Chemistry undergrad wants to go to grad school for Physics

In summary, a chemistry degree does not disqualify someone from doing physical chemistry or chemical physics. A physics degree is not necessary, but it can help with some of the math involved. If you are qualified for one, you should be more or less qualified for all of them.
  • #1
I'm going into my last year of my BS in Chemistry and I love physical chemistry (Quantum Mechanics, Thermo, Kinetics). I'm currently doing spectroscopy research at my university. I'm now realizing that I should have been a Physics major from the beginning. Don't get my wrong, I love Chemistry, but I wish I would have started off in Physics and approached the problems I want to research in the future from the point of view of Physics. Basically I want to try and fix this by going to grad school and getting my PhD in Physics. I'm going to start preparing for the Physics GRE and teach myself the areas that I've never had any experience in (mainly Relativity) and hope for the best. Basically I want to know if it's possible for me to get into a respectable Physics program even with my Chemistry program, or am I shooting too high?
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  • #2
Doesn't that mean you have to do another 3 or 4 fours in college?
  • #3
Why would I have to go to school 3 or 4 more years, the only area I don't have either experience from classes or research is Relativity.
  • #4
cjc555777 said:
Why would I have to go to school 3 or 4 more years, the only area I don't have either experience from classes or research is Relativity.

How much E&M do you cover in a chemistry degree?
  • #5
In the actual degree not much, but all my research is based around building NMR/EPR and other kinds of spectrometers. I have to deal with Junior level undergrad EM and have have given lots of talks about gaussian beams, wave propagation in a spectrometer apparatus, etc. I've had to self teach it from Griffith's and I'm competent enough that I teach new members that join our group every year.
  • #6
Well, I did pretty much just that. Started out as a chemistry/C.E. undergrad, got an M.S. in Phys Chem, moved over to chemical physics and got another M.S. and PhD in quantum chemistry, which at the university in question was part of the physics faculty, but there are plenty doing the same stuff we were doing under the banner of chemistry. Physical chemistry, chemical physics, quantum chemistry, atomic/molecular physics and theoretical chemistry is pretty much all the same general area. If you're qualified for one you should be more-or-less qualified for all of 'em. And every field mentioned has a substantial portion of people from a chemistry background. I don't think the field could function properly without folks from both backgrounds, since they supplement each other.

So a chemistry background doesn't disqualify you from doing phys chem/chem phys at all. The main hurdle we have with recruiting chemistry undergrads is the math, since depending on the program they followed, and their own choices they may not have studied much.

Special relativity isn't too hard (it's basically just understanding the Lorentz transformation), but if it's your Achilles heel, you better study up on it. It is actually relevant to atomic/molecular stuff. (GR, not so much - I barely know any.)
  • #7
Thank you so much! Any advice for the Physics GRE?
  • #8
Well, not really. I can't really know what it is you know and don't. Personally I'd taken basic physics and mechanics and such, and all the math that I could. I've always had a pretty good ability with physics (as long as I knew the math involved).

I wouldn't be too fixated on it being 'physics' though. I suspect you've got a bit of 'physics envy'. I know I did; most physical chemists who started as chemists probably start thinking like that. It certainly sounds neat to have degrees both in chemistry and physics, as well. But in practice, you'll be doing essentially the same stuff whether or not it's at a chemistry department or physics department.

They're just labels. I've got a colleague doing quantum chemistry at an organic chemistry department, so his grad students are (on paper) organic chemists. My PhD advisor studied QC back in the 1960's, at a theoretical physics department! So he's a theoretical physicist on paper. And when he retires, they're not going to replace him, as his university is moving the QC groups from physics to chemistry. So in 50 years the label went from theoretical physics to chemical physics to chemistry without changing subject!
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FAQ: Chemistry undergrad wants to go to grad school for Physics

What is the difference between studying chemistry and physics at the undergraduate and graduate level?

At the undergraduate level, chemistry and physics are separate fields of study with distinct coursework and research topics. In graduate school, the lines between these two fields can become more blurred, as many research projects in physics involve a combination of chemistry and physics principles.

Do I need to have a strong background in physics to be accepted into a physics graduate program as a chemistry major?

While it is not necessary to have a strong background in physics, it is important to have a basic understanding of physics concepts and to demonstrate a strong interest in physics through coursework, research experience, and recommendation letters. It may also be helpful to take additional physics courses to supplement your chemistry background.

What opportunities are available for chemistry majors in physics graduate programs?

Chemistry majors who are interested in pursuing physics graduate studies can often find research opportunities in interdisciplinary fields such as materials science, biophysics, or chemical physics. They may also be able to take graduate level courses in quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, or other physics topics to supplement their chemistry education.

Will my chemistry background limit my career options if I pursue a physics graduate degree?

No, having a background in both chemistry and physics can actually open up more career opportunities in fields such as materials science, nanotechnology, or medical physics. It is important to highlight your interdisciplinary skills and knowledge in both chemistry and physics during job interviews and on your resume.

What advice do you have for a chemistry undergrad who wants to go to grad school for physics?

My advice would be to start early and actively seek out research opportunities in physics-related fields. Take courses in physics and math to supplement your chemistry education, and reach out to physics professors for guidance and mentorship. It may also be helpful to attend conferences or workshops in physics to network and learn more about specific research areas and graduate programs.

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