How Does Tilting Affect the Height of Point P Above the Floor?

  • Thread starter chris99191
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In summary, we have a rectangle crate with height h, which is half the length 2h. The bottom left corner is labeled O and the top right corner is labeled P. When a line is drawn from O to P, it creates angle a. When the crate is tilted on O, it creates angle b with the ground. We need to show that after being tilted, the height of P above the floor is h(cosb+2sinb).
  • #1
1. A rectangle crate has height, h, which is half the length 2h. O is the bottom left corner and P is the top right. When a line is drawn through O to P it makes the angle a. When the crate is tilted on O it makes angle b with the ground. Show that the height of P above floor after being tilted is h(cosb+2sinb)

2. h(cosb+2sinb)

3. I have noo idea where to even start
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  • #2
chris99191 said:
1. A rectangle crate has height, h, which is half the length 2h. O is the bottom left corner and P is the top right. When a line is drawn through O to P it makes the angle a.

With what? The horzontal- i.e. ground?

When the crate is tilted on O it makes angle b with the ground.
Does "it" still refre to ine OP?

Show that the height of P above floor after being tilted is h(cosb+2sinb)

2. h(cosb+2sinb)

3. I have noo idea where to even start
  • #3
It would be instructive for you and us if you made a drawing of the problem...

FAQ: How Does Tilting Affect the Height of Point P Above the Floor?

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The target audience for "A challenging proof for you smart ones" is typically individuals who have a strong background in mathematics and science, such as scientists, mathematicians, engineers, and students studying in these fields.

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