A numerical solution of a second order ODE

In summary, The speaker is seeking help in solving a differential equation using the Taylor method second order expansion. They explain their process of converting the equation into a first order differential equation and getting confused when using the Taylor formula. They ask for clarification on how to differentiate with respect to t and whether to consider y and w as constants. The other person suggests using the chain rule for t*cos(y) and provides equations for Z and Z''.
  • #1
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Hello everyone; i'd like some help in this problem : i want to solve num this differential equation
{ y"(t)+t*cos(y)=y } by the Taylor method second order expansion. i first have to make this a first order differential equation by taking this vector Z=[y' y] then we have Z'=[y" y'] which equal Z'=[y-t*cos(y) y'] and then I put w=y' after that I use the Taylor formulat w(n+1)=w(n)+h*[y(n)-t(n)*cos(y(n))]+h^2/2*[...] here i get confused. i must put the derivative of (y-t*cos(x)) over t and then over y... is it true that when I derive over t I must derive y too over t or w or i should consider them a constant.
then y(n+1)=y(n)+h*w(n)+h^2/2[d(w)/dt] here as well i don't know if that is true or not.
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  • #2
I think you only need to worry about differentiation with respect to t, right.
Use the chain rule for ##t\cos(y(t))##.
## Z= \begin{bmatrix} y\\ y' \end{bmatrix}, Z' = \begin{bmatrix} y'\\ y'' \end{bmatrix} ##
So what is Z''? (it should be solvable in terms of your other variables.
##Z(n+1) = Z(n) + hZ'(n) + \frac{h^2}{2}Z'' ##
This should be the first order system you solve.
  • #3
here's what i found

FAQ: A numerical solution of a second order ODE

1. What is a second order ODE?

A second order ODE (ordinary differential equation) is a mathematical equation that involves a function and its second derivative. It represents a relationship between a function and its rate of change.

2. What is a numerical solution?

A numerical solution is an approximation of the exact solution to a mathematical problem, obtained using numerical methods. In the context of a second order ODE, it is a way to find the values of the function at specific points by using a step-by-step calculation process.

3. Why do we need numerical solutions for second order ODEs?

In many cases, it is not possible to find an exact closed-form solution for a second order ODE. Numerical solutions provide a way to approximate the solution and can be used to solve problems in fields such as physics, engineering, and economics.

4. What are some common numerical methods used for solving second order ODEs?

Some common numerical methods for solving second order ODEs include Euler's method, the Runge-Kutta method, and the shooting method. These methods involve breaking down the problem into smaller steps and using iterative calculations to approximate the solution.

5. How accurate are numerical solutions for second order ODEs?

The accuracy of a numerical solution depends on the method used and the step size chosen. In general, smaller step sizes result in more accurate solutions. However, numerical solutions are always approximations and may not be exact. They can be improved by using more advanced methods or by using smaller step sizes.
