Scanning Definition and 49 Threads

SCANNING: The Journal of Scanning Microscopies is a peer-reviewed scientific journal covering all aspects of scanning microscopy, including scanning electron, scanning probe and scanning optical microscopies. Since 1 January 2017, Scanning become fully open access. It remains a Wiley journal, but is now published and hosted by the Hindawi Publishing Corporation.

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  1. M

    Biomedical Engineering: Scanning k-space in NMR with readout gradient

    Hi, Firstly, I apologize if this is the wrong forum to post this. I am learning about this concept in a biomedical engineering context, but perhaps this may be better suited to the Biology or Physics pages. If so, please let me know and I can move the post. In short, I am confused how we can...
  2. Edge5

    A Scanning Tunneling Microscope I-V curve

    I know that scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) I-V curve is exponential for a conducting sample. How would it look like if I had a semiconductor and a non-conductor sample?
  3. Quentin_alex

    Differential scanning calorimetry of nylon 6

    Hello, I ran a test on an industrial composite of 30% glass-filled nylon 6, and my melting temperature peak is too low. The range was from -30 C to 275 C. Why could this be happening? Should I suspect the sample pan? Thanks.
  4. K

    X-Ray Shielding (Scanning Electron Microscope)

    Hallo everyone, I have a question about X-Ray shielding in a scanning electron microscope and I hope you can help me! The topic is that when electrons hit the specimen, characteristic radiation up to 10keV is generated. This radiation is blocked/decelerated my the surrounding tower and chamber...
  5. R

    PHI 600 Scanning Auger Multiprobe Problem

    Hi, Does anyone have any experience with the Perkin Elmer PHI 600 Scanning Auger Multiprobe? I ran into a problem with my system. Please respond so we can discuss this in detail. Thanks.
  6. 0

    I Delayed choice quantum eraser scanning telescope

    Hi! :) I have this question regarding delayed choice quantum eraser - If my understanding is correct then interference pattern will form/not form based on whether there is erasing mirror in path of entangled particle - regardless of time when particle arrive at mirror. Should not it be...
  7. S

    Uncovering the Strength of SEM's Electromagnetic Lenses

    Does anybody happen to know the strength of the electroMAGNETic lenses of a scanning electron microscope? I was thinking of using solenoid coils, which would be enough if I am willing to increase the focal distance, but the lenses on SEM's seem far larger.
  8. Kelson Adams

    Use 3D laser scanning to map Outer Space?

    Mobile, airborne, and terrestrial 3D laser scanning gives an unprecedented amount of data to companies, organizations, and governments. However, I am wondering whether or not 3D laser scanners have ever been used in astronomy, astrophysics, and in astrocartography... If they haven't, I believe...
  9. S

    Exploring SEM Imaging: Cost & Advancements in Raster Scanning

    Looking at Ben Krasnow's youtube video on breaking down the parts and general cost for a scanning electron microscope, he lists a raster scan generator, is that able to produce the highest resolution images still? Or is there another more modern technology for this purpose? Otherwise, how has...
  10. C

    Is it possible to scientifically discuss the dream world?

    Science, unless I'm mistaken, tells us that electrochemical exchanges within our neural networks are what dreams and thoughts are manifested from. Problem is, to say that dreams are a manifestation of specific phenomena is to utterly refuse to say what the dreams literally are. How can science...
  11. N

    Optimal algorithm for scanning servers.

    I'm writing a piece of software and need to find an optimal algorithm for scanning servers. Basically I'm given a list of N IP addresses, each IP address has two associated datetime values: The time the server was last known to be online and the time of the last connection attempt. Given these...
  12. B

    How can I improve my back-scattered images with a scanning electron microscope?

    Hi, I am working with a scanning electron microscope with the SED and it works fine. I have tried on several occasions to use the BSED without any success. All I get is a very faint dark image. Would you be able to give me some advice as to where I am going wrong? Thanks in advance
  13. M

    Scanning values to structs in C

    Homework Statement I do not have much experience with C, just a single course a few years ago, and I didn't do so well in it either. I'm just trying to get familiar with structs in C. Basically what I want to do is just store the length and width of a rectangle using a function and a...
  14. Z

    Scanning Tunnelling Microscope

    Homework Statement The tip of a scanning tunnelling microscope is placed 1.0 nm away from a conducting surface and a potential of dV = 0.03 V is applied to the surface relative to the tip. When the tip is moved laterally to a new position on the surface the tunnelling current increases by...
  15. schrodingerscat11

