Recent content by zonova

  1. Z

    Studying in Germany and then coming back to the US?

    @f95toli: Huh, that's really good to know, I didn't expect that. My school counselors paint a different picture, so I had no idea. Although I admittedly looked first at the university rankings to find out about them, I really chose TU and LMU Munich because they were listed as two of the...
  2. Z

    Studying in Germany and then coming back to the US?

    Wow, thanks for the lengthy reply, that was really good information! I'm between TU Munich and LMU Munich right now. While LMU seems to rank better for physics, TU seems to be better ranked overall. Would you have any recommendation between those two? Perhaps one has a better program than the...
  3. Z

    Studying in Germany and then coming back to the US?

    I did some more research and it seems like I wouldn't get any financial benefit from studying in Switzerland. Actually, it may be the opposite, since living is so expensive. Fortunately however, Germany still seems relatively cheap. I'd imagine I wold understand German a lot easier than Swiss...
  4. Z

    Studying in Germany and then coming back to the US?

    I think that if you go to Germany with a student visa, the colleges are free there? Or close to it. I'd also read that "on campus" rooming wasn't overtly expensive, somewhere around $200-300? Though, language may be a bit of a problem in switzerland. I'm going to try and see if I can find...
  5. Z

    Studying in Germany and then coming back to the US?

    Hey everyone! I'm going to be a college freshmen this year. I will be doing at least one year of college in the US, I am going to Rhodes College. However, it is rather expensive for me (even with scholarships, I need to take out about $20,000 in loans per year). That amounts seems like it will...
  6. Z

    Programs Physics major for medical school?

    It seems like a bit of an odd question, at least in my mind. But i have an immense passion for both physics and medicine. I did research on getting into med school and many people recommend majoring in whatever you love doing, as long as you get the requirements for pre-med. They also say that...
  7. Z

    Not sure what career path fits me best

    Well, i guess there are two things that really get me going... academically speaking, anyways. I really love the feeling of looking at something extremely complex, like some proofs, equations or physics theories, and then completely understanding them. Like, being able to analyze things so...
  8. Z

    Not sure what career path fits me best

    Thank you for the response, that makes sense. So, i'll find some books from spivak to get an idea of upper level mathematics. I'm guessing that's more pure math? Where/who would i look towards if i wanted to get an idea of what i'd be doing if i didn't get into pure math? Would the otherside of...
  9. Z

    Not sure what career path fits me best

    Hello everyone, I'm facing a bit of confusion. I am currently in high school, taking a college level Calculus class and a college level Algrebra-Based Physics class. I am not sure whether it's because of the class, or if it's because of the math itself, but i seem to enjoy Calculus much more...
  10. Z

    Nikola Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity

    I think it holds true for anyone that isn't a "physics guy", so like the average person. Obviously it's different in forums like this one, since this is a physics forum :P
  11. Z

    Nikola Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity

    Tesla did document his work, at least in the form of patents. Not sure about the CIA thing, however I'm pretty sure that it's a fact that they took up all of his work documents at his death. Why don't we find Tesla in textbooks? That's a great question, and i have no idea why. I think he's...
  12. Z

    Nikola Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity

    I am really wanting to write out a long post, i simply don't have the time at the moment. However, simply calling something a conspiracy doesn't mean it's not true. Am i wrong for agreeing with Paul? I think it sounds correct. In the end, I'm just wanting to give respect to an amazing engineer...
  13. Z

    Nikola Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity

    I think that you're forgetting most of modern electronics would probably not exist if Tesla had not invented Alternating Current. He also invented wireless communication, the AC motor, and many other things. To say that you don't owe him anything in particular... well, I'm not sure if you would...
  14. Z

    Nikola Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity

    I don't think any of us personally have the right to say that one of them is thought of "too highly" They're still done far more than we have, and likely will ever do. We'll owe both of them forever.
  15. Z

    Nikola Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity

    I don't know for sure, but in all of the essays that I've written on him(I'm a massive fan >.<), he never really came off as a person that didn't come through with what he claimed. It never seemed like he would say something just to gain attention and power. If that's what he was after, maybe he...