Deriving Volume of a Prolate Spheroid with Calculus: Tips and Methods

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of calculus in determining the volume of a prolate spheroid. The method of shells is suggested as a possible approach, and prolate spheroid coordinates are recommended for simplification. The volume formula for a prolate spheroid is compared to that of an American football, and it is mentioned that the volume can also be derived using the general formula for an ellipsoid. Various methods and equations are presented and discussed, including a coordinate transformation and an integration using rectangular coordinates. Ultimately, the volume formula is determined to be V = \frac{4}{3}\pi a^2c, where "a" is the radius of the circle described by rotation and "c" is the large
  • #1
How would you go about deriving the volume of a prolate spheroid using calculus? Would I use the method of shells? I am not sure where to begin. Any help and tips are greatly appreciated!

Thanks :smile:
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  • #2
Use prolate spheroid coordinates.

  • #3
I am not sure what you mean. How would I go about it using the method of shells?

  • #4
I don't have a clue.I've suggested another method which I'm sure would do it.

  • #5
You know where I could find an explanation of that method? Do calculus books contain these topics? Also the volume of a prolate spheroid is the same as the volume of an American football which I am trying to find. If I have some dimensions, could the problem be made easier? Also is an ellipse rotated about the x-axis a prolate spheroid?

  • #6
Yes for the last question.Yes for the penultimate one.

Well,then u could consider the arbitrary ellipsoid and then take 2 of the semiaxis to be equal...

  • #7
So let's say the length of the football is 24 inches. Then each semi-axes are 12 inches each. So assuming we have the ellipse centered at the origin, would the intersection points be (-12,0) and (12,0). So you would use [tex] \int^{12}_{-12} \pi(f(x))^{2} dx [/tex]?

Thanks :smile:
  • #8
Yes,it's correct.After performing that integration,u should check with

[tex] V_{\mbox{prolate ellipsoid}}=\frac{4\pi}{3} a^{2}c [/tex]

,where "c"is the large semixis of the ellipse and "a" is the small semiaxis=the radius of the circle described by rotation.

  • #9
Isn't proving the volume formula trivial by simple integration using rectangular coordinates ?

Consider the ellipse [tex]x^2(\frac{a^2}{c^2}) + y^2 = a^2[/tex]. This is the equation of the curve that would give the required ellipsoid by revolution about the x-axis.

The required enclosed volume of revolution is given by :

[tex]V = \pi\int_{-c}^{c}{y^2}dx[/tex] which can be evaluated easily and shown to be [tex]V = \frac{4}{3}\pi a^2c[/tex]
  • #10
how would you show that if you don't mind my asking?

  • #11
The following coordinate transformation is handy in tackling ellipsoids (and thus, prolate spheroids).
Suppose your ellipsoid is specified by the inequality:
with x,y,z normal Cartesian coordinates.
Introduce variables [tex]r,\theta,\phi[/tex] as follows:
[tex]x=ar\sin\phi\cos\theta,y=br\sin\phi\sin\theta, z=cr\cos\phi, 0\leq{r}\leq1,0\leq\theta\leq{2\pi},0\leq\phi\leq\pi[/tex]

This coordinate transformation is seen to simplify the inequality specifying the ellipsoid to [tex]r^{2}\leq{1}[/tex] (which is fulfilled with the limits placed on r)

In order therefore to determine the volume of the ellipsoid, just use this coordinate transformation along with the change-of-variables theorem.
  • #12
courtrigrad said:
how would you show that if you don't mind my asking?


Arildno's post is about the general ellipsoid. You only asked for the prolate spheroid, which means two axes are necessarily the same while the third is possibly different.

I just realized that my work is for the oblate spheroid (in the orientation given), but it doesn't matter at all as long as you keep track of which is the major axis and which are the minor axes. The same formula will apply for the prolate spheroid as well.

So, taking my calculation (for the oblate spheroid), can you see why the ellipse formula is the way it is ? Basically I am relating the ellipse to a circle centered at the origin with radius a, but with a stretch factor of (c/a) applied to the horizontal dimension.

After getting that equation for the bounding ellipse, just evaluate the integral given :

[tex]V = \pi\int_{-c}^{c}{y^2}dx = \pi\int_{-c}^{c}{a^2 - (x^2)\frac{a^2}{c^2}dx = \pi[(a^2)x - \frac{x^3}{3}(\frac{a^2}{c^2})]_{-c}^{c} = (2\pi)(\frac{2}{3})a^2c = \frac{4}{3}\pi a^2c[/tex]

FAQ: Deriving Volume of a Prolate Spheroid with Calculus: Tips and Methods

1. What is a prolate spheroid?

A prolate spheroid is a three-dimensional shape that is created by rotating an ellipse around its longer axis. It is also known as an ellipsoid of revolution. Common examples of prolate spheroids include rugby balls and watermelons.

2. Why do we need to use calculus to derive the volume of a prolate spheroid?

Calculus is necessary to derive the volume of a prolate spheroid because the shape is not a simple geometric figure with a known formula for calculating volume. By using calculus, we can break the shape down into infinitesimally small sections and integrate them to find the total volume.

3. What is the formula for calculating the volume of a prolate spheroid?

The formula for calculating the volume of a prolate spheroid is V = (4/3)πa2b, where a is the semi-major axis and b is the semi-minor axis. This formula can also be written as V = (4/3)πr3, where r is the radius of the spheroid.

4. Can you provide an example of using calculus to derive the volume of a prolate spheroid?

Yes, here is an example using the formula V = (4/3)πa2b to find the volume of a prolate spheroid with a semi-major axis of 6 and a semi-minor axis of 3.

V = (4/3)π(6)2(3)

V = (4/3)π(36)(3)

V = (4/3)π(108)

V = 144π

5. Are there any tips or methods for making the process of deriving the volume of a prolate spheroid easier?

One helpful tip is to break the spheroid down into smaller sections, such as slices or disks, and then integrate them to find the total volume. Additionally, using online calculators or software programs specifically designed for finding the volume of irregular shapes can make the process easier and more accurate.
