Recent content by Str1k3

  1. S

    Proving 8Be Ground State Stability vs Nucleon Emission

    Homework Statement The question is longer than this but the part I'm stuck on is this - Show that the ground state of 8Be is stable against nucleon emission. Homework Equations I'm not sure which ones to use... I used the binding energy formula. The Attempt at a Solution what I'm...
  2. S

    Internal energy of a hydrostatic system in a reversible adiabatic process

    Homework Statement A simple hydrostatic system is such that PV^k is constant in a reversible adiabatic process, where k > 0 is a given constant. Show that its internal energy has the form E=\frac{1}{k-1}PV+NF(\frac{PV^k}{N^k} where f is an arbitrary function. Hint: PV^k must be a function of...
  3. S

    Kronecker delta in index notation

    Homework Statement what does the expression \delta_{ii} mean? Homework Equations \delta_{ij}=1 if i = j and 0 otherwise The Attempt at a Solution What I'm not sure about is if both indices are in the subscript does this mean i can only use it on a term with a subscript or can it also act on...
  4. S

    Mechanical waves - average power transmitted

    Homework Statement show, using the propagating wave y = Ae^[i(wt - kx)] that the average power transmitted across any point on the string in a complete full cycle is given by P = vE (P and E are both vectors). v is the phase velocity and E the total average energy density per cycle. also show...
  5. S

    Temperature in a nuclear spin 1/2 system?

    Temperature in a nuclear spin 1/2 system?? Homework Statement A solid at temperature T contains 10^20 protons which have a spin I = 1/2 and a nuclear g-factor of 5.59. Calculate the temperature such that 75% of the protons have their magnetic dipole moment aligned parallel to the applied...