Laws Definition and 1000 Threads

Law is a system of rules created and enforced through social or governmental institutions to regulate behavior, with its precise definition a matter of longstanding debate. It has been variously described as a science and the art of justice. State-enforced laws can be made by a group legislature or by a single legislator, resulting in statutes; by the executive through decrees and regulations; or established by judges through precedent, usually in common law jurisdictions. Private individuals may create legally binding contracts, including arbitration agreements that adopt alternative ways of resolving disputes to standard court litigation. The creation of laws themselves may be influenced by a constitution, written or tacit, and the rights encoded therein. The law shapes politics, economics, history and society in various ways and serves as a mediator of relations between people.
Legal systems vary between countries, with their differences analysed in comparative law. In civil law jurisdictions, a legislature or other central body codifies and consolidates the law. In common law systems, judges make binding case law through precedent, although on occasion this may be overturned by a higher court or the legislature. Historically, religious law influenced secular matters, and is still used in some religious communities. Sharia law based on Islamic principles is used as the primary legal system in several countries, including Iran and Saudi Arabia.Law's scope can be divided into two domains. Public law concerns government and society, including constitutional law, administrative law, and criminal law. Private law deals with legal disputes between individuals and/or organisations in areas such as contracts, property, torts/delicts and commercial law. This distinction is stronger in civil law countries, particularly those with a separate system of administrative courts; by contrast, the public-private law divide is less pronounced in common law jurisdictions.Law provides a source of scholarly inquiry into legal history, philosophy, economic analysis and sociology. Law also raises important and complex issues concerning equality, fairness, and justice.

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  1. B

    How to Calculate θ3 After Finding θ2 Using Snell's Law?

    I used Snell's law to find θ2 as 40,1 (3sf) but now I'm stuck on finding θ3. Is there a way to find θ3 without using geometry? How do I do this?
  2. kirito

    Using Kepler's laws to calculate elliptical planetary motion

    TL;DR Summary: orbital speed laws I would appreciate a bit of explanation on how did we find e1 and e2 and if there are any useful references to learn about Kepler laws since I am lost for the most part, and would like to gain understanding and solving ability ,and if you can go into some...
  3. otiiblaq


    I hope to have a nice time in the physics forum. I am interested in much about the laws of physics with respect to our daily lives and hope to achieve more and increase my knowledge in physics with the physics forum. Thank you for accepting my registration.
  4. E

    I Why Are Reflected Rays Often Ignored in Lens Studies?

    Hi, I am wondering why reflected rays are not considered with lenses? If a Ray strikes a surface another is reflected off that striking point; however, this is not added when studying lenses, only refracted rays are considered. Is there any law which gives the ratio of reflected and refracted...

    A window cleaner holding his platform up with a rope and pulley

    The answer is 441N instead of 883N, but why? can anyone help?
  6. Florian Geyer

    I A question with regard to Hooke's and Kepler's laws

    Hello esteemed members, I have been studying some physics and I have the mentioned laws, but I have understood that the first law (elasticity modulus equals the stress over strain) ##e=\frac{\sigma}{\epsilon}## is valid only to limited range, and the second one is just a result of Newton's...
  7. PeroK

    US Arrested for Being Too Thin: Unbelievable!

    I've just seen a picture of a man being arrested in the US for not being fat enough. Incredible!
  8. F

    Tusi discovering laws of planetary motion before Kepler?

    I was reading about the Tusi couple and read it "as a solution for the latitudinal motion of the inferior planets, and later used extensively as a substitute for the equant". Since the Tusi couple is related to plotting out an ellipse, did Nasir al-Din al-Tusi already discover the laws for...
  9. S

    A Conservation Laws from Continuity Equations in Fluid Flow

    Consider a fluid flow with density ##\rho=\rho(t,x)## and velocity vector ##v=v(t,x)##. Assume it satisfies the continuity equation $$ \partial_t \rho + \nabla \cdot (\rho v) = 0. $$ We now that, by Reynolds Transport Theorem (RTT), this implies that the total mass is conserved $$...
  10. S

    I Non-homogeneous and anisotropic metric and laws of physics...?

