Fixing 2-Stroke Engine Issues for C125R Honda Motor

In summary, two strokes are less efficient than four strokes because the air-fuel mixture goes out the exhaust port while it is still open. To make it work, some engine conversions use direct injection which introduces the complication of having fuel mixed with oil.
  • #1
I am in the process of working on a 2 stroke motor that I am looking into converting to fuel injection. One thing in particular that I find with the 2 stroke is that is less efficient than than a 4 just because fuel mixture goes out the exhaust port while it is still open. Is there any ideas here on how to recirculate the air-fuel mix back to the intake side?

also as far as fuel injection. i know the snowmobile guys have converted their two strokes to fi. although i don't know any of these people and would like to be pointed in the right direction. this is for a motorcycle that we have built form the ground up. its a 125cc c125r honda motor from a dirt bike.
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  • #2
My guess is that the conversion to fuel injection is not that straightforward, because the lubrication effect of the oil/fuel mix is surely less when just injected for combustion.
Making it work was not easy, judging by the snowmobile makers' experience.
Recirculating partly burned exhaust and crankcase gas to scavenge the residual fuel is afaik in use on most car engines, to help meet emission standards. It adds considerable complexity to the engine management, which seems at odds with the two cycle engines' 'simplificate and add lightness' design philosophy.
  • #3
The way they get around it on modern two stroke engines is using direct injection in which the fuel is injected after the overlap period.

Orbital was one of the early ones and I believe they are still licensing it to others.

There are a few two stroke boat engines that have been direct injected since 1996.
  • #4
THe problem i see with direct injection is that then they have to inject oil in the crankcase.
  • #5
If you are using the crankcase for "pumping" of the charge to the cylinders, you will not be able to avoid having some fuel/oil mixture in there...unless you can oil conventionally like a 4 stroke and isolate the induction path from the oil slung from the crank.

Two strokes rely on the overlap period for scavenging the spent gases.

Now a supercharger could allow you to bypass the crankcase much like in a detroit diesel.

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FAQ: Fixing 2-Stroke Engine Issues for C125R Honda Motor

What are the common causes of 2-stroke engine issues in a C125R Honda Motor?

The most common causes of 2-stroke engine issues in a C125R Honda Motor are dirty or clogged carburetor, old or contaminated fuel, air leaks in the engine, faulty spark plug, and improper fuel-to-oil ratio.

How can I fix a clogged carburetor on my C125R Honda Motor?

To fix a clogged carburetor, you will need to disassemble it and clean all the components with a carburetor cleaner. Make sure to also check the jets and passages for any blockages. Once clean, reassemble the carburetor and adjust the air and idle screws according to the manufacturer's specifications.

What is the proper fuel-to-oil ratio for a C125R Honda Motor?

The proper fuel-to-oil ratio for a C125R Honda Motor is 32:1, which means 32 parts of gasoline to 1 part of 2-stroke engine oil. It is important to follow this ratio to ensure proper lubrication and prevent engine damage.

How often should I change the spark plug on my C125R Honda Motor?

The spark plug should be changed every 50 hours of operation or at least once a year. However, if you notice any signs of wear or damage, it is recommended to change it immediately to avoid any engine issues.

What should I do if my C125R Honda Motor is leaking air?

If your C125R Honda Motor is leaking air, you will need to locate the source of the leak and seal it. Common areas where air leaks occur are the carburetor gasket, intake manifold, and crankshaft seals. Make sure to also check the sealing of the air filter and exhaust. If the leak is severe, it is best to replace the damaged component.

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