Can I Use an American Notebook in Europe?

  • Thread starter Monique
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In summary, it is a good idea to buy an American (Japanese) notebook, but you should be aware of the differences in voltage, keyboard layout, and service guaranty.
  • #1
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I want to buy an American (Japanese) notebook, since they are quite cheap in the States. The only problem is that I will be moving for good to Europe (Netherlands) next month, so I am not sure how different the systems are. Ofcourse the electricity nets are totally different..

So is it a good idea or will I run into a lot of problems?
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  • #2
Originally posted by Monique
I want to buy an American (Japanese) notebook, since they are quite cheap in the States. The only problem is that I will be moving for good to Europe (Netherlands) next month, so I am not sure how different the systems are. Ofcourse the electricity nets are totally different..

So is it a good idea or will I run into a lot of problems?

I don't see why you're so concerned with the electricity net. Most notebooks come with an AC/DC adapter that can take any input ranging from 100 to 240 Volts and 50 to 60 Hertz as long as the current stays below 2.25 Amps. All you need to do is buy a simple plug adapter for $3 from a store like Radio Shack and your notebook will work just fine.

You might be annoyed by the differences in American versus Germanic keyboards, but since you've lived in America for the past two years, you should be used to this difference by now.


P.S. I wouldn't wait until this last minute to buy your notebook unless you get it from BestBuy and pay to have a full system check before the leave the store. Even then, it's best to allow for about a month of usage before you know that there are no physical problems with your system.
  • #3
Thank you for the reply Entropy, I actually asked a computer person today and he also said that there should be a problem.. except for double taxation :S

It might seem like a silly question but systems in the states and europe, or actually, the states compared to the rest of the world are SO different.. that it made me wonder.

Not just the electricity, but plugs, and vcr tapes in the states are for instance incompatible with vcrs in europe. So I thought there might be hardware differences in the notebooks too (stickshift cars in europe, automatic ones in us).

Why do you say that there is a difference with the keyboard between American and Germanic ones? They are the same as far as I know. There IS a difference with the ones in Italy, I had the hardest time writing e-mail messages, trying to find the shift, enter, dollar etc keys :)
  • #4
Ok this is what a computer store in the Netherlands told me:

They said that the chance is high that the adapter won't stand the different net voltage for a long time and might break.

There is a difference in the TV-out. US televisions use NTSC (?) while in the Netherlands we use PAL (?).

The operating system might be a problem since it is all in english and might give substantial problems in case of technical problems (? That is what he said). In some cases it might not be possible to install a new version of Windows since the US works with recovery CD's whereby the computer with the operating system is reset to the factory settings (?).

And the most important one: an american laptop won't have the service garantee in europe so if it break in the first year I am toast!

FAQ: Can I Use an American Notebook in Europe?

1. What is an American notebook in Europe?

An American notebook in Europe is a notebook that is designed and produced in the United States and used by individuals while traveling or living in Europe. It may also refer to a notebook that has an American theme or design.

2. What are the benefits of using an American notebook in Europe?

Some benefits of using an American notebook in Europe include having a familiar and comfortable writing experience, as well as being able to easily find replacement notebooks in case of running out of pages. Additionally, it can be a unique and personalized souvenir to document your travels.

3. Can an American notebook be used in Europe?

Yes, an American notebook can be used in Europe. However, it is important to check the paper size and format to ensure compatibility with European standards. It is also recommended to pack a few extra notebooks in case of unexpected events or running out of pages.

4. Are there any cultural considerations to keep in mind when using an American notebook in Europe?

It is always important to be respectful and mindful of different cultures while traveling. In some European countries, it may be considered rude or offensive to write in a notebook during a conversation or while in a public space. It is best to observe and follow the local customs and etiquette.

5. Where can I purchase an American notebook in Europe?

American notebooks can be purchased at various stationery and office supply stores in major cities in Europe. They can also be purchased online and shipped to your destination. If you are looking for a specific brand or design, it is recommended to purchase before your trip or check the availability in the country you will be visiting.

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