    In this popular science article [1], they say that if our universe resulted to be non-uniform (that is highly anisotropic and inhomogeneous) then the fundamental laws of physics could change from place to place in the entire universe. And according to this paper [2] anisotropy in spacetime could...
  11. S

    I My spectacles defy the laws of physics

    For curiosity (obviously not having anything better to do with my time) I turned my spectacles the ’wrong way round’ - so that they were upside down, with the arms pointing outwards - and looked though them. (This gives the correct lens for each eye of course.) The image is noticeably worse...
  12. M

    I The Feynman way of explaining Symmetry in Physical laws

    So on this page under heading 11-2 Translations first he tries to proof that there is no origin in space. Joe writes newtons laws after measuring quantities from some origin. $$m(d^2x/dt^2)=F_x$$ $$m(d^2y/dt^2)=F_y$$ $$m(d^2z/dt^2)=F_z$$ We need...
  13. N

    B Why does ##F## often appear as inverse square laws such as Newtonian gravity?

    ...y and Coulomb's law diverge as ##r\rightarrow##0? I mean, if a point light source emits light omnidirectionally, the intensity converges at the source, right? THIS is how I should've worded my previous post!
  14. paulimerci

    Newton's Laws of motion -- Bicyclist pedaling up a slope

    F parallel - F applied - rolling resistance = ma I don't know how to calculate for rolling resistance. If the bicycle is not slipping rather it is rolling, should I ignore rolling resistance? And if I ignore that I would get, F parallel - F applied = ma F applied = F parallel -ma...
  15. paulimerci

    What is the difference between friction and rolling resistance?

    How to find frictional force when coefficient of friction is not given?
  16. S

    I Deviations of conservation laws in cosmological evolution?

    If energy is "not conserved" in General Relativity (or at least, it is difficult to define it) in the context of an expanding accelerating spacetime (like it happens in our Universe), are there any observations of deviations from the strict conservation laws in the evolution and formation of...
  17. dextercioby

    I Extending Newton's laws -- Is the concept of force still defined?

    It is argued that the correct interpretation of Newton's 2nd Law for one body of mass ##m## reads "The dynamics (i.e. vector sum of all external forces acting on the body = "all its interactions") dictates the kinetics (i.e. time derivative of the momentum vector = "motion")", under the...
  18. Clockclocle

    I Stuck in understanding Newton's 3 laws

    I'm stuck to understand 3 laws of Newton. It doesn't make sense to me. 1. Suppose the case when a person stay in a rest vehicle.When we accelerate the car the person still at rest so the person has to move to the tail of the vehicle cause his intertia of staying rest. If we decrese the...
  19. Oleksii

    How to solve this chain with Kirchhoff's laws?

    Hi. I have next task: Three current sources with EMF E1 = 11 V, E2 = 4 V and E3 = 6 V and three resistors with resistance R1 = 5 Ohms, R2 = 10 Ohms and R3 = 2 Ohms are connected, as shown on picture below. Determine the current strengths I in the resistors. Internal resistance sources neglect...
  20. jaumzaum

    I Does the electrical force also respect the Kepler Laws?

    I was wondering if the electrical force, which is a radial force that depends on the inverse of the distance squared, also respect the Three Kepler Laws? If so, what will the constant for the third law be?
  21. M

    B Which Energy Law is the Key to Understanding Work and Conservation?

    Hi, everyone! There are a lot of work energy conservation laws and I get confused which one of them summarizes all of them. Which one I should keep with me and rest should be easy to derive on spot ? 1. ##\Delta E_{mec}=0## 2. ##\Delta E_{mec}=W_{ext}## 3.##\Delta E_{mec} + \Delta...
  22. sachin

    Choosing what consists of a "system" in Newton's laws of motion

    The question is solved in a single step by taking the blocks as a system and using conservation of linear momentum in the horizontal direction as there is no net force acting in the horizontal direction. Conserving the momentum we get, m x v + M x 0 = (m+M)v', so,,v' = mv/(m +M).where v' is the...
  23. M

    B How are thermodynamic laws related to one another?