    Getting the concentration from Scanning Electron Microscope

    Greetings! I am doing particle analysis using a JEOL 5310 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Typically, people here in the lab report the results in % Element or % Atomic. I think the former refers to the weight percentage of an element and the latter to the stoichiometric ratio of...
  16. S

    Scanning Electron Microscopy of Graphene

    Hi Everyone, I have recently made some graphene on copper via a chemical vapour deposition process. I have also managed to have a peep under an SEM at this. I do see what I believe to be monolayer graphene. I am very sure the contrast I see is graphene due to the growth patterns, ranging from...
  17. P

    Methods to stabilize scanning tunneling microscope(STM)

    When the STM becomes unstable(large variations in the current), what procedures should I take in order to fix it? I am new to the STM, but after a few month`s experience I notice that one of the main problems is stabilizing it. When the tunneling current becomes unstable, I`ve tried to...
  18. sophiecentaur

    Is There a Move Towards Pseudo Random Scanning for Digital TV Displays?

    Since the transition from CRT to digital displays, has there been any move to modify the displays to pseudo random scan for TV pictures, as opposed to raster scan? I have tried Google but the only references I can find refer to vector graphics, which is not what I wanted. There must be someone...
  19. M

    Scanning tunnelling microscope - Whats the piezoscanner for?

    What does the piezoelectric scanner do? Does it record the electric current tunnelled by the tip or is it just used to move the tip in response to electric currents?
  20. zonde

    Scanning pattern in Planck's maps

    There is a year old Planck picture: The sky seen through Planck's nine frequency channels There is no other data just this picture. But it is very intriguing just the same. In 70GHz 100GHz frequency maps there is clear scanning pattern visible. And 143GHz frequency map shows stripes that...
  21. L

    How Does STM Tip Distance Affect Electron Current Ratios?

    Homework Statement A scanning tunneling microscope (STM) can precisely determine the depths of surface features because the current through its tip is very sensitive to differences in the width of the gap between the tip and the sample surface. Assume that in this direction the electron wave...
  22. P

    Scanning Tunneling Microscope Question (introductory modern physics)

    Homework Statement A scanning tunneling microscope (STM) can precisely determine the depths of surface features because the current through its tip is very sensitive to differences in the width of the gap between the tip and the sample surface. Assume that in this direction the electron wave...
  23. D

    Is My Thesis on Mechanical Vibrations Ready for Expert Review?

    I just submitted my final year thesis yesterday, but I was working on it right up to the submission time because there was so much work involved so I didn't get a chance to ask anyone to scan over the document to see if it reads alright from the point of view of an impartial observer. Now that...
  24. K

    Scanning Electron Microscope Scanning Coils Kapton

    Hello, I am working on researching new ways to insulate some scanning coils on the SEM I work on. Currently we use Kapton to insulate the wires but it becomes brittle and wears over time easily. I am looking for alternatives to using Kapton for the scanning coils. Any ideas and suggestions...
  25. Ranger Mike

    White Light Scanning: How Does it Work?

    ow does white light scanning work? I know the system is used in industry to measure parts for dimensions like diameter, size. I know there is a white light source. There is a camera mounted at a known angle relative to the white light source. I was told the signal is obtained from the center...
  26. Ranger Mike

    White Light Scanning: How It Works & Benefits

    How does white light scanning work? I know the system is used in industry to measure parts for dimensions like diameter, size. I know there is a white light source. There is a camera mounted at a known angle relative to the white light source. I was told the signal is obtained from the center...
  27. P

    Scanning Electron Microscope Images

    Would the resulting image by a scanning electron microscope be different if it scanned across the y-axis? SEMs have deflecting coils that move the electron beam from left to right (x-axis) rapidly while traversing down the y-axis to cover the entire specimen. Would the image you get after...
  28. D

    Scanning tunneling microscopes, physics lab

    This may be a bit of a silly question, but I'm wondering if it is feasible to design a freshman level lab experiment using a STM? For example, let's say the lab is simply intended to give the students a better appreciation of how a STM operates within the framework of quantum mechanics, with the...
  29. J

    Quantum Tunneling in a Scanning Tunneling Microscope

    Hi! I have a physics presentation tomorrow where I have to explain how a scanning tunneling microscope works. I also have to explain what quantum tunneling is and how it is used in a scanning tunneling microscope. I've done some research on the internet and I think I have a basic grasp of...
  30. K

    Homemade Scanning Laser Color Projector/TV

    In this project, by means of two mirrors (which can be tilted about two perpendicular axis) we deflect the laser beam so as to scan a rectangular screen and modulate the laser source to obtain a colored image on the screen. We don’t make use of sophisticated devices such as MEMS micromirror and...
  31. R

