RLC circuit resistance, inductance and capacitance

In summary: However, there are other sources that can be used as well.In summary, the current in a series RLC circuit connected to a 100-V 60-Hz source is 2.5 A. The measured power factor for the circuit is 0.7 leading, and the inductive reactive power is 300VAr. The resistance, inductance and capacitance of the circuit are calculated and shown to correspond to an impedance diagram.
  • #1
A series RLC circuit connected to a 100-V 60-Hz source draws a current of 2.5 A. The
measured power factor for the circuit is 0.7 leading, and the inductive reactive power is
300VAr. Calculate the resistance, inductance and capacitance of the circuit and show the
corresponding impedance diagram.
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
jeffrich said:
A series RLC circuit connected to a 100-V 60-Hz source draws a current of 2.5 A. The
measured power factor for the circuit is 0.7 leading, and the inductive reactive power is
300VAr. Calculate the resistance, inductance and capacitance of the circuit and show the
corresponding impedance diagram.

Cool problem, but we can't answer you unless you show some effort or work. Also, this looks like it belongs in the homework section...

Also, the power factor for inductive ciruits are lagging! PF's for capacitive circuits are leading!
  • #3
In a series circuit don't we take the current to be the reference direction.
This means that Voltage leads the current in an inductive circuit and voltage lags the current in a capacitative circuit.
I think this is correct !
  • #4
truesearch said:
In a series circuit don't we take the current to be the reference direction.
This means that Voltage leads the current in an inductive circuit and voltage lags the current in a capacitative circuit.
I think this is correct !

Almost...but voltage is always your reference point because it's generally set. And the reference point for the voltage is set at zero degrees.

So in inductive circuits...we say that current lags the voltage.

In capacitive circuits...we say that current leads the voltage.

And I would show you the math but I'm getting tired of explaining caps and inductors.

Perhaps a section should be dedicated to this obviously gigantic topic that most people understandably struggle with.
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  • #5
In all of my textbooks for SERIES RLC circuits the current phasor is drawn at 0 degrees (horizontal) because the current is the same through each component. The voltage phasors are then drawn vertical(+) for inductor and vertcal(-) for capacitor and horizontal for resistor.
In a way it does not matter what you say when you use leading and lagging as long as you make clear the reference phasor. V leading I means exactly the same as I lagging V.
It makes sense to use leading for inducatance and lagging for capacitance when referring to voltage because this matches DC behaviour when a switch is closed.
In my teaching the exam board even suggest a mnemomic to remember CIVIL...I is behind V for a capacitor and V is ahead of I for an inductor.
  • #6
truesearch said:
In all of my textbooks for SERIES RLC circuits the current phasor is drawn at 0 degrees (horizontal) because the current is the same through each component. The voltage phasors are then drawn vertical(+) for inductor and vertcal(-) for capacitor and horizontal for resistor.
In a way it does not matter what you say when you use leading and lagging as long as you make clear the reference phasor. V leading I means exactly the same as I lagging V.
It makes sense to use leading for inducatance and lagging for capacitance when referring to voltage because this matches DC behaviour when a switch is closed.
In my teaching the exam board even suggest a mnemomic to remember CIVIL...I is behind V for a capacitor and V is ahead of I for an inductor.

I see what you are saying...

But since the voltage is set in a circuit...and the current and the resistances are the variables...Voltage is generally the set point.

Also, in general conversations with engineers and PHD's...it is generally put the way I put it.

But...perhaps you are from overseas or something...I'm in USA. Oh...and I see you are a physics major...that's probably the difference in our opinions.

You are not wrong in what you are saying, I've just never heard it put that way before.
  • #7
worth looking at HyperPhysics (Georgia state university) for guidance in this area
Infinetly better than Wiki and used as an excellent reference source for physicists. I use it all the time.
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FAQ: RLC circuit resistance, inductance and capacitance

1. What is the purpose of an RLC circuit?

An RLC circuit is used to regulate the flow of electric current in a circuit. It consists of a resistor (R), an inductor (L), and a capacitor (C), which work together to control the voltage and current in the circuit.

2. How does the resistance of a circuit affect its behavior?

The resistance in a circuit affects the flow of current. A higher resistance will cause a decrease in current flow, while a lower resistance will result in an increase in current flow. The resistance also determines the amount of heat produced in the circuit.

3. What is the relationship between inductance and capacitance in an RLC circuit?

Inductance and capacitance are inversely related in an RLC circuit. This means that as the inductance increases, the capacitance decreases and vice versa. This relationship is important in determining the resonant frequency of the circuit.

4. How does the resonant frequency of an RLC circuit affect its performance?

The resonant frequency of an RLC circuit is the frequency at which the circuit reaches its maximum efficiency. At this frequency, the reactance of the inductor and capacitor cancel each other out, resulting in a pure resistive load. This allows for maximum power transfer and efficient performance of the circuit.

5. What factors determine the time constant of an RLC circuit?

The time constant of an RLC circuit is determined by the values of the resistor, inductor, and capacitor. A larger time constant indicates that the circuit will take longer to reach a steady state, while a smaller time constant means the circuit will reach a steady state more quickly.