    Would you please explain how the laws of thermodynamics are related to one another? Are the laws entirely independent of one another? I can see only a connection between the zeroth law and the second law. Following is the quote from my previous thread. 1. Zeroth law: The zeroth law of...
  24. S

    How can l prove that Newton's laws are time invariant?

    how can l prove Newton's law is time invariant? if x (t) is a solution of dd/ddx x(t) = f(x(t)) then if l put y(-t) dd/ddt y(t)=dd/ddt x(-t). Now how dd/ddt x(-t) is equal to f(x(-t))?dd/ddt is second derivative with respect to time
  25. S

    Apparent weight problem (kinematics + conservation of Energy + Newton's laws)

    Hello there, I have tried the problem but don't get a different of 6g's as I am supposed to. I am not sure whether I interpreted the problem in the correct way, but I would love some feedback/hints on what went wrong in my solution, thanks in advance. Solution: SITUATION DRAWINGS + FBDS so...
  26. M

    B Questions about Feynman's contrasting Definitions and Laws in physics (From the paragraphs after equation 10.5) 'It is not just a definition to say the masses are equal when the velocities are equal, because to say the masses are equal is to imply the mathematical laws of equality, which in turn makes a prediction...
  27. R

    Quantum Books recommendation covering the Hydrogen atom and Kepler's laws (separately)

    Hi, I have an interview for masters degree program in 2 weeks and they asked to study two subjects thoroughly, first being Hydrogen atom and second being Kepler's laws. anyone recommends one book about each subject with advanced level questions that would help me understand the subjects to a...
  28. L_ucifer

    Using Faraday's laws to find the induced EMF

    Here is the question: We know the equation \epsilon = \frac{d\phi }{dt} = BAcos(\theta ). This means that the only way we can create an induced voltage is if we change the magnetic field, change the area of the loop in the magnetic field, or change the angle between the normal vector to the...
  29. R

    Understanding Velocity Addition Laws for People on Train & Ground

    I kind of just made up the questions. I realize this is a basic question but my knowledge of physics is very limited.q1 answer v_left_ball = v_left_ball - v_train v_right_ball = v_right_ball + v_train q2 answer To get the speed from Bob's frame I would use v_Bob = v_Bob + v_Alice To get the...
  30. S

    I Varying laws of high energy physics in inflation?

    I am have some questions that have arisen while reading an old but interesting article by Andreas Albrecht [1] that cites an article by Andrei Linde in the 90s on cosmic inflation [2]...Albrecht's paper is related to his ideas on "clock ambiguity" in which he proposes that the laws of physics...
  31. S

    I Changing or breaking the most fundamental laws and symmetries?

    There are some theoretical processes (like vacuum decay in quantum field theory) that could change the physical constants of the universe. Similarly, in inflation theory, various models predict that multiple regions that would stop inflating would become "bubble universes" perhaps with different...
  32. royaljelly

    I Are Newton's Laws just definitions?

    I have read a bunch of articles online regarding my question, and none have helped. Newton's Laws: 1. In an inertial reference frame, an object's momentum doesn't change unless acted upon by a force. 2. In an inertial reference frame, the force on an object equals the time derivative of its...
  33. N

    Solving Kirchoff's Laws: Are My Answers Correct?

    Does anyone know how to do part (a). I labelled the current through R1 I1, I4 through R4, I3 through R3, I2 through R2, and I5 through the 3ohm resistor. I used Kirchoff’s Laws to make the equations I1 + I4 = 8, 2I1 + 32I3 - 14I4 = 30, and I1 + I3 - I4 = 0. I solved these equations by subbing...
  34. T

    MHB Limit Laws and Techniques: What is the difference between left and right limits?

    What is the difference of x->c^- and x->c^+?
  35. plum356

    I Are De Morgan's laws for sets necessary in this proof?

