Air resistance of a thrown object

In summary, when an object is thrown vertically upwards, it takes less time to reach its peak height than it does to return to the height of the throw. This is because on the way up, the object is facing both air resistance and gravity, which slows it down, while on the way down, it only has to overcome air resistance. The speed of the object when it passes the beginning point on its descent is not necessarily the same as when it was thrown, as it cannot exceed its terminal velocity. This is due to the opposing forces of gravity and air resistance. The object's actual deceleration will vary during the rise and fall, resulting in a longer time for the fall due to the lower acceleration. This can be summarized using
  • #1
an object thrown vertically upwards into the air takes shorter time to reach its peak height than it does to return to the height of the throw, is this true, how can it be, on the way up it has both the airs resistance ang gravity working against it whereas on the way down only the resistance,

is the speed of the object necessarily the same when it passes the beginning point on its descent as it was when it was thrown(Vo=Vf)? even in a case where air resistance is taken into account? if so i think i understand, - because the acceleration is lesser on the descent(because the forces are working in opposite directions) the time is greater. is this correct?
how can i summarise this using the equations of work and energy?
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  • #2
When you have air resistance forces acting, Vo at the release point and Vf when it returns to the release point cannot be the same. For one thing, you could throw a projectile up at some very high speed, but when it returns, it can't be traveling faster than its terminal velocity. Otherwise, i think you're on the right line of reasoning. Consider that when the projectile is thrown up, as you note, both gravity and air drag forces oppose the motion, causing it to de-celerate at a rate greater than g. This rapidly decreases the projectiles speed until it comes to a stop. It's actual deceleration will vary from some number greater than g, down to g, (at its peak), during the rise, due to the complex nature of the non constant drag force. When it now stops and starts to fall, it's speed increases, but at a rate less than g (it varies from g to 0 when (if) it reaches terminal velocity). With this lower value of acceleration, the time it takes to fall will be longer.
  • #3

Yes, it is true that an object thrown vertically upwards will take a shorter time to reach its peak height than it does to return to the height of the throw. This is due to the fact that on the way up, the object is experiencing both air resistance and gravity working against it, while on the way down, only air resistance is acting on it.

The speed of the object when it passes the beginning point on its descent may not necessarily be the same as when it was thrown (Vo=Vf). This is because air resistance can significantly affect the speed of the object. In a case where air resistance is taken into account, the speed of the object on its descent will be lower than its initial speed.

To summarize this using the equations of work and energy, we can say that the object's kinetic energy is being converted into potential energy as it moves upwards against the force of gravity. However, on its descent, the object's potential energy is being converted back into kinetic energy, but is also being reduced due to the work done by air resistance. This results in a lower speed and longer time for the object to return to its initial height.

FAQ: Air resistance of a thrown object

1. How does air resistance affect the trajectory of a thrown object?

Air resistance, also known as drag, is a force that acts in the opposite direction of motion. This means that as an object moves through the air, it experiences a force that slows it down and changes its direction. As a result, the trajectory of a thrown object is affected by air resistance, causing it to follow a curved path instead of a straight line.

2. What factors affect the amount of air resistance on a thrown object?

The amount of air resistance on a thrown object depends on several factors including the size, shape, and speed of the object, as well as the density and viscosity of the air it is moving through. Objects with larger surface areas, such as a flat sheet of paper, experience more air resistance than objects with smaller surface areas, like a pencil. Similarly, objects that are moving faster or through thicker air will experience more air resistance.

3. How does air resistance affect the speed of a thrown object?

Air resistance slows down a thrown object by exerting a force in the opposite direction of its motion. This force increases as the object moves faster, so the faster the object is moving, the more it will be slowed down by air resistance. As a result, the speed of a thrown object will gradually decrease due to air resistance, until it reaches a terminal velocity where the force of air resistance is equal to the force of gravity pulling the object down.

4. Can air resistance be reduced or eliminated for a thrown object?

Air resistance cannot be completely eliminated, but it can be reduced. One way to reduce air resistance on a thrown object is by making it more aerodynamic, such as by giving it a pointed shape. Additionally, throwing an object at a lower angle can also reduce the amount of air resistance it experiences.

5. How does air resistance affect the distance a thrown object can travel?

Since air resistance slows down a thrown object, it also affects the distance it can travel. The more air resistance an object experiences, the shorter the distance it will travel. This is why sports like javelin throwing and long jump are heavily affected by air resistance, as the trajectory and distance of the object are significantly affected by the amount of drag it experiences.
