Why Are Universities Dominated by the Left?

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In summary, the GOP is generally seen as the more intellectual party, but this is not always true. Academics who lean towards the right often have lower salaries than their liberal counterparts. The GOP also supports a number of policies that are seen as backward or dangerous by the educated populace.
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  • #2
because the right isn't smart enough to do it.
  • #3
Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.
  • #4
The Democratic party is generally seen as the more intellectual.
  • #5
Unless you get a decent education, you won't know Right from wrong ! :wink:
  • #6
Because intelligent people with the GOP values ("He who dies with the most toys wins") won't be satisfied with the low pay in academia.
  • #7
selfAdjoint said:
Because intelligent people with the GOP values ("He who dies with the most toys wins") won't be satisfied with the low pay in academia.
What does "GOP" (values) stand for?
It sounds a bit like what a swine aiming to become the fattest little piggy in the pigsty might call "values"..
  • #8
And there's that rule about not carrying guns to school... :biggrin:
  • #9
Mostly, the GoP stands for : less Government; less regulation; fiscal conservatism; reduction of restrictions on firearms use; prohibition of abortion and stem cell research; prevention of gay marriage; business over environment; projecting and employing military might as the best means of deterrence; privatization of social security; less (and flatter) taxes; more death penalty; elimination of welfare programs; more capitalism in general.

I think I got many of the main ideas - I may have missed a few.

PS : GOP itself stands for Grand Ol' Party
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  • #10
LOL if conservatives ran education, we would still be learning how the world is flat. Anyone else who said differently would be crucified by conservatives. The more educated people are, the more likely they are to lean towards the left.
  • #11
Gokul43201 said:
Mostly, the GoP stands for : less Government; less regulation; fiscal conservatism; reduction of restrictions on firearms use; prohibition of abortion and stem cell research; prevention of gay marriage; business over environment; projecting and employing military might as the best means of deterrence; privatization of social security; less (and flatter) taxes; more death penalty; elimination of welfare programs; more capitalism in general.

I think I got many of the main ideas - I may have missed a few.

PS : GOP itself stands for Grand Ol' Party

Since this is just about the only non-rhetorical answer in this thread I'll address it. The rest of you really need to grow up.

You are mostly right, however there are some very important details you left out.
-prohibition of government funding for abortion and a moratorium on stem cell research from fetus'. Prohibition on late term abortion.
-States' rights on gay marriage, not prevention of.
-environment with a cost/benefit analysis
  • #12
phatmonky said:
-States' rights on gay marriage, not prevention of.

Yes, the GoP is a strong proponent of State's Rights, but then wouldn't the Bush proposal for amendment be in conflict with GoP ideas. Why does this proposal have such strong backing from the GoP faithful, then ?

(The rest of this thread is meant in a lighter vein...so don't get mad.)
  • #13
I grow more and more tired of the folk/media political philosophy that conservativism and liberalism are like equal opposite views with a balanced debate of the issues-

let me be clear and unambiguous: the reason why virtually all "smart" and educated/scientific/artistic people are liberals is simply because for the most part- what is called the "liberal/progressive agenda" is essentially the most REASONABLE/ CORRECT/ LOGICAL/ETHICAL and SENSIBLE way to order a society of intelligent beings-

the conservative ideology is both economically and ethically bankrupt- totally bereft of logic or compassion- and is nothing more than primitive illusions/ lies/ misunderstandings kludged into an untenable ideology ultimately designed to preserve and justify a narrow view/method of society by force and terror and ignorance

the conservative ideology is not in competition with the liberal/progressive ideology- conservativism is a primitive and fear-driven memetic parasite which acts to limit and threaten the health/optimized/balanced/proper development and maintenance of society- the liberal/progressive ideologies represent an optimal holistic balance while conservativism attempts to isolate and monopolize a small portion of society: a cancer-

it is time for all of those people with IQs over 80 that are NOT ruled by their material selfishness and/or the cultivated fears/prejudices of their childhood leading to dangerously fanatical deism to proclaim this truth- conservativism is not another view- it is a sickness of the collective soul-

in the future people with conservative views will be correctly diagnosed as suffering from forms of sociopathic neuroses [and treated]- it is nothing more than dangerous psychosocial dysfunction