    Laser Scanning: Wavelengths & Pulse Durations

    Detailed ideas on how different wavelengths and pulse durations can limit scans
  32. M

    Learning QFT: Scanning Mandl & Shaw for Highlights

    I am starting to learn QFT and I am scanning my text (Mandl and Shaw) for the highlights. Would some please confirm whether these are the highlights. (1) The states are Fock states where the states are distinguished by occupation numbers for various single particle or single photon states...
  33. E

    Differential Scanning Calorimetry on plastic

    Hi Is there anyone, that can explan why the melting and crystallization peak of a plastic don not have same position in DSC scan?
  34. E

    Scanning Tunnelling Microscope (STM)

    ''The Scanning Tunnelling Microscope probes the density of states of a material''... What does this actually mean?
  35. N

    How Can You Correctly Read and Format File Data in C?

    Homework Statement Ok, here is the other question that's giving me a headache. There is a file which holds 5 data items per line and a minimum of 1 line. The data is always in the order float float integer float string and each element is separated by a space. So we need to ask the user for...
  36. D

    Glasslike sheet needed for book scanning platform

    I'm trying to build a book scanning platform, and I need a thin sheet of clear material which will be used to hold open the book in order to image the pages. I was contemplating using plexiglass, but glass is certainly an option as well. I am more concerned about the cost than anything. I...
  37. B

    Ultra high vacuum with scanning tunneling microscope

    I am working on a project involving a scanning tunneling microscope, and to move atoms i need an untra high vacuum chamber. Any info you have on UHV or STM would be immensly appreciated.:rolleyes: Thanks
  38. B

    Freshman HS student working on a scanning tunneling microscope

    I am a freshman high school student working on a scanning tunneling microscope for a science fair project. I need to build a vacuum for bottom up capabilities. If anyone can help with the STM or the vacuum it would be greatly appreciated.:rolleyes:
  39. L

    How Does the Scanning Helium Ion Microscope Compare to Electron Microscopes?

    How is this microscope going to be way way better than the electron microscope? Does anyone know the significance of this piece of equipment? Website links would also be nice... thanks
  40. L

    Theory of a Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM)

    Hi, for my integration class I am building a scanning tunnelling microscope (STM). I found some interesting designs and I choose the cheapest one (students are poor) witch uses a unimorph disk. Here is the STM design I plan to build:". For my class I need to...
  41. L

    Circuit of a Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM)

    Hi, for my integration class I am building a scanning tunnelling microscope (STM). I found some interesting designs and I choose the cheapest one (students are poor) witch uses a unimorph disk. The circuits are not that hard to build but I also need to understand them. I have some knowledge in...
  42. R

    Sudoku scanning and trial and error

    Hi, I wondered whether there is any other way to solve these puzzles apart from just scanning and trial and error ? Also is there any relevance to group theory or any other mathematics ? Is there any practical way of solving it mentally ? because I have to write out the various...
  43. J

    Exploring Alternative Materials for 3D Dental Scanning

    Hello, currently I work at a dental lab, we just got in a new 3D scanner that scans in models of peoples teeth so that we can build crowns for the prepped teeth. I was told that it is a IR scanner. We have to put some type of spray or powder on the models so that the camera can see them good...
  44. Kerrie

    Virus Scanning Software: How to Find & Remove a Virus

    Does anyone know of where to obtain a good virus software scanning program? I downloaded a virus scanning program awhile back which told me I had one, but I didn't know how to remove it.
  45. M

    Looking, watching and scanning people

    Well, being living in the middle east for the most years in my life, I was "aadjusted" to many social staff the the people there have, like [Not staring] too much at people from the opp sex. sth they call it "lowering the gaze" when they speak , avoiding long eye-contact with opp geneder while...
  46. D

    Software to Scan Equations for Word/PDF

    Hello, can anyone tell me what software can scan equation and convert it well into microsoft word and adobe pdf? Thx
  47. M

    A Virtual Scanning Electron Microscope

    A Virtual Scanning Electron Microscope, the link is provided to me (and anyone who reads that Journal) by the People at the Journal Science, The AAAS... Click"
  48. W

    What Limits the Detail Optical Devices Can See and How Does SEM Compare?

    I know that optical devices are limited in the detail that can be seen because of the size of the wavelength of visible light. What is the limit, the smallest thing that can be seen with an optical device? Is the level of detail directly proportional to the wavelength? So what is the wavelength...