Mathematica - How to make 3D plots flat

In summary, you can use an old version of Mathematica if you keep it installed and avoid the new version's install process.
  • #1
I've been using mathematica the past few days and quite like it. I am trying to add some figures to my word document. Because of the size of the exported emf file from mathematica, I am unwilling to have a document that is 100MB in size. So I was searching for some ways to export mathematica graphics and came across a PDF document with so many plots from mathematica that is less than 2MB. The plots were all saved in vector format and are scalable. I plotted one function in mathematica and realized where the difference was. The contours of the one used in the document were flat while mine was not. I believe the plot was produced by default using mathematica 5.0. I am using 8.0. Is there a way to make my plots the same way. The image on the right is from the document.
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  • #2
I don't know that this is going to reduce the image size for your application.

You can force "flat plots" using Interpolation with InterpolationOrder->1

In[1]:= f = Interpolation[
    Table[{x, y, E^-(x^2 + y^2)}, {x,-1,1,1/10}, {y,-1,1,1/10}],
Plot3D[f[x, y], {x, -2/10, 2/10}, {y, -2/10, 2/10}, Mesh->3]

Out[1]= ...PlotOfFlatPlatesSnipped...
  • #3
The plot on the right was done on mathematica 5. I tried it myself. But mathematica 5 doesn't have all other plot functions like 3d contour plot. Why can't I get the same effect in mathematica 8?
  • #4
medwatt said:
The plot on the right was done on mathematica 5. I tried it myself. But mathematica 5 doesn't have all other plot functions like 3d contour plot. Why can't I get the same effect in mathematica 8?


A: Because you/we haven't found just the right combination of options, documented, semi-documented and undocumented, in Mathematica V8 that reproduces the old V5 behavior that you want, if that exact behavior is still even possible. And those will be different in V9 and those will be different in V10 in a few weeks.


B: "I are software writer. That is fire hydrant. I know my role in life is to make it smell different from anyone else's fire hydrant, even different from a previous version of a fire hydrant that I might have written myself and certainly different from anything anyone else ever wrote, even if it seems to you like it should only make sense to have the same functionality."

I have heard, but never figured out the details to actually be able to do this, that you can keep an old version installed and be able to use it after you install a new version. From skimming the description of how to do this I think I remember that you needed to have the old version installed and working and then gently sidestep the install process to be able to keep both. I am guessing that you cannot get them to approve re-installing an old version after you have the new version unless you and they are having a really nice day at exactly the same time or unless you are very well known and they think they will benefit from doing you a favor.
  • #5
for using Mathematica and for your question. To make 3D plots appear flat, you can use the "Flat" option in the Plot3D function. This will create a plot with flat shading instead of the default smooth shading. You can also try using the "Mesh" or "MeshShading" options to further customize the appearance of your plot. Additionally, you can try exporting your plots as PDF or EPS files, which are typically smaller in size compared to EMF files. I hope this helps!

FAQ: Mathematica - How to make 3D plots flat

1. How do I make a 3D plot flat in Mathematica?

To make a 3D plot flat in Mathematica, you can use the "FlatTop" or "FlatBottom" options in the Plot3D function, depending on which side you want to flatten. This will create a flat plane at the specified height in the plot.

2. Can I make only certain parts of the 3D plot flat?

Yes, you can use the RegionFunction option in the Plot3D function to specify which parts of the plot you want to flatten. This allows for more control over the flatness of the plot.

3. How do I adjust the flatness of the 3D plot?

You can adjust the flatness of the 3D plot by changing the value of the "Flatness" option in the Plot3D function. A higher value will create a flatter surface, while a lower value will create a more curved surface.

4. Is it possible to add textures or colors to the flat parts of the 3D plot?

Yes, you can use the PlotStyle option in the Plot3D function to add textures or colors to the flat parts of the 3D plot. This allows for more visually appealing plots.

5. Can I combine multiple flat 3D plots into one plot?

Yes, you can use the Show function in Mathematica to combine multiple flat 3D plots into one plot. This is useful for comparing different aspects of the same data or for creating more complex visualizations.

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