Angular momentum Units a very basic question

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of units for angular momentum and whether it is acceptable to use degrees in the units instead of radians. It is mentioned that degrees are technically treated as units, unlike radians which are unitless. It is also noted that if using angular momentum values calculated using degrees, the proper units should be indicated. The expert confirms that degrees are technically correct as long as they are included in the units and clarifies that their handle is SteamKing.
  • #1
I have a very basic questions about units for angular momentum.

The measure is in kg m^2/s

Angular velocity is in radians/s and therefore radians do not appear in the units.

Here is my question, can we leave this in degees/s? Sure its not used but is it wrong?

If we are dealing with something like tangential velocity for example, angular velocity has to be in radians/s because a linear measure like tangential velocity cannot have degrees as part of the units. It would be wrong to do so.

However, in the case of angular momentum, we are measuring an angular quantity. Having degrees in the units should be acceptable. Yes, that never happens but is there a scientific reason that would make it wrong to have degrees in angular momentum?

Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
Degrees are technically treated as units, unlike radians which are unitless due to their definition. If you use angular momentum values calculated using degrees, you should indicate the proper units in case these numbers are to be used in other calculations, where radians would normally be used.
  • #3
Thank you very much Streamking! That's what I thought, so degrees are technically correct as long as they are included in the units. Just wanted to confirm that since I don't see it used anywhere.
  • #4
camcrash11 said:
Thank you very much Streamking! That's what I thought, so degrees are technically correct as long as they are included in the units. Just wanted to confirm that since I don't see it used anywhere.

BTW, the handle is SteamKing, not StreamKing. And you're welcome.
  • #5
opps. Sorry about that SteamKing. Thanks again!

FAQ: Angular momentum Units a very basic question

1. What is angular momentum?

Angular momentum is a measure of an object's rotational motion. It is a vector quantity that takes into account an object's mass, velocity, and distance from a fixed point.

2. How is angular momentum measured?

Angular momentum is measured in units of kilogram meters squared per second (kg·m2/s). This unit is derived from multiplying an object's mass (kg), velocity (m/s), and distance (m) from a fixed point.

3. What is the difference between angular momentum and linear momentum?

Angular momentum is a measure of rotational motion, while linear momentum is a measure of an object's straight-line motion. Angular momentum takes into account an object's rotational speed and distance from a fixed point, while linear momentum only considers an object's mass and velocity.

4. Can angular momentum be negative?

Yes, angular momentum can be negative. This indicates that the direction of rotation is opposite to the direction of the reference axis. For example, if an object is rotating clockwise and the reference axis is defined as counter-clockwise, the angular momentum will be negative.

5. How can angular momentum be conserved?

Angular momentum is conserved in a closed system, meaning that it does not change over time. This is known as the law of conservation of angular momentum. Any change in an object's angular momentum must be balanced by an opposite change in the angular momentum of another object or system.

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