Acoustic Principles: Exercises & Solutions for Exam Preparation

  • Thread starter Sarah_L
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In summary, the conversation discusses pre-exam exercises for a daughter, including questions about string vibrations, frequency, and resonance. The keys to understanding the questions are density, tension, and length of the string, as well as the concept of resonance. The phenomenon of a note corresponding to a higher pitch being heard when a lower note is struck is also explained by resonance.
  • #1
:shy: Any help will be apreciated. These are some pre-exam exercises that were given to my daughter I would like to be able to check the answers and help her with any difficulties.

1) A string, whose density is 0.01 kg/m, and whose length is of 60
cm is stretched with a tension of 576 Newtons.
a) What is the frequency of the third harmonic?
b) At what point was the string plucked?

2) A tuning fork sounds the note A (440 Hz). What would you expect
to happen if it was struck near the mouth of the closed tube (closed
at one end).
Explain why this happens. Would the sound of a tuning fork tuned an
octave higher have the same effect?

3)If you hold down (without playin) the G on the piano, and then
strike the lower D sharply, you will hear a note corresponding to
the upper D. This can't come from the string that was hammered, as
it stops vibrating as soon as you release the key, so where does it come from? Explain this, from what you know about string vibrations.
Both this phenomenon, and the one discussed in question 2 are
examples of a particular acoustic mechanism. What is it?

Thanks alot!
Physics news on
  • #2
Sarah_L said:
1) A string, whose density is 0.01 kg/m, and whose length is of 60 cm is stretched with a tension of 576 Newtons.
a) What is the frequency of the third harmonic?
b) At what point was the string plucked?
The string will vibrate with a fundamental frequency:
[tex]\lambda \nu = \sqrt{T/(m/l)}[/tex]

Since [itex]\lambda/2 = 60 cm[/itex] for the fundamental frequency:
[tex]\nu = (2/.6)*\sqrt{576/(.01/.6)} = 619.67 Hz[/tex]
How many times the fundamental is the third harmonic?

In order to excite the third harmonic you cannot have a node (place of 0 motion) in the middle of the string, so it would have to be plucked in the middle I would think.

2) A tuning fork sounds the note A (440 Hz). What would you expect
to happen if it was struck near the mouth of the closed tube (closed
at one end).
Explain why this happens. Would the sound of a tuning fork tuned an
octave higher have the same effect?
How long is the tube? It matters.
The sound will travel down the tube and reflect back from the closed end and constructively interfere with the incident wave. If the tube is 1/4 of a wavelength, it will reflect back from the opening and constructively interfere with both the wave from the tuning fork and the wave reflected from the closed end and you will have resonance (standing wave) - loud sound.

3)If you hold down (without playin) the G on the piano, and then
strike the lower D sharply, you will hear a note corresponding to
the upper D. This can't come from the string that was hammered, as
it stops vibrating as soon as you release the key, so where does it come from? Explain this, from what you know about string vibrations.
Both this phenomenon, and the one discussed in question 2 are
examples of a particular acoustic mechanism. What is it?

  • #3
Sarah_L said:
3)If you hold down (without playin) the G on the piano, and then
strike the lower D sharply, you will hear a note corresponding to
the upper D. This can't come from the string that was hammered, as
it stops vibrating as soon as you release the key, so where does it come from? Explain this, from what you know about string vibrations.
Both this phenomenon, and the one discussed in question 2 are
examples of a particular acoustic mechanism. What is it?

Thanks alot!

Hard to say in english ;-)
But i'll try it.

When you press an key on a piano, you will hear all tunes, which length of the waves is a multiple of the tune you hit sharp.

Octave - > double frequence
Quint -> 3/2 frequence
Quart -> 4/3 frequence

so when you hit g', you must hear g'', d'', g'', and so on...


FAQ: Acoustic Principles: Exercises & Solutions for Exam Preparation

What is acoustics?

Acoustics is the scientific study of sound, specifically how it is created, transmitted, and received by different materials and environments.

How does sound travel through different mediums?

Sound travels through different mediums, such as air, water, and solids, by creating vibrations that travel through the molecules of the medium. The speed of sound varies depending on the density and temperature of the medium.

What is the difference between sound and noise?

Sound is a type of energy that is created by vibrations and can be perceived by the human ear. Noise, on the other hand, is unwanted or disruptive sound that can be harmful to our hearing and overall well-being.

How does the shape of a room affect sound?

The shape of a room can greatly affect how sound is reflected and absorbed. Rooms with flat and hard surfaces tend to have more echoes and reverberation, while rooms with soft and irregular surfaces can absorb sound and reduce echoes.

What are some practical applications of acoustics?

Acoustics has many practical applications, including designing concert halls and recording studios for optimal sound quality, creating noise barriers to reduce noise pollution, and developing hearing aids and other medical devices for hearing loss.