I know some may think this is radicalism- sure it is- but it happens to be an accurate assesment based on all the anthropological/sociological evidence available- and these people threaten the continued existence of life on earth- so it is long past time to draw the line and state the truth before we are all destroyed
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  • #14
I think all voters should take a ‘political compass’ test. Just answer a bunch of Strongly disagree to strongly agree questions and find out where you actually fit and which party you should vote on based on your beliefs and not some preconceived notion that one party is better than another.

I finally go around to doing a bunch of those. I thought I was pretty liberal… turns out I’m pretty far left, lol. Oh well.
  • #15
Gokul43201 said:
Yes, the GoP is a strong proponent of State's Rights, but then wouldn't the Bush proposal for amendment be in conflict with GoP ideas. Why does this proposal have such strong backing from the GoP faithful, then ?

(The rest of this thread is meant in a lighter vein...so don't get mad.)

Bush goes against the standard GOP platform in many ways, and there are plenty of us 'right wingers' that aren't happy about it.
But Bush's reasoning for pushing a ban has always been to subvert activist courts, and the subsequent, more realistic, amendment for states rights falls in line with what congress may just support.

From your post, I'm not sure you realized that Bush is not pushing for a gay marriage ban anymore. He has moved to a push for allowing states to disregard full faith and credit in regards to gay marriage, thus allowing each state to determine what they will recognize.
  • #16
setAI said:
I grow more and more tired of the folk/media political philosophy that conservativism and liberalism are like equal opposite views with a balanced debate of the issues-

let me be clear and unambiguous: the reason why virtually all "smart" and educated/scientific/artistic people are liberals is simply because for the most part- what is called the "liberal/progressive agenda" is essentially the most REASONABLE/ CORRECT/ LOGICAL/ETHICAL and SENSIBLE way to order a society of intelligent beings-

the conservative ideology is both economically and ethically bankrupt- totally bereft of logic or compassion- and is nothing more than primitive illusions/ lies/ misunderstandings kludged into an untenable ideology ultimately designed to preserve and justify a narrow view/method of society by force and terror and ignorance

the conservative ideology is not in competition with the liberal/progressive ideology- conservativism is a primitive and fear-driven memetic parasite which acts to limit and threaten the health/optimized/balanced/proper development and maintenance of society- the liberal/progressive ideologies represent an optimal holistic balance while conservativism attempts to isolate and monopolize a small portion of society: a cancer-

it is time for all of those people with IQs over 80 that are NOT ruled by their material selfishness and/or the cultivated fears/prejudices of their childhood leading to dangerously fanatical deism to proclaim this truth- conservativism is not another view- it is a sickness of the collective soul-

in the future people with conservative views will be correctly diagnosed as suffering from forms of sociopathic neuroses [and treated]- it is nothing more than dangerous psychosocial dysfunction


I know some may think this is radicalism- sure it is- but it happens to be an accurate assesment based on all the anthropological/sociological evidence available- and these people threaten the continued existence of life on earth- so it is long past time to draw the line and state the truth before we are all destroyed

More pathetic elementary rhetoric. You act as if you are some how in this intelligent elite, but come spouting baseless crap like this?
  • #17
phatmonky said:
From your post, I'm not sure you realized that Bush is not pushing for a gay marriage ban anymore. He has moved to a push for allowing states to disregard full faith and credit in regards to gay marriage, thus allowing each state to determine what they will recognize.

I know he backed off some from his initial proposal, but until now, was unaware of the final version.

