. I am a high school science teacher in Minnesota, USA. I took over the classroom of a former physics/math teacher and have found all kinds of cool but old equipment. I primarily teach 9th grade physical science this year but that...
  4. JKuo37

    Classical Principles of Physics by David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker

    What's the difference in content between the two textbooks? International Adaptation and local edition Principles of Physics: Extended, 12th Edition Principles of Physics: Extended, International Adaptation, 12th Edition
  5. S

    Sailor interested in Science

    sailor, interested in science, weather, cosmology.
  6. M

    What sci-fi movie and book technologies will never be a reality?

    It so hard to predict the future but are there any technologies from sci-fi movies or books that can’t happen in real life because it’s just completely impossible to create them? For now and even when we have more advanced science knowledge?
  7. M

    Are true geniuses extinct?

    I was reading a Nature article by Dean Keith Simonton speaking about how science seems to have slowed and there really isn’t such a thing as a real genius anymore. He defines a true genius as “A real paradigm shifter. A Renaissance human who could completely change the way we understand the...
  8. sararnd

    High school French student looking for a mentor

    Hello everyone, My name is Sara and I'm a high school student who loves science, particularly physics. I'm in 12th grade and I'm in a specific curriculum which is the 'French International Baccalaureate', I am currently working on a research project titled 'What role do American universities...
  9. robphy

    RIP Tsung-Dao Lee (1926-2024), Nobel 1957 (T.D. Lee was 30 years old.)...
  10. Q

    Hello! Physics + science based fictional magic is interesting to me!

    Hello! I joined because I am interested in how physics would intertwine with science based magical systems in books. I'm looking forward to learning a lot of new things and seeing how they would work with each other.
  11. James Halifko

    Thinking about Encouragement for Youth

    When I was nine years old, my dad left for what would be at least twenty-five years. Our family helped my mother raise me and my two younger brothers. One uncle who took on the role of surrogate father encouraged me to explore my interest in science to the limit a working-class family saw as our...
  12. H

    How Can Science Fascinate at Any Age?

    Hi, just found this on google so signed up. Never too late to learn and with so many things going on around me I would like nothing more than to get to bottom of things and learn how things work, and how science impacts on us. Put off by science at school but now I find it totally fascinating...
  13. argi bonaventure

    How Can a Science Enthusiast Connect with You on PF?

    I am a Science Enthusiast. I'm excited to join this forum. I wish that I could connect with you guys.
  14. zeroentropy

    Double majoring in electrical engineering and physics

    I am currently a high school graduate trying to plan my career. I am aware this does not count much in the higher scale of things, but the one thing i was really interested in since my elementary school years has been science. And i always liked to imagine myself being a "scientist" when i was...
  15. Dudemanous

    New to Forums and Interested in Math/Science?

    I'm new here and new in general to online forums. I'm a middle-aged guy who has been online for decades, but I just haven't used forums or social media very much. I've always had a casual interest in math/science.

    What is Quantum Information Science?

    I am currently a research scholar specializing in open quantum systems.
  17. Nabir14

    Can We Make PCB Using Paper And Pencil?

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  18. Nabir14

    Why Did MD Mushfique Farhan Nabir Join Physics Forum?

    Hello There, I am MD Mushfique Farhan Nabir. I am a student and I love science. I decided to join Physics Forum to expand my existing physics knowledge, explore and share personal experiments. I am also a programmer.
  19. MrKirkScience

    How Does a Teacher of Science Differ from a Science Teacher?

    Greetings, I consider myself a teacher of science instead of a science teacher. I have experience teaching across many subject areas of science. This has enabled me to make connections across all of my differing content areas and share that with my students.
  20. W

    Intro to forum site of ''

    Am on the 'net' quite often and for extended periods of time perusing scientific sites and historical ones as well. Have BSCE degree from California State University, military experience,and other professional history.
  21. Twinduck

    New Member Introduction: Who is Twinduck?

    Hello. As instructed in the welcome message, I am here to introduce myself. I'm a Norwegian man in my forties with an above average interest in all kinds of science. I am youtube educated, so of course I know everything. Nah, just kidding. It is true that I am youtube "educated", so I have...
  22. Scott Baker

    Who Is Scott Baker?

    I've been a subscriber to the blog for ~10 years. I am an outside-the-box thinker with 4 books: a 2 book novel, 1 economics book, 1 memoir science fiction book: [Embedded book removed by moderators] . All available on Amazon under my name: Scott Baker. Designer of the RiverArch - an East River...
  23. sbmatejek

    How Can a 46-Year-Old Science Enthusiast Continue Learning?

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  24. enthusiast_q

    Physics enthusiast

    I am not a student, nor my everyday work is related to physics in any way. Basically I am an enthusiast on physics, and I have question whose answers I like to find.
  25. A

    Studying Understanding Physics -- in which way?

    I’ve heard at least a million times that you need to understand physics, but never actually understood in which way? When I study, I understand what the textbook says and how to apply it. But questioning why is it the way it is, usually confuses me and many times leaves me uncertain, I doubt it...
  26. loganmonday23

    I'm Just Joining the Forum Today for the Very First Time!

    Hello, I'm Logan Monday, and today was the first time I've ever visited this forum website before. It seems like a great platform, and a very knowledgeable community, so I couldn't help, but join in with it myself. I love science in general, but I'm very passionate about Computer Science...
  27. T

    A science appreciator interested in getting in conversations

    Hiya! I spend most of my free time thinking about physics and concepts. I want to strengthen areas where my knowledge is weak as I do not learn or digest information linearly. This presents some problems when trying to digest mathematical concepts or I probably would have felt inclined to study...
  28. A

    Where to Pick Up Women In the Sciences?

