Recent content by Blugga

  1. B

    How to derive equation of deflecting curve for a simple beam

    I'm in class right now, but this is how I got the moments.
  2. B

    How to derive equation of deflecting curve for a simple beam

    yes that is what we're supposed to get, but I'm not getting close to it. Pretty much all I have to do is get the moment of the beam as a function of x for the first half of the beam and the second half. From there, we take the integral twice. Anyway, I think my first question is, are the...
  3. B

    How to derive equation of deflecting curve for a simple beam

    Homework Statement Obtain deflection curve in terms of q, L, and EI Homework Equations Use the second order differential equation of the deflection curve to solve. Meaning that the M(x) is the second derivative and you integrate twice to get V1 and V2 The Attempt at a Solution From the...
  4. B

    Calculating support reactions in a beam

    That's what I got. :smile:
  5. B

    Calculating support reactions in a beam

    Yes it is, and it's clockwise.
  6. B

    Calculating support reactions in a beam

    Your mistake is where you take the moment of the uniformly distributed load. You have "4(10kN)(4 + 4/2)" for the moment of the uniformly distributed load. You're right that the resultant force from the 10kN/m load will be 4*10 because the load is acting on the 4 meter length. This resultant...
  7. B

    Calculating support reactions in a beam

    Is A the pin support and B the roller support? I don't see it on picture
  8. B

    Help drawing Mohr's circle with rotated axis

    Problem Solved. I did it all by myself!
  9. B

    Help drawing Mohr's circle with rotated axis

    Homework Statement Plane stress in xy-plane. Use Mohr's Circle to find σx1 σy1 and τx1y1 if the XY axis is rotated counterclockwise θº I want to do my HW problem myself so I'll just put some sample values. If i know how to get this one, i'll know how to do the HW problem(s). (Units won't...
  10. B

    Which wood cross section can carry highest uniform load

    I understand that, but this isn't an exam. It's a take home quiz/assignment. It's worth a very small percentage of the overall grade, about 0.7% and I already had half right so you were only helping with 0.35%. Only reason I asked was because the book was of no help and there was no one else I...
  11. B

    Which wood cross section can carry highest uniform load

    It's a sort of take home quiz. The book doesn't go into depth into how to find this sort of info for these shapes. It just explains briefly for 1 or 2 wood boards, and i have 4. I think you may be right about the X1 being off. I think x1 will just be 10.5ft - 4ft. So x1=6.5ft. Therefore...
  12. B

    Which wood cross section can carry highest uniform load

    I guess it kinda helps prove my point, but I was kinda looking for a more mathematical response :)
  13. B

    Which wood cross section can carry highest uniform load

    Which wood cross sectioπ caπ carry hïghest uπiform load Homework Statement Homework Equations Moment of inertia for rectangle I=(1/12)bh3 τ=(VQ)/(I*b) σ=(MV)/I The Attempt at a Solution I started by finding reactions at B and C Then drew the sheer and moment diagrams (to save...
  14. B

    Help. Shear force and bending moment problem makes no sense

    Homework Statement Homework Equations ƩFx=0 ƩFy=0 ƩMo=0 The Attempt at a Solution I have no clue. By cutting the pieces, it changes the length. By cutting the cable at c and removing the 2 supports, wouldn't it make all the forces and moments = 0?
  15. B

    Finding elongation of bar and maximum tensile stress

    So what I'm getting from this is that the maximum tension occurs at AB so I only set σmax=σAB and don't add them with the other member in tension. Thanks :)