Angular acceleration in rigid body rotation due to a torque

In summary, for the rotation of a rigid body about a fixed axis z, the angular momentum \vec{L_z} is related to the torque \vec{\tau_z} and the angular acceleration \vec{\alpha} by the equation \vec{\tau_z}=\frac{d\vec{L_z}}{dt}= I_z \vec{\alpha}. This means that if there is an angular acceleration, there must also be an exerted torque with a non-zero component along the axis of rotation, and this component is responsible for the angular acceleration. If the applied torque is completely perpendicular to the axis of rotation, there will be no angular acceleration and the body will experience precession. This can be described as an angular motion of
  • #1
For the rotation of a rigid body about a fixed axis [itex]z[/itex] the following holds.

$$\vec{\tau_z}=\frac{d\vec{L_z}}{dt}= I_z \vec{\alpha} \tag{1}$$

Where [itex]\vec{\tau_z}[/itex] is the component parallel to the axis [itex]z[/itex] of a torque [itex]\vec{\tau}[/itex] exerted in the body; [itex]\vec{L_z}[/itex] is the component parallel to the rotation axis [itex]z[/itex] of the angular momentum and [itex] \vec{\alpha}[/itex] is the angular acceleration.

Can I interpret (1) as follows?

If there is an angular acceleration [itex] \vec{\alpha}[/itex] there must be an exerted torque [itex]\vec{\tau}[/itex] with non zero component [itex]\vec{\tau_z}[/itex] along the axis of rotation [itex]z[/itex]: this last mentioned component [itex]\vec{\tau_z}[/itex] is the only one responsible for the present angular acceleration [itex] \vec{\alpha}[/itex]. If the applied torque [itex]\vec{\tau}[/itex] has no component along the axis of rotation [itex]z[/itex] (i.e. it is completely perpendicular to it) there is no way that an angular acceleration [itex] \vec{\alpha}[/itex] appears.
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  • #2
Hi Soren4:
Soren4 said:
If the applied torque vecor τ has no component along the axis of rotation (i.e. it is completely perpendicular to it) there is no way that an angular acceleration α appears.
I may be mistaken about all the implications, but I understand then when a constant torque is applied to a spinning body, and the angle of the torque vector is perpendicular to the spin vector, the the body experiences precession, and the spin vector direction will follow a circular motion. I am not exactly sure how to describe this angular motion of the spin axis in terms of an acceleration vector. I am guessing it would analogous to a centripetal force vector corresponding to the acceleration of body in a circular orbit about a central mass.

Hope this helps.


FAQ: Angular acceleration in rigid body rotation due to a torque

What is angular acceleration in rigid body rotation?

Angular acceleration in rigid body rotation is the rate of change of angular velocity, which is the rotational speed of the object, due to a torque. It is a measure of how quickly the object's rotational speed is changing.

How is angular acceleration calculated?

Angular acceleration is calculated using the formula α = τ/I, where α is the angular acceleration, τ is the torque applied to the object, and I is the moment of inertia, a measure of the object's resistance to rotational motion.

What is the relationship between torque and angular acceleration?

There is a direct relationship between torque and angular acceleration. The greater the torque applied to an object, the greater its angular acceleration will be. In other words, the more force applied to cause rotation, the faster the object will rotate.

How does angular acceleration affect the motion of a rigid body?

Angular acceleration affects the motion of a rigid body by causing it to rotate at an increasing or decreasing speed. If the angular acceleration is positive, the body will rotate in the same direction as the torque, while a negative angular acceleration will result in rotation in the opposite direction.

What factors can affect angular acceleration in rigid body rotation?

The main factors that can affect angular acceleration in rigid body rotation are the magnitude and direction of the applied torque, and the moment of inertia of the object. The shape and distribution of mass within the object can also play a role in determining its moment of inertia and therefore its angular acceleration.
