Recent content by Divergent13

  1. D

    Need some advice on two's complement comparitor circuit

    rbj, Theelectricchild, and dlgoff, Thank you for your suggestions and the wealth of information. I do believe I have a working design using what was stated in this thread.
  2. D

    Need some advice on two's complement comparitor circuit

    Normally I would ask this in the HW section but I think this would be better directed towards EE's. I am trying to design a circuit for a design project that will take a 4-bit two's complement number (IE: A3A2A1A0) and output true if it is greater than another 4-bit two's complement number...
  3. D

    Computing a complex matrix exponential

    Excellent, thank you very much I understand the problem completely.
  4. D

    Computing a complex matrix exponential

    Dear Members, I have been recently introduced with the concept of matrix exponentials in class. I have been successful with computing such functions as e^{At} where say, A is a 2x2 invertible matrix that has real eigenvalues. When I am presented with a problem such as: D = \D =...
  5. D

    MATLAB Using an ADSR Envelope in MATLAB

    Dear Members, I am trying to apply a windowing function to a group of notes that I have created in MATLAB. For example, a piecewise linear function that looks like this: [img=] (No specific slopes defined). %I first define the...
  6. D

    Finding a 3x3 Matrix D that Satisfies a Given Equation

    btw i really apologize for the stupid thread title... i was ctually testing out my TeX format and accidentally posted with a wrong name--- id change it if i could but i cannot!
  7. D

    Finding a 3x3 Matrix D that Satisfies a Given Equation

    Wait what do you mean by expanding out the other? What does both sides on the left mean? Like A and D? Thanks.
  8. D

    Finding a 3x3 Matrix D that Satisfies a Given Equation

    Hello everyone the following problem has me completely stumped, I am to find a certain 3x3 matrix D that satisfies the following equation: ADA^{-1} = \left(\begin{array}{ccc}1&0&0\\1&0&0\\1&0&0\end{array}\right) where : A = \left(\begin{array}{ccc}1&2&3\\0&1&1\\0&2&1\end{array}\right)...
  9. D

    Your thoughts on a proof of Matrix Operations

    Would that qualify? I don't know if there's any "distributive" property i can use here.
  10. D

    Your thoughts on a proof of Matrix Operations

    So I understand that definition, and I obtain: (B^{-1}A)(A^{-1}C)(C^{-1}B) So I know that B^-1*B will yield the identity matrix, and the same identity matrices multipled by each other will be the same thing--- but in matrix mutliplication order is important--- so from here is it valid just...
  11. D

    Your thoughts on a proof of Matrix Operations

    Greetings! I am asked to do the following: Simplify (A^{-1}B)^{-1}(C^{-1}A)^{-1}(B^{-1}C)^{-1} for (n x n) invertible matrices A B and C. You see, I was able to show that the result of this is simply the identity matrix I_n by selecting 3 (2x2) matrices A B and C that were invertible...
  12. D

    Help with Bernoulli's principle application

    I believe your equation is right, but there's a lot going on here with squareroots, and I am not sure if the negative sign is there or not. Anyone know?
  13. D

    Approximation methods that can be applied

    Where did the R come from again?