Recent content by Malicious

  1. M

    What is a "g" for electric fields?

    Thanks guys. I can't believe I didn't know that "g" meant gravity.
  2. M

    What is a "g" for electric fields?

    What is a "g"? What is the electric field strength at a paoint in space where a protone (m=1.67x10^-27 kg) experiences an acceleration of 1 million "g's"? My only question is: What is a "g"?
  3. M

    What Is the Vibrational Frequency of a Guitar String Based on Beat Frequencies?

    Homework Statement A guitar string produces 4 beat/s when sounded with a 350-Hz tuning fork and 9 beat/s when sounded with a 355-Hz fork. What is the vibrational frequency of the string? Explain your reasoning. Homework Equations f=v//\ The Attempt at a Solution I'm not quite sure...
  4. M

    Calculating Resonant Frequency of a Soda Bottle

    Homework Statement (a)What resonant frequency would you expect from blowing across the top of an empty soda bottle that is 15cm deep? (b) How would that change if it was one-third of soda Homework Equations /\=v/f The Attempt at a Solution 15cm=1.5m /\=2L=2(1.5m)=3.0m (a)...
  5. M

    How Is Work Calculated in a Gas PV Diagram for Path a-d?

    Problem. Find Work done by each path. My Solution. a-b, c-d >> W=P(delta)V a-c, b-d >> W=0 My Question. What is the work done by the gas (path a-d)? My Thoughts. There is a change in both pressure and volume. However, the...
  6. M

    Analyzing Circular Motion: Work and Tension Calculations

    AWESOME! :biggrin: Thanks for your help guys.
  7. M

    Analyzing Circular Motion: Work and Tension Calculations

    So, you're saying that there is no work being done by the cord since F*D=FDcos@= 0 ? My bad. :redface: F = m*a F=m*(v^2/r) F = (0.200kg)*((3.7m/s)^2)/(0.500m)) F = 5.476 Right?
  8. M

    Analyzing Circular Motion: Work and Tension Calculations

    Are you referring to this acceleration? ------------------------------------ a. If I use W=mad, I still do not know the acceleration or velocity since it is not given in part a. Am I using the right forumula...
  9. M

    Analyzing Circular Motion: Work and Tension Calculations

    How did I double post? Some thoughts. - Since part a asks for "work", I thought I'd try the work forumula. W=Fd. I then substituted F=ma into the forumula and got W=mad. I plugged in the variables and got W=(0.200kg)(0.500m)a. Since the ball is not accelerating horizontally as its rotating...
  10. M

    Analyzing Circular Motion: Work and Tension Calculations A ball is spun at a constant velocity. a. How much work is done by the cord in one revolution? b. The speed of the ball is determined to be 3.7 m/s. Assuming that the cord is horizontal as it swings, calculate the expected...
  11. M

    Where Can I Find Comics About Electricity and Magnetism?

    Does anyone know where I can find some comic strips about electricity and magnetism.
  12. M

    Looking for books for AP Physics B

    I am currently struggling in AP Physics B at school and find the textbook issued to me by the school (College Physics by Serway and Faughn Fifth Edition) a bit difficult to comprehend. I do not want to fail the class or the AP test and was wondering if there were any good, easy to understand AP...
  13. M

    Solve Vector Problem: Hurricane Path & Distance from Grand Bahama

    The eye of a hurricane passes over Grand Bahama Island. It is moving in a direction of 60.0 (degrees) north of west with a speed of 41.0 km/h. 3 hours later, the course of the hurricane suddenly shifts due north, and its speed slows to 25.0 km/h. How far from Grand Bahama is the hurricane 4.50 h...
  14. M

    Solving for Vertical Projectile Motion: Maximum Height, Time, Speed Formulas

    I see.. What does y represent? EDIT: nvm, I found it in the book.
  15. M

    Solving for Vertical Projectile Motion: Maximum Height, Time, Speed Formulas

    A ball is thrown vertically upward with a speed of 25.0 m/s. (a) How high does it rise? (b) How long does it take to reach its highest point. (c) How long does it take to hit the ground after it reaches its highest point? (d) What is its speed when it returns to the level from which it started...