Any Laboratory Scale Test of GR's correction to Newtonian Gravity?

However, in summary, there are no laboratory scale experiments that have tested general relativity effects between two test bodies, such as frame dragging. This is important to consider in constructing a quantum theory of gravity, as string theory assumes that general relativity is valid down to microscopic scales, but it is possible that this assumption may be incorrect even at millimeter scales.
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Understanding the short-distance behaviour of gravity is crucial for constructing a quantum theory of gravity. The Newtonian inverse square law approximation has been tested in laboratory down to millimeter scales, but I'm not aware of any laboratory scale experiments testing general relativistic effects between two test bodies (frame dragging etc.). As far as I understand, string theory assumes that general relativity is a valid classical limit down to microscopic scales. Could it be that this assumption is simply wrong, even at millimeter scales?
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  • #2
petergreat said:
I'm not aware of any laboratory scale experiments testing general relativistic effects between two test bodies (frame dragging etc.)

There are lab scale experiments that test special relativity (i.e. Doppler and Transverse Doppler).

FAQ: Any Laboratory Scale Test of GR's correction to Newtonian Gravity?

1. What is GR and how does it differ from Newtonian gravity?

GR stands for General Relativity, which is a theory of gravity proposed by Albert Einstein. It differs from Newtonian gravity in that it takes into account the curvature of spacetime caused by massive objects, while Newtonian gravity is based on the concept of gravity as a force between objects.

2. Why is testing GR's correction to Newtonian gravity important?

Testing GR's correction to Newtonian gravity is important because it allows us to validate the predictions of Einstein's theory and potentially discover any discrepancies or limitations. It also helps us better understand the nature of gravity and its effects on the universe.

3. How is a laboratory scale test of GR's correction to Newtonian gravity conducted?

The most common laboratory scale test of GR's correction to Newtonian gravity is the Eötvös experiment, which measures the difference in acceleration between two objects of different masses and compositions. Other methods include using torsion balances or measuring the deflection of light near massive objects.

4. What are the current results of laboratory scale tests of GR's correction to Newtonian gravity?

So far, laboratory scale tests of GR's correction to Newtonian gravity have been consistent with Einstein's theory. However, these tests have been limited to small scales and may not be able to detect any deviations from GR at larger scales. Ongoing research and advancements in technology may provide more precise results in the future.

5. How do laboratory scale tests of GR's correction to Newtonian gravity contribute to our overall understanding of the universe?

By comparing the results of laboratory scale tests of GR's correction to Newtonian gravity with observations of larger celestial bodies, we can gain a better understanding of the behavior of gravity at different scales. This allows us to test the validity of GR and potentially uncover new insights into the nature of gravity and the structure of the universe.
