Recent content by zZhang

  1. Z

    Why is entanglement essential for quantum computing?

    I suppose I should comment a bit further on my current line of thinking and why I don't see where entanglement has to appear in order for quantum computing to work. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it appears that in order to do quantum computing, you either 1) Have an initial state, choose a...
  2. Z

    Why is entanglement essential for quantum computing?

    Asked myself that question today, and I don't know what the answer is. Maybe I missed something somewhere in the math... Anyone know?
  3. Z

    How infinite does time get by gamma

    Yea that was the thing, that it didn't make any sense. Is there just no sense of time in the photon's frame?
  4. Z

    How infinite does time get by gamma

    How infinite does time get by gamma... So I was thinking, say you have a photon traveling at c. I would assume that the photon's own time frame would have time passing as normal. Now after a time t has passed in the photon's frame, some infinite amount of time would have passed say, on Earth...
  5. Z

    1-d Time Independent Schrodinger Equation Problem

    I guess that would work, I just wasnt sure that there was not in fact some other potential past alpha, granted we are not told anything about it, so I guess you can take away the incoming wave.
  6. Z

    1-d Time Independent Schrodinger Equation Problem

    how did u have only 5 undetermined coefficients, not 6?
  7. Z

    1-d Time Independent Schrodinger Equation Problem

    Oh wow hold on that post just made me realize I left out 2 boundary conditions :-P (silly me)
  8. Z

    1-d Time Independent Schrodinger Equation Problem

    It's not specified for all space, just a certain region, so b and -b is just any random number basically.
  9. Z

    1-d Time Independent Schrodinger Equation Problem

    Homework Statement A particle of mass m and energy E, where E >V1 >V2 travels to the right in a potential defined as V(x) = V1 for - b < x < 0 V(x) = 0 for 0 < x < a V(x) = V2 for a < x < b (a) Write down the time-independent Schrodinger eq. and its general solution...
  10. Z

    Simple Problem, I think theres not enough information

    oh nvm i randomly dropped a variable -____-
  11. Z

    Simple Problem, I think theres not enough information

    Homework Statement In Figure 8-50 (nothing important other than 1.2 m height difference, the higher level is completey flat), a block slides along a track from one level to a higher level after passing through an intermediate valley. The track is frictionless until the block reaches the higher...