Relativity Paradox: Resolving Hand-Waving Questions

  • Thread starter Reshma
  • Start date
In summary, two observers in relative motion each carrying a meter stick will measure the other's stick as shorter than their own. This is similar to the apparent paradox of a person getting smaller as they recede, but it is resolved by the Lorentz transformation equations which state that the length of a body transverse to relative motion is measured the same by all inertial observers. This means that while we may see objects getting smaller as they recede, they are not actually changing size. Additionally, the lorentz contraction formula applies to the coordinates assigned to events in a reference frame, not what is seen through light-signals.
  • #1
Suppose two observers are in relative motion each carrying a meter stick in a position parallel to the relative motion. Each observer on measurement finds the other's stick shorter than his.
On a lighter note; isn't this situation similar to a situation in which "A" waves his hand to "B", in the rear of a moving vechicle driving away from "B". "A" says "B" gets smaller and "B" says "A" gets smaller?

However, by the Lorentz transformation equations, the length of a body transverse to relative motion is measured the same by all inertial observers. So how is the above apparent paradox resolved?
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  • #2
Reshma said:
Suppose two observers are in relative motion each carrying a meter stick in a position parallel to the relative motion. Each observer on measurement finds the other's stick shorter than his.
On a lighter note; isn't this situation similar to a situation in which "A" waves his hand to "B", in the rear of a moving vechicle driving away from "B". "A" says "B" gets smaller and "B" says "A" gets smaller?
The issue is not what you would see, but rather what you would measure. While it is true that we see objects getting smaller as they recede, it is not true that they are changing size. If we measure a thing as 1 meter when it is close and seems large, we will still measure it to be 1 meter when it is far and seems small.
  • #3
I would say the apparent paradox could be resolved by a third observer : moving away from A makes A smaller but B bigger. However, taking two "similar bodies" A and B, C will measure the same sizes in A and arriving in B... However let's take 2 synchonized clocks by a signal sender in the center of mass of them. Then a moving observer would synchronize when passing in A and arriving in B he will notice his clock is not showing the same as B..(? at least I suppose)...
  • #4
jimmysnyder already gave the answer to this problem, the lorentz contraction formula does not apply to what observers see using light-signals, it applies to the coordinates they assign events in their own reference frame. See jtbell's comment on this thread on the difference between "seeing" and "observing" in relativity.

FAQ: Relativity Paradox: Resolving Hand-Waving Questions

1. What is the Relativity Paradox?

The Relativity Paradox, also known as the Twin Paradox, is a thought experiment in Einstein's theory of relativity that explores the concept of time dilation. It involves two identical twins, one of whom travels away from the Earth at high speeds and then returns, experiencing a slower passage of time compared to the twin who stayed on Earth.

2. How does time dilation work in the Relativity Paradox?

In the Relativity Paradox, time dilation occurs because of the difference in relative velocities between the two twins. As one twin travels at high speeds, they experience time passing slower compared to the twin who remains stationary. This effect is due to the changing gravitational and inertial forces that the traveling twin experiences.

3. Is the Relativity Paradox a real phenomenon or just a thought experiment?

The Relativity Paradox is a thought experiment used to illustrate the principles of Einstein's theory of relativity. While the scenario described in the paradox is not physically possible in real life, the concept of time dilation has been proven through experiments with high-speed particles and GPS satellites.

4. How is the Relativity Paradox resolved?

The Relativity Paradox can be resolved by understanding that the traveling twin experiences time dilation due to their changing velocities, while the twin who remains stationary experiences a constant passage of time. This is consistent with the principles of relativity, which state that the laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion.

5. Why is the Relativity Paradox important in science?

The Relativity Paradox is important in science because it challenges our understanding of time and space and demonstrates the counterintuitive effects of high speeds on time dilation. It also provides evidence for the validity of Einstein's theory of relativity and has implications for space travel and the concept of time in the larger universe.
