Create an Artificial World: Physics Explained for Programmers

  • Thread starter Fricas
  • Start date
In summary, the speaker is a programmer who wants to create an artificial world but needs help with the theoretical side of physics. They are familiar with classical physics and are seeking guidance on the main physical forces that should be programmed in the world. They are also looking to create a simulator for artificial intelligence and want to keep the world as simple as possible. The suggested forces to focus on are electromagnetism and gravitation, and a good online reference is provided for further information. The speaker also suggests moving the conversation to a different forum for better responses.
  • #1
I'm programmer and I'm a bit familiar with physics. For some reasons I want to begin developing something like artificial world, it is possible to avoid chemistry's side, but physics no. I am far not a gurru in physics, so maby some of u could help me with theoretical side, about main physical forces that should be programmed in this world. I want to make simulator for artificial intelligence developing and I need to make this world as easy as possible.
Physics news on
  • #2
Welcome to the Forums,

If you aren't too familiar with physics, I'd stick with classical physics. That is, Newtonian mechanics and electromagnetism. You will be able to describe most phenomena in your world using two forces.

(1) Electromagnetism - Lenz's law etc.
(2) Gravitation - Newton's Law of Gravitation" is a good online reference for such subjects.

(I would suggest that this thread would be better placed in general physics/engineering, since you will probably get more replies and interest their. If you wish to have the thread moved just PM a mentor and request that it be done)
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  • #3

Hello, as a scientist, I am excited to see programmers taking an interest in understanding and applying physics in their work. Physics is the fundamental science that explains the behavior of matter and energy in our physical world. It is a crucial aspect of any artificial world simulation, as it provides the rules and principles that govern the behavior of objects and systems.

To begin with, there are four main forces in physics that you should consider when creating an artificial world: gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force. Gravity is responsible for the attraction between objects with mass, while electromagnetism governs the interactions between electrically charged particles. The strong and weak nuclear forces are responsible for interactions between subatomic particles.

In order to make your simulation as accurate as possible, it is important to understand how these forces interact with each other and how they affect the motion and behavior of objects in your artificial world. For example, gravity will determine how objects fall and move towards each other, while electromagnetism will dictate how charged particles interact and repel or attract each other.

Additionally, you may want to consider incorporating concepts such as conservation of energy and momentum, which are fundamental principles in physics that govern the behavior of objects in motion. These concepts will help ensure that your artificial world behaves realistically and follows the laws of physics.

I would also recommend seeking out resources and materials on physics for programmers to further your understanding and application of these principles in your artificial world. With a strong foundation in physics, you can create a more realistic and accurate simulation for artificial intelligence development. Best of luck in your endeavors!

FAQ: Create an Artificial World: Physics Explained for Programmers

1. What is an artificial world in the context of programming?

An artificial world in programming refers to a simulated environment that is created using algorithms and computer code. This world can be used for various purposes, such as testing and training artificial intelligence, creating virtual reality experiences, or studying complex systems.

2. How is physics related to creating an artificial world?

Physics plays a crucial role in creating an artificial world because it provides the fundamental laws and principles that govern the behavior of objects in the simulated environment. These laws are translated into mathematical equations that are used to simulate the movements and interactions of objects in the artificial world.

3. What are some key concepts in physics that are important for programmers to understand when creating an artificial world?

Some key concepts in physics that are important for programmers to understand when creating an artificial world include motion, forces, energy, gravity, and collisions. These concepts help determine the behavior of objects in the simulated environment and ensure that they follow the laws of physics.

4. How can programmers use physics in their code to create a realistic artificial world?

Programmers can use physics in their code by implementing physics engines, which are libraries or modules that simulate the laws of physics in a virtual environment. These engines use algorithms and mathematical equations to calculate the movements and interactions of objects in the artificial world, resulting in a more realistic and immersive experience.

5. Are there any programming languages or tools specifically designed for creating artificial worlds?

Yes, there are several programming languages and tools that are specifically designed for creating artificial worlds. Some popular examples include Unity, Unreal Engine, and Blender. These tools provide a user-friendly interface and a wide range of features to help programmers create complex and realistic simulated environments.

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