Why don't we see more of setAI here ? Sure would make for some entertaining exchanges... :wink:
  • #18
check said:
I think all voters should take a ‘political compass’ test. Just answer a bunch of Strongly disagree to strongly agree questions and find out where you actually fit and which party you should vote on based on your beliefs and not some preconceived notion that one party is better than another.

I finally go around to doing a bunch of those. I thought I was pretty liberal… turns out I’m pretty far left, lol. Oh well.

Here's an interesting poll on individual's stand on the issues vs. their perception of the candidates views.


Of particular note, 43% oppose Bush's policy towards privatizing Social Security and only 37% agree. 44% agree with Kerry's policy and only 36% disagree. For the record, 56% favor privatization and 36% oppose.

This group also does some off the wall surveys. Turns out that people who watch late night comedy shows know more about current politics than those who don't watch late night comedy shows. Daily Show viewers are more savvy about current politics than Jay Leno or David Letterman viewers.

On the flip side, people who do watch network news shows know less about politics than those who don't (a little misleading by itself - those who watch cable news do know more about politics than non-cable viewers.) So, if you only watch network TV, you'll learn more from late night comedy shows than from network news?
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  • #19
BobG said:
Here's an interesting poll on individual's stand on the issues vs. their perception of the candidates views.


Of particular note, 43% oppose Bush's policy towards privatizing Social Security and only 37% agree. 44% agree with Kerry's policy and only 36% disagree. For the record, 56% favor privatization and 36% oppose.

I've seen many examples of this kind of behavior. Part of the apparent contradiction is in the way the questions can be worded. For a large part, however, I think a majority of the people aswer with a "yes/no" answer, rather than an "I have no friggin' clue what you're talking about", so as to not appear unaware.

This group also does some off the wall surveys. Turns out that people who watch late night comedy shows know more about current politics than those who don't watch late night comedy shows. Daily Show viewers are more savvy about current politics than Jay Leno or David Letterman viewers.

Groovy, baby ! :biggrin: I watch the Daily Show and then the opening section of Leno and then, Charlie Rose. There's no conflict of time involved there.
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  • #20
I hate politics- so I normally don't discuss it- but right now the monkeys are trying to destroy civilization with their right-wing fear-based ape-mongering- so i come out of the woodwork a little-

to me the idea that conservativism is invalid/illogical/immoral is self-evident- and anyone who doesn't think it is self evident is probably not smart enough or is too deluded to be even classified as a "person" and I delight in the possibility that in the near future these malfunctioning biological mechanisms in the "red states" can be neurologically reprogrammed to serve some other useful purpose- by force if necessary- (^_^)

a lot of folks these days don't appreciate good old Futurist Fascist far-left ideology- they get really hot under the caller when you suggest that Democracy in a Capitalist society is extremely dangerous and foolish because the masses can be so easily fooled that such a society can easily be controlled by whoever has financial control of the media-and that the only way to run a society is an Oligarchy of Intelligencia- so I don't speak about politics much-
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  • #21
Hopefully they won't get to us first.
  • #22
Smurf said:
Hopefully they won't get to us first.

the beautiful thing about rapidly increasing technology is that the smart people are the only ones that can understand how to use it at some point- and that being the ones that develop new technologies- smart people have the the chance to get there first-

also if you have the knowledge/tech to reprogram someone- you should also have the knowledge/tech to increase intelligence- if you increase intelligence [and repair dysfunction] you increase liberal ideology by default- there will be no neocon technological supermen in the future- if they are "super" then all of the factors that allow conservative ideology to exist will be repaired- and their intelligence will be too great to not see the immorality and inefficiency of conservativism- namely that short-term selfishness always cultivates long-term dispair in a world of limited resources-

if not- then we are all dead anyway
  • #23
I just can't help but thinking of a Dr. Evil scenario about taking over the minds of Earth.
  • #24
setAI said:
I grow more and more tired of the folk/media political philosophy that conservativism and liberalism are like equal opposite views with a balanced debate of the issues-

