Recent content by Jeff Corkern

  1. J

    A Advanced Aliens Are In Happiness Boxes: Why SETI Must Fail

    There is an aspect to this SETI problem that has not yet been considered. I'd post the entire article here if I could, but the copyright is not mine for one year. (Yeah, I wrote this.) Any SETI scientist who reads this is going to...
  2. J

    B The aliens are silent because they are dead

    The aliens are silent because they are in Happiness Boxes. Computer-generated "artificial" realities. It's the smart thing to do. All sentient races do this. In fact, what has made this clear is the human race has started to go down the same path. Here is a more detailed explanation. It shows...
  3. J

    Question about membrane potential

    The question wasn't how nerve impulses propagate. The question was how electrically neutral solutions could have a current flow between them. It's not metals in a cell. At least as far as I know. I'm a chemist, not a cell biologist. It's more likely to be organic electron-accepting groups.
  4. J

    Question about membrane potential

    Now that I've thought about it---yeah, I'm sure. "Electrochemical gradient" is EXACTLY the reason batteries work. It's just that in batteries, there's only one chemical species in each half-cell that's being oxidized/reduced. In cells, it's a thousand times more complicated, but the fundamental...
  5. J

    Is Potassium Detectable with a Chemical Test?

    Didn't notice the dates. Hey! Can I help it if potassium is a wuss element? Jeff Corkern -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Consider the following as a statement of logic and rank it as "True" or "False." "If people possesses...
  6. J

    Is Potassium Detectable with a Chemical Test?

    It's easier than that. I am an environmental chemist. I spent years running an ICP-AES, an Inductively-Coupled Plasma---Atomic Emission Spectrometer. Basically, you fire up an argon plasma at 5000C or so, (not sure), squirt the solution into it and measure the light given off the metallic...
  7. J

    Question about membrane potential

    Here is what popped into my head. You're confusing "electrically neutral" with "at the same potential." NOT the same thing. There certainly is no difference in electrical energy because they are electrically neutral, but there IS a difference in chemical energy, which is expressed in a...
  8. J

    Predicting when a liquid flow will break into droplets

    Thanks for the URL. I'll check them out. The question I ask has already been completely solved numerically, would you believe, the solution's just not available to me. The ink-jet industry had a HUGE financial interest in solving that particular problem. Some massive model with like 50,000...
  9. J

    Seperation of sodium and potassium carbonates

    I wondered how you could form carbonates in a fire . . . Jeff Corkern -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Consider the following as a statement of logic and rank it as "True" or "False." "If people possesses immortal souls, it should...
  10. J

    Seperation of sodium and potassium carbonates

    Ah, so. I stand corrected.
  11. J

    Seperation of sodium and potassium carbonates

    I ain't real certain carbonates are there in the first place. Not if it's "ashes" as in ashes left over from a fire. Carbonate decomposes with heat to form carbon dioxide. It's why sodium bicarbonate smothers fire. Somebody correct me if this is wrong. Jeff Corkern...
  12. J

    Tap vs Bottled Water; Guidance Appreciated

    I get the impression you're worried about the wrong thing. The 4000 words. It's not the writing that's going to take the most effort and time. It's the research. Hmm. You could ask the question in the beginning, is there any scientific justification for paying more for bottled water. Then...
  13. J

    Predicting when a liquid flow will break into droplets

    Thanks. They want $20 for the article online but I happen to live very close to a large university and have access to their chemistry library. Will check out the other references. You can find stuff that's very easy, or you can find stuff that's very complicated, but it's hard to find...
  14. J

    Tap vs Bottled Water; Guidance Appreciated

    I am an environmental chemist. There really isn't any difference between tap vs bottled water. Except marketing! This is NOT to say some water might not taste better than some other water. I had some water out of a spring in Arkansas once that was absolutely delicious. I can give you...
  15. J

    Predicting when a liquid flow will break into droplets

    The following is also posted in the Chemistry forum. This is a cross-post. If this is not allowed, it's fine with me if this post is deleted by an admin. I would like to know how to predict when a flow of liquid---dichloromethane, actually---freely flowing downward through a small hole...