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Welcome to these Forums cosmomath!cosmomath said:Fellow Searchers:
Looking to communicate on aunification program of the current theories and states of Mathematics and Cosmology. Specifically, String/Brane Theory, Causal Sets, Percolation, Conceptual Spacetime Geometric Models, Causality Violations, Non-Commutative Geometry, Topology of Spacetime, Algebraic Topology.
Specifics Sought: All and any commonality betwen LQG, String Theory, and Causal Sets.
Even simple unions and intersections (even basic or conceptual) are of great interest. Also, any areas/fields of mathematics that have been overlooked (or missing) in the above theories.
Thank You...Good Hunting...COSMOMATH
I must admit I did a Google search for "aunification" before I realized you must mean "a unification"!
Does this post have anything to do with cosmological coincidences? If so, can you be specific?
If you want to ask a more general question along your lines above I suggest you start a thread in the appropriate Forum, paying due regard to the Physics Forums Global Guidelines.
If you are proposing your own theory, not published in a refereed journal, then that can only be done on PF on the Independent Research Forum paying due regard to their even stricter https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=82301.
The reason for these rules is to maintain a discipline that filters out the many crackpot ideas and theories that abound on the Internet. Basically this is a teaching site where newbies are to be encouraged but not to be misled, also we do ask intelligent questions about refereed and published research to increase our own understanding.
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