Time Elapsed between Light Emission and Absorption at Different Frames

In summary, the light pulse is emitted at point O and is later reabsorbed at point P. The line OP has a length l and makes an angle theta with the x axis. In a frame S' moving relative to S with a constant velocity v along the x axis, tau' elapses between emission and absorption of the light. The answer is (1-beta*cosh(theta))gamma*l/c.
  • #1
A flash of light is emitted at point O and is later reabsorbed at point P. In frame S, the line OP has a length l and makes an angle theta with the x axis. In a frame S' moving relative to S with a constant velocity v along the x axis:
How much time tau' elapses between emission and absorption of the light?

The answer is (1-betacos(theta))gamma*l/c, where beta=v/c

How does one get this answer?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
It took some effort, but I managed to do this. I used length contraction in the x direction to figure out the coordinates of P in S' when the pulse is emitet. Since S' is moving relative to points O and P in S, the pulse receiver is moving through S' toward the y' axis a distance v*tau' as the light pulse is moving a distance c*tau'. It's just vector addition to find the distance the pulse travels to the receiver. You get a quadratic equation for tau' that is most easily handled in terms of the combination c*tau'/gamma. Solve the quadratic and simplify and you've got it.
  • #3
Could you give some more detail on "length contraction in the x direction to figure out the coordinates of P in S' when the pulse is" emitted?

[tex]l= l_p/gamma[/tex]

(c*tau')^2=(v*tau')^2+(x)^2 ?...
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  • #4
byerly100 said:
Could you give some more detail on "length contraction in the x direction to figure out the coordinates of P in S' when the pulse is" emitted?
If O is the origin, then the coordinates of P in S are
x = l*cos(theta)
y = l*sin(theta)

Let the origins of S and S' coincide when the pulse is emitted. Then the coordinates of P in S' are found by contracting in the direction of motion

x' = x/gamma
y' = y

You could use Pythagoras to find the distance from O to P in S', but the light pulse will not go that far because P is moving through S' with speed v. You need to figure out how far it is from the origin to where the light pulse intercepts P. That will be at
(x' - v*tau', y') = (l*cos(theta)/gamma - v*tau', l*sin(theta))
Use Pythagoras to find the distance from O this point and set it equal to c*tau'
  • #5
[(l*cos(theta)/gamma - v*tau')^2 + (l*sin(theta))^2 = d^2 = (c*tau')^2
[(l*cos(theta)/gamma - v*tau')^2 + (l*sin(theta))^2]^(1/2)/c=tau'

"most easily handled in terms of the combination c*tau'/gamma"
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  • #6
byerly100 said:
Do I need to solve this equation for something, like x', y'?

(x', y') = (l*cos(theta)/gamma - v*tau' + v*tau', l*sin(theta)) ?
(x', y') = (l*cos(theta)/gamma, l*sin(theta)) ?

(l*cos(theta)/gamma)^2+ (l*sin(theta))^2 = d^2 = (c*tau')^2 ?

[(l*cos(theta)/gamma)^2+ (l*sin(theta))^2]^(1/2)/[c]= tau'

That must not be right since v is in the answer.

"You get a quadratic equation for tau' that is most easily handled in terms of the combination c*tau'/gamma. Solve the quadratic and simplify and you've got it."


(l*cos(theta)/gamma - v*tau')^2 + (l*sin(theta))^2 = d^2 = (c*tau')^2 ?
[(l*cos(theta)/gamma - v*tau')^2 + (l*sin(theta))^2]^(1/2)/c=tau' ?
The blue is all you need, and then some algebra skills and one well known trig identity.
  • #7
byerly100 said:

Somehow the sin is eliminated...

cos^2(a) + sin^2(a) = 1?

cos^2(a) = 1 - sin^2(a) ? (maybe not)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigonometric_identity#Power-reduction_formulae ?

(The answer is (1-(v/c)cos(theta))gamma*l/c).

What kind of algebra skills?

Should I FOIL (expand) (l*cos(theta)/gamma - v*tau')^2 ?
l^2cos^2(theta)/gamma^2 - 2v*tau'*l*cos(theta)/gamma + v^2tau'^2 ?

whole equation =
l^2cos^2(theta)/gamma^2 - 2v*tau'*l*cos(theta)/gamma + v^2tau'^2 +
l^2sin^2(theta) ?

"most easily handled in terms of the combination c*tau'/gamma"

*I need to have this finished tomorrow so I should finish it tonight.
The sin^2 = 1-cos^2 is the first step after squaring terms. Combine the cos^2 terms and you will have a factor of 1-1/gamma^2 which is beta^2. Replace any v with beta*c and you should have something in the form of a quadratic
0 = x^2 + bx + c where b = 2*l*beta*cos(theta), c = l^2[1-beta^2cos(theta)^2] and x = c*tau'/gamma.
Use the quadratic formula. The beta*cos(theta) contributions to the discriminant cancel leaving you with l*sqrt(1). Only the + root is kept. Solve for tau' and your done.
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  • #8
byerly100 said:
Did "squaring" include FOILing or just having a ^2?
Yes. FOIL it
  • #9
byerly100 said:
[l^2cos^2(theta)/gamma^2 - 2v*tau'*l*cos(theta)/gamma + v^2tau'^2 + l^2sin^2(theta)]^(1/2)/c= tau'

sin^2 = 1-cos^2
square the whole thing to get rid of the ^(1/2) and combine the v^2tau'^2with the c^2tau'^2 into a term with a gamma^2
use the sin^2 = 1-cos^2 and combine the cos^2 terms
  • #10
byerly100 said:
[l^2cos^2(theta)/gamma^2 - 2v*tau'*l*cos(theta)/gamma + v^2tau'^2 + l^2sin^2(theta)]/c^2=tau'^2

