Recent content by Serena_Greene

  1. S

    Reduction Formula and Integration by Parts

    I was sick and missed class:rolleyes: ∫ sin^2x dx = x/2 – sin2x/4 + C (I see that there is a trig identity in the answer as sin2x = 2sinxcosx) What I tried (copying the example in the book) u = sinx du = sinxcosx dx (why is du not cosx?) v = -cos x dv = sinx dx (why is this...
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    Can someone explain how a magnetic field generates an electric current?

    How does a magnetic field generate an electric current? Can someone explain this to me in simple terms? Or is there a website that might help me understand this? Thanks
  3. S

    Formula to calculate Rocket Thrust

    I'm tyring to find the formula that is used to calculate rocket thrust. Thanks Serena
  4. S

    Collision Damage Comparison: 40mph Head-On vs. 80mph vs. Rest

    Wouldn't it follow the Kinetic Energy equation? Kinetic Energy = 1/2 * mass * velocity^2 As velocity is squared the 80-0 would do more damage. (assuming that both accidents involved the exact same type of cars)
  5. S

    How many revolutions per minute is the sample making

    A centrifuge is a device in which a small container of material is rotated at a high speed on a circular path. Such a device is used in medical laboratories, for instance, to cause the more dense red blood cells to settle through the less dense blood serum and collect at the bottom of the...
  6. S

    How do I solve these physics problems?

    I need some direction with two homework problems. 1) A 215kg crate rests on a surface that is inclined above the horizontal at an angle of 26.1 degrees. A horizontal force, 528 N, is required to start the create moving down the incline. What is the coefficient of static friction between...
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    What is the difference in masses of planets A and B?

    Thanks! I just wanted to make sure before I typed it into GradePlus. It was correct (I had already used up a try as I couldn't get the entire number in, but found out I could use Exponents) I asked my Physic teacher if I did the problem correctly and he started to do the problem, and he...
  8. S

    What is the difference in masses of planets A and B?

    I think I have done this problem correctly, The mass of a robot is 6680 kg. This robot weighs 3070 N more on planet A than it does on planet B. Both planets have the same radius of 4.00 x 10^8. What is the difference Ma - Mb in the masses of these plantes? I used this equation F = G *...