Modern Cavendish vs LIGO: Gravity Scale & Wave Interruption?

  • #1
What is the scale of magnitude of gravity, that a modern Cavendish like laser detector of gravity pull between small daily size objects can detect in comparison to the magnitude of gravitational wave a LIGO like detector can detect?

Will such a modern Cavendish like device measurements be interrupted by gravitational waves?

If i recall correctly, it was said in the past, that people are not allowed to get near certain areas of LIGO, because of the possibility that their body mass will interrupt the LIGO measurement, if so is the opposite also true i.e. that modern Cavendish like device, might be interrupted by gravitational waves passing through it? Are these 2 devices (modern Cavendish and LIGO) essentially the same device?
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  • #2
Given that LIGO is not a Cavendish balance, there is no way to answer your question.
  • #3
Vanadium 50 said:
Given that LIGO is not a Cavendish balance, there is no way to answer your question.

Why is it that human order of mass may influence gravitational waves measurement, but human order of weight measurement may not be influenced by gravitational waves?
  • #4
Why is it a bathroom scale isn't a clock but both use springs?
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  • #5
roineust said:
What is the scale of magnitude of gravity, that a modern Cavendish like laser detector of gravity pull between small daily size objects can detect in comparison to the magnitude of gravitational wave a LIGO like detector can detect?

This question is unanswerable because there is no common "scale of magnitude of gravity" that applies to both measurements.

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