Recent content by mazz1801

  1. M

    Izod Impact test Cross Sectional Area

    Homework Statement Ok, so in a lab I was preforming Izod impact tests on notched polymer specimens. To complete my calculations I need to determine the correct cross-sectional area to use (Which is baffling me as the simple things usually do) The sample was loaded with the notch facing...
  2. M

    Deflection of a beam by successive integration

    Thank you so much guys, I am just about to head to the exam and have just figured out my problem! You ledgends!
  3. M

    Deflection of a beam by successive integration

    Homework Statement A beam is built in at its end supports A and B, and is subject to a mid-span point load F. Using the method of successive integration, determine an expression for the deflection of this beam. Calculate the maximum deflection. Ignore any axial load effects. Homework...
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    Homework Statement Provide one self drawn graphic. Topic: artificial heart valve designThe Attempt at a Solution I'm a second year biomedical engineering student and our professor wants us to provide one self drawn graphic for a paper that is due on thursday We take classes in autodesk...
  5. M

    Find the Values for which the function is continuous

    Homework Statement Determine the values of k,L,m and n such that the following function g(x) is continuous and differentiable at all points Homework Equations 2x2-n if x<-2 mx+L if -2≤x<2 kx2+1 if x≥2 The Attempt at a Solution So I know that...
  6. M

    How Do You Calculate Torque in Bicycle Chain Drives?

    With respect to the force the cyclist applies on the pedals. Neglecting air resistance
  7. M

    How Do You Calculate Torque in Bicycle Chain Drives?

    Its not an actual homework question just principals I am unclear on. Its in relation to a standard bicycle being driven by a rider How would I calculate the minimum torque on the back wheel? How would I calculate the maximum torque on the back wheel? How would I calculate toque on the...
  8. M

    Torque Calculation. Short- Am I correct?

    Thanks for your help! I am pretty sure I understand it now!
  9. M

    Torque Calculation. Short- Am I correct?

    Thank you for the tip! You are very helpful! What about if the point of application of the force is away from where you want to calculate the force? For example a spanner moving a nut... Would it have no effect or would I use the entire length of the spanner up to the centre of the nut?
  10. M

    Torque Calculation. Short- Am I correct?

    Ok so I was completely off the mark on that one! You have used a radius perpendicular to the application point of the torque. And you have resolved the torque for both forces and added them...
  11. M

    Torque Calculation. Short- Am I correct?

    Homework Statement What is the torque on the steering wheel? Homework Equations I don't know how to draw on here. Steering wheel is circular. It has a Diameter of 300mm A force of 20N acts downwards toward the 3 oclock position A force of 10N acts Upwards toward the 9 oclock...
  12. M

    Explanation on how these solutions can be easily seen

    Gosh now I feel super dumb :P Thanks a million!
  13. M

    Explanation on how these solutions can be easily seen

    Explanation on how these solutions can be "easily" seen Homework Statement Show that x1(t)=cos(t) and x2(t)=sin(t) are both solutions to the following Equation. Homework Equations (d2x/dt2) + x = 0 The Attempt at a Solution Ok, So I just cannot understand how this can easily...
  14. M

    How Do I Derive Equation 2 from Equation 1 in Physics?

    Homework Statement This is in a written example of some lecture notes that I have. Is in the middle of a question about the forces of contact between two blocks on a smooth table. I don't need help with the rest of the question. I just want to know how to get from equation 1 below to...