Recent content by Krizalid1

  1. Krizalid1

    MHB How Do You Calculate the Density of a Random Vector with Given Conditions?

    I'm pretty rusted with this stuff. How about a hand? Let (U,V) be a random vector such that f_V(u)=\dfrac{3}{v^3}I_{[3,\infty)}(v) and U/V=v has uniform distribution over the interval ]0,3v[. Find: a) A density for the random vector (U,V). b) A density for the random variable U. c) A...
  2. Krizalid1

    MHB Uniform Continuity and Cauchy Sequences

    Following Opalg's hint, you have [0,1] is a compact set and f is clearly continuous on [0,1]. Does that ring any bell? Besides, proving uniform continuity on [1,\infty) follows easily by definition.
  3. Krizalid1

    MHB Integrating $\sin^3\left({x}\right)\cos\left({x}\right)dx$: Solution

    Why doing the second step? Since \dfrac{d}{dx}{{\sin }^{2}}x=2\cos (x)\sin(x)
  4. Krizalid1

    MHB Analysis Revisited: 6 Questions & Solutions to Prove Metric Space Properties

    I'll be posting Analysis questions. :D If you submit a solution, please use Spoiler. If you have an alternate one, use the Spoiler anyway. If this goes right, I'll be making a big PDF containing all solutions so that it may be useful for students that are taking this course. 1. Let $(X,d)$ be...
  5. Krizalid1

    MHB What is the best recommended multivariable calculus book?

    Okay so I need some opinions. Which is the best multivariable calculus book you may guys recommend?
  6. Krizalid1

    MHB Definite Integral challenge #4

    I know, it's just that I know the solution but I want other peoply to try it. :D
  7. Krizalid1

    MHB Continuity of IVP: Show $\lim_{y_0\to x_0}u(t,y_0)=u(t,x_0)$

    Let $A_{n\times n}$ be a matrix with real and distincts eigenvalues. Let $u(t,x_0)$ be a solution for the initial value problem $\overset{\cdot }{\mathop{x}}\,=Ax$ with $x(0)=x_0,$ then show that for each fixed $t\in\mathbb R,$ we have $$\lim_{y_0\to x_0}u(t,y_0)=u(t,x_0).$$
  8. Krizalid1

    MHB Integration Sign Error: TI-Nspire Solution

    The misuse of the $\implies$ sign is common and makes no sense when writing things like $1+1\implies2.$ It's used when you already stated an equality and want to "imply" some consequence.
  9. Krizalid1

    MHB Convergence of Series: $\sum a_nb_n$

    Let $a_n$ and $b_n$ be sequences in $\mathbb R.$ Show that if $\displaystyle\sum b_n$ converges and $\displaystyle\sum|a_n-a_{n+1}|<\infty,$ then $\displaystyle\sum a_nb_n$ converges.
  10. Krizalid1

    MHB Integrable Function on $[0,1]$: Proving a Limit

    Give it a try! It's a nice problem!
  11. Krizalid1

    MHB Why is the chain rule fallacious?

    Classic computation of the following derivative and integral as follows: $f(x)=\sin(2x)\implies f'(x)=\cos(2x),$ since most of students forget to apply the chain rule. $\displaystyle\int{\frac{dx}{1+2{{x}^{2}}}}=\tan^{-1}(2x)+k,$ again the same error since they don't consider the fact the...
  12. Krizalid1

    MHB There are a,b>=0, such that |f(x)|<= ax+b

    Now, more generally: Let $f:\mathbb R\to\mathbb R$ be a uniform continuous function, then exist $a,b>0$ such that $|f(x)|\le a|x|+b.$ Let $\delta > 0$ be such that $|x-y|\le \delta \implies |f(x)-f(y)| < 1$. Claim: $|f(x)| \le \frac{2}{\delta}|x| +|f(0)|$ for all $x$. Proof: WLOG, $x>0,$...
  13. Krizalid1

    MHB There are a,b>=0, such that |f(x)|<= ax+b

    Actually what follows, it's the converse: Let $f:A\subset\mathbb R\to\mathbb R$ be with bounded derivative then $f$ is Lipschitz on $A,$ hence, uniformly continuous.
  14. Krizalid1

    Lingusitics Learn Languages: Are You Joining the Trend?

    Thank you! You're learning a beautiful language!