let me be clear and unambiguous: the reason why virtually all "smart" and educated/scientific/artistic people are liberals is simply because for the most part- what is called the "liberal/progressive agenda" is essentially the most REASONABLE/ CORRECT/ LOGICAL/ETHICAL and SENSIBLE way to order a society of intelligent beings-

the conservative ideology is both economically and ethically bankrupt- totally bereft of logic or compassion- and is nothing more than primitive illusions/ lies/ misunderstandings kludged into an untenable ideology ultimately designed to preserve and justify a narrow view/method of society by force and terror and ignorance

the conservative ideology is not in competition with the liberal/progressive ideology- conservativism is a primitive and fear-driven memetic parasite which acts to limit and threaten the health/optimized/balanced/proper development and maintenance of society- the liberal/progressive ideologies represent an optimal holistic balance while conservativism attempts to isolate and monopolize a small portion of society: a cancer-

it is time for all of those people with IQs over 80 that are NOT ruled by their material selfishness and/or the cultivated fears/prejudices of their childhood leading to dangerously fanatical deism to proclaim this truth- conservativism is not another view- it is a sickness of the collective soul-

in the future people with conservative views will be correctly diagnosed as suffering from forms of sociopathic neuroses [and treated]- it is nothing more than dangerous psychosocial dysfunction


I know some may think this is radicalism- sure it is- but it happens to be an accurate assesment based on all the anthropological/sociological evidence available- and these people threaten the continued existence of life on earth- so it is long past time to draw the line and state the truth before we are all destroyed

I can't wait for Kat to see this :smile: :smile:
  • #25
Let's see if I remember the rest of it.

Robert Zaleski said:
Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.
...Those who can't teach, coach. Those who can't coach, teach history.

Anyone hear that before?
  • #26
Those who can't coach, teach History. Those who can't teach history, make history.
  • #27
Smurf said:
Those who can't coach, teach History. Those who can't teach history, make history.

Those who can't make history...

eh, nevermind.
  • #28
phatmonky said:
Those who can't make history...

eh, nevermind.
Wonder why democrats hold all the intellectual positions in Society?
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  • #29
Smurf said:
I can't wait for Kat to see this :smile: :smile:
Lol, I'm not sure what you expect from me...he seems a little extremist and I'm not sure I fit the "conservative" label. I'm more of a disenchanted left winged right handed independent. I'd probably vote democratic if I saw the true "leftist" ideals there..but I don't. What I see is a lot of "stay the same stay them same" and way tooo much soft bigotry trying to display itself as rightous indignation. I remember when the left fought for freedom and human rights for the down trodden, even if they were brown, olive or black and not American. The presumed "Liberal Left" seems to mouth a lot of platitudes but they're not doing a whole hell of a lot to improve the lives of the downtrodden.
  • #30
You definately come off as Conservative. Definitly
  • #31
Smurf said:
Wonder why democrats hold all the intellectual positions in Society?
because honey...they just can't make it in the real world. :wink:
  • #32
Oh god, I hate it when people say **** like that. *runs around screaming*
  • #33
Smurf, you get that impression of Kat only because of her opinion of Kerry. I've heard her arguing against polluting energy companies, for international observation during elections, and a few other liberal issues.
  • #34
Like I said she comes across as Conservative. I've only seen her arguing about politics so I don't doubt that Gokul.
  • #35
Smurf said:
You definately come off as Conservative. Definitly
Conservatives favor traditional views and values and oppose change.
I support abortion rights, gay rights, feminist rights, mens rights...I support HR for ALL, not just americans and westerners...I DON"T buy the soft bigotry of those who call themselves "leftist" you're not the left, not in any shape or form. I despise the voice "ANSWER" and unfortunately many of those who think they're "lefty's" are nothing more then mouthpieces for hateful and equally conservative groups that are hiding underneath a label they've granted themselves...but they have NOT earned it.
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