[l^2cos^2(theta)/gamma^2 - 2v*tau'*l*cos(theta)/gamma + v^2tau'^2 + l^2sin^2(theta)]=c^2tau'^2
Keep going :!)
[l^2cos^2(theta)/gamma^2 - 2v*tau'*l*cos(theta)/gamma + l^2sin^2(theta)]=c^2tau'^2 - v^2tau'^2 = c^2tau'^2/gamma^2
  • #11
byerly100 said:
sin^2 = 1-cos^2

[l^2cos^2(theta)/gamma^2 - 2v*tau'*l*cos(theta)/gamma + l^2{1-cos^2(theta)}]= c^2tau'^2/gamma^2

I'm not sure how you said c^2tau'^2 - v^2tau'^2 = c^2tau'^2/gamma^2.

I think I'm supposed to combine the cos^2 terms now.

l^2cos^2(theta) - 2v*tau'*l*cos(theta)gamma + [l^2{1-cos^2(theta)}]gamma= c^2tau'^2

c^2tau'^2 - v^2tau'^2 = (c^2 - v^2)tau'^2 = c^2(1 - v^2/c^2)tau'^2= c^2tau'^2/gamma^2.

Replace that v in the linear term with beta*c
  • #12
l^2cos^2(theta) - 2beta*c*tau'*l*cos(theta)gamma + [l^2{1-cos^2(theta)}]gamma= c^2tau'^2

l^2cos^2(theta) - 2beta*c*tau'*l*cos(theta)gamma + [{l^2-l^2cos^2(theta)}]gamma= c^2tau'^2

What do I need to do to get the below?
At some point, I need to combine the cos^2 terms.

0 = x^2 + bx + c where b = 2*l*beta*cos(theta), c = l^2[1-beta^2cos(theta)^2] and x = c*tau'/gamma. (-> 0= (c*tau'/gamma)^2 + 2*l*beta*cos(theta)(c*tau'/gamma) + l^2[1-beta^2cos(theta)^2] )


Use the quadratic formula."

*I still need to get the above but I'm going to insert things into the quadratic formula now.


c*tau'/gamma= (-2*l*beta*cos(theta)) +/- [(2*l*beta*cos(theta))^2-4(1){l^2[1-beta^2cos(theta)^2]}]^(1/2)) / (2(1))

You said, "The beta*cos(theta) contributions to the discriminant cancel leaving you with l*sqrt(1). Only the + root is kept. Solve for tau' and your done." ...?

c*tau'/gamma = (-2*l*beta*cos(theta)) + l ?

Again, the answer is tau' = (1-betacos(theta))gamma*l/c
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  • #13
When the file appears, you can see it all. Check my work!

I can't get this LaTeX stuff to appear either


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  • #14
byerly100 said:
At some point, I need to combine the cos^2 terms.
Yes you do. They are both part of the "c" term
  • #16
byerly100 said:
I was wondering exactly where you started in the file.
It looks like you started around https://www.physicsforums.com/showpost.php?p=1129304&postcount=6.
I started by saying the distance from the origin to the position where the pulse is received is c*tau'. The unlabeled diagram (in S') shows this as the red arrow. The black arrow is v*tau'. The black slanted line is the separation of O and P when the pulse leaves O. Its components are l*cos(theta) and l*sin(theta). The radical is the sum of the squares of the components of c*tau'

FAQ: Time Elapsed between Light Emission and Absorption at Different Frames

1. What is the concept of "time elapsed" between light emission and absorption?

The concept of "time elapsed" refers to the amount of time that passes between the emission of light and its subsequent absorption at different frames. This time interval is typically measured in nanoseconds and can vary depending on the distance between the light source and the absorbing material.

2. How is the time elapsed between light emission and absorption measured?

The time elapsed between light emission and absorption is typically measured using specialized equipment such as a time-correlated single photon counting system. This system uses a pulsed laser to emit short bursts of light and then measures the time it takes for the light to be absorbed by the material.

3. Why is it important to study the time elapsed between light emission and absorption?

Studying the time elapsed between light emission and absorption is important because it can provide valuable information about the properties of the material being studied. This information can be used in various fields such as physics, chemistry, and materials science to better understand the behavior of light and matter.

4. How does the time elapsed between light emission and absorption change at different frames?

The time elapsed between light emission and absorption can vary at different frames due to factors such as the distance between the light source and the absorbing material, the speed of light, and the properties of the material itself. In some cases, the time elapsed may be longer or shorter depending on these factors.

5. What are some applications of studying the time elapsed between light emission and absorption?

Studying the time elapsed between light emission and absorption has various applications, including in the development of new technologies such as lasers, optical sensors, and imaging techniques. It can also be used to study the properties of materials, such as their optical properties, and to better understand fundamental physical processes such as energy transfer and photon-matter interactions.