    Good evening! Have a look at the following part of a proof: Mentor note: Fixed the LaTeX I don't understand the use of implications. Isn't ##x\in C_M(A\cup B)\iff x\notin(A\cup B)##? To me, all of these predicates are equivalent.
  36. Melbourne Guy

    Wondering about Australian anti-trolling laws for social media

    News just in: Australia will introduce legislation requiring social media companies to reveal anonymous users who post defamatory comments. has generally allowed US-based internet companies to avoid consequences for user posted content, and...
  37. H

    Forces and laws of motion -- Big gorilla hanging from two vines

    About 50 years ago, the San Diego Zoo, in California, had the largest gorilla on Earth: its mass was about 3.10 × 102 kg. Suppose a gorilla with this mass hangs from two vines, each of which makes an angle of 30.0° with the vertical. Draw a free-body diagram showing the various forces, and find...
  38. kara123

    Newton's laws of motion -- Force of gravity on a skydiver

    I think you would do force of gravity= mass x acceleration acceleration of gravity= 9.8 m/s mass 75 kg 75kg x 9.8 m/s =735 N i don't know if that's right but i have no idea how to calculate it after he lands, any help would be greatly appreciated!
  39. nirlalush

    Newton's laws — Two stacked blocks sliding on a frictionless floor

    hello , I am adding pdf with the questions and what i tried to do to solve them. in the first question my teacher just taught us that if there is a frictionless floor and i push the upper block (m) with force F toward me then if the static friction will be toward me too. so the lower block M is...
  40. S

    A Branes with any number "n" of dimensions and laws of physics?

    I had a few questions about this paper by Nima Arkani-Hamed, Georgi Dvali and Savas Dimopoulos ( which is closely related to the concept of branes ( 1. The authors of the paper mention that the branes in the model could...
  41. D

    A Faraday effect breaks photon interaction laws

    I was taught that photons ( non-ionizing at least) never interact. So Its really bugging me that most info on faraday effect invokes B field as the cause of ( for example) rotation effects. Since EM-waves (IE Photons) themselves propagate a (oscillating) Magnetic field through infinite space...
  42. Thytanium

    I Are Newton's Laws of physics compatible with thermodynamics?

    Good day friends. I want to know and ask you if Newton's laws are incompatible with thermodynamics.
  43. Mirod

    Zee QFT problem I.4.1: inverse square laws in (D+1)-dimensions

    I tried to do it for 2+1 D (3+1 is done in the text, by writing the integral in spherical coordinates and computing it directly). In 2+1 D I wrote it as: E = - \int \frac{d^2 k}{ (2\pi)^2 } \frac{e^{kr cos\theta}}{k^2 + m^2} = - \int_0^{\infty} \int_0^{2\pi} \frac{d k d\theta}{ (2\pi)^2 }...
  44. S

    I Newton's Laws with one body inside another

    Hello All What would be the motion of a weight dropped into a hole drilled all the way through an Earth-sized planet? Would the weight accelerate all the way to the centre and then decelerate until it got to the far side, and repeat this motion forever? OR Would it accelerate initially and...
  45. li dan

    I Would this violate or challenge Newton's laws?

    The phenomenon of diffusion is a transport phenomenon based on the thermal motion of molecules, a process in which molecules are transported from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration by Brownian motion. Let's assume that there is a car, the road under the wheels is...
  46. M

    I Configuring Laws of Motion: Static/Dynamic

    $$\Box A_\alpha +\mu^2 A_\alpha = 2\beta A_\mu \partial_\alpha A^\mu + \frac {4\pi}{c} J_\alpha$$ where ##A=(\Phi, \vec A)## and ##J=(\rho, \vec J)## using a static configuration first where ##α=0## and then a dynamic one where ##α=i## knowing that ##E= - \nabla^2 \Phi - \frac {\partial...
  47. R

    B Is Ice-Nine a Real Substance or Just a Fictional Creation?

    Does the fictional substance ice-nine in Kurt Vonnegut's Cats Cradle violate any physical laws, or is it merely something that does not exit?