    I'm making a big life change. Physics has always been a hobby of mine, but going back to college to finish a long overdue degree in physics. I'd love to find some social circles, particularly since I don't have any friends in this area yet. As far as college, I'm in my 40s, so I'm probably...
  29. ShadowKraz

    Interested, curious, and somewhat intelligent

    I am interested in many subjects; history, physics, biology, art... well, just about everything. Why? Because the only truly useless knowledge is the knowledge you don't have. My interest in the sciences mainly derives from three sources: 1) my Dad's ongoing interest, as a layman, in sub-atomic...
  30. E

    Curiosity killed the cat, but I found :-)

    My name is Ebenezer Akutteh and I am a 16 year old student in Ghana pursuing a general science course in secondary school.I'm in shs1 and I found this website while I was looking for answers to the laws of cosine and sine for vector addition in a parallelogram to determine the resultant...
  31. BillTre

    Commercials with a Science Pitch

    Sometimes there are commercials that have pitches based on some scientific thing. Here is one I like about the car's stability based on the chicken's (well known) ability to keep its head stable when its body moves in some way. (Probably based on both visual and proprioception of its body...
  32. Sagittarius A-Star

    Stephen Wolfram: Can AI Solve Science?

    Stephen Wolfram wrote an article about the role of AI in science. His conclusion:
  33. sbrothy

    Serious science is alive and well....

    Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Optimizing Beer Glass Shapes to Minimize Heat Transfer During Consumption.
  34. S

    Hello from an interested amateur.

    Hi, my username is one I use for most forums, but my actual name is Steve. The references to homework on this forum suggest a rather youthful membership which makes me a positively ancient being of 58, lol. But I have long had a fascination with science in general and cosmology in particular...
  35. Phil App

    Enthusiast in the field of technology and science

    I am a 20-year-old man who has graduated in the field of wood technology and its industrial applications. However, I am very interested in many aspects of science and technology, even though I do not have the necessary education and experience. I enjoy contemplating things theoretically, even at...
  36. M

    What does magnetically sealed possibly mean?

    I remember one of my favorite parts of the original Star Wars movie was when Luke, Leia, Chewie and Han jump into the trash compactor. Han tries to blast his way out and the blaster bolt ricochets off the walls of the compactor until it eventually hits a piece of garbage. Luke screams “WILL YOU...
  37. M

    B How would physics change if Planet 9 were a primordial black hole?

    I watch John Michael Godier on YouTube. He is a futurist and makes fantastic videos where he speculates on many things. Todays video was about primordial black holes and he speculated about Planet 9 not being visible because it may actually be a black hole born in the dawn of the universe. He...
  38. L

    Questing for the unification of mathematics and my intuition

    Howdy from West Virginia!! If you would have told me 30 years ago that I'd be researching physics and math for fun, I would have said, "Are you high.... and by the way, what is physics?!?" I'm obsessed with all things science, and tickled by all things quantum. I became interested in science and...
  39. J

    Building Better: Exploring Science and Engineering in Construction

    Hello everyone, I just joined the forum, after a bit of lurking on some various threads. It seems like a great forum. While I'm not a engineer, I am involved in various areas of construction, and I always try to back up my designs and work with as much science and engineering as I can. I hope...
  40. Elimelech70

    A cat whose insatiable curiosity keeps me looking and questioning

    I think the Enlightenment actually brought more darkness to science than light, using a few sparks to give the appearance of substance and intelligence. These sparks have led to a number of theories that are not beeb proven yet becoming foundational to other knowledges. I know we need models...
  41. phinds

    To supercharge science, first experiment with how it is funded

    Interesting article from the Economist. To me it seems a bit long on vague ideas and short on specifics, but it would be very good to get the right people at least talking about the problems that they point out. The article: They go on to point out that the current system is, to use their...
  42. K

    Where Can I Find Truth and Enlightenment in the Forum?

    Seeking truth. Seeking enlightenment. No native speaker.
  43. S

    I Quantum state of a macroscopic object?

    (Mods, I posted a lot on the MWI yesterday, but this seemed different enough to warrant its own thread. If you disagree, I apologize.) The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy says the following in its article on the Many Worlds Interpretation: Is this backed by science? It reminds me of...
  44. Jpolisa

    B What Is Relativity Theory in Simple Terms?

    Yes... Can someone please explain the relativity theory to me in as much simple terms as possible. It's really way in over my head. Thanks.
  45. L

    Can the Speed of Light Limit Our Cosmos Observation?

    How the physics and science limit our cosmos observation and link it to speed of light? I could not find any equation, study or science that can support and limit our observation parameters.
  46. S

    How can we inspire curiosity and understanding in our students?

    Always looking for answers. Wanting to help my students discover the curiosity about the world. Would love to enable a desire for understanding all around us.
  47. J

    What Are the Best Science Periodicals for New Discoveries and Ideas?

    I would like to subscribe to a general science periodical (emphasis on physics would not go amiss) other than Scientific American that would explain new scientific discoveries and ideas in popular terms. A hard copy magazine best but digital okay too. Please, no defense of Scientific American...
  48. jcalises

    What sparked my passion for physics and mathematics?

    I don't have much to say, at the time I had to drop out of university but I've always been passionate about science and I can't stop reading and thinking about it, especially physics and mathematics.Welcome everybody.
  49. arkiv

    Can I Pursue MSBioPhys with a BEEE Background?

    Can I do a Master in Biophysics after a Bachelor in Electrical Engineering?