Applying pressure on a body in ANSYS 15.0

In summary, to apply pressure on a portion of a face in ANSYS 15.0, you can use the SPACE CLAIM direct modeler to sketch a region or divide an existing surface into smaller regions. This will create a dimension that can be modified and located to the desired area. However, if using CATIA for 3-D modeling, the boundary may not be recognized after importing as a STEP file and cannot be created within ANSYS.
  • #1
Could anyone help me out on how to apply pressure on a portion of a face in ANSYS 15.0, as in like a concentric area within a solid body.

Thanks in advance
  • #3
Not sure what this is exactly, but hover your mouse over the "concentric area" and left click. You will click the outside area of the body but, at the bottom left, there will be a bunch of rectangles. Hover mouse over each rectangle and Ansys will highlight specific internal faces. Left click on rectangle to select the internal face you want to apply pressure to.
  • #4
I just had the same problem. I have to use SPACE CLAIM direct modeler to either sketch a region or you can divide an existing surface into smaller regions. Ideally, you sketch out the area you need to apply said load to, hit the "ruler" icon on the pop up menu and it creates a dimension that you can then modify to size and locate said region. Then, ANSYS will recognize the boundary and mesh it accordingly. I use CATIA for 3-D modelling and it would not recognize any such boundary after importing as a STEP file and there is no way to create this region inside of ANSYS itself. Hope this helps?

FAQ: Applying pressure on a body in ANSYS 15.0

1. What is the purpose of applying pressure on a body in ANSYS 15.0?

The purpose of applying pressure on a body in ANSYS 15.0 is to simulate real-world conditions and analyze the effects of external forces on the body. This can help in predicting the behavior and structural integrity of the body under different pressure loads.

2. How can I apply pressure on a body in ANSYS 15.0?

To apply pressure on a body in ANSYS 15.0, you can use the "Mechanical" module and select the "Pressure" option under the "Loads" tab. You can then specify the magnitude, direction, and location of the pressure load on the body.

3. Can I apply pressure on a specific area of the body in ANSYS 15.0?

Yes, you can apply pressure on a specific area of the body in ANSYS 15.0 by selecting the desired surface or face of the body and applying the pressure load only on that selected area. This allows for more precise and localized analysis of the effects of pressure on the body.

4. What are the units of pressure in ANSYS 15.0?

The units of pressure in ANSYS 15.0 can be specified in different systems including SI, metric, US Customary, and user-defined units. The default unit for pressure is Pa (Pascal), but you can change it to the desired unit in the "Units" section of the analysis settings.

5. Can I apply time-varying pressure on a body in ANSYS 15.0?

Yes, you can apply time-varying pressure on a body in ANSYS 15.0 by using the "Ramp" option in the "Load Step" settings. This allows you to simulate dynamic loads and analyze the response of the body over time under varying pressure conditions.

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