Astrology Shifted: What You Need to Know

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In summary: the link did not come up for me...however, consulting a skeptic website will obviously lead you to information that is biased against astrology...
  • #1
Science Advisor
"shifted" astrology

Greetings !

Take a look at this link, amongst other things
it confirms what I recently heard in a program -
the astrologic charts today are completely shifted
relative to the constellations to which they
were originally tied :

Live long and prosper.
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  • #2
the link did not come up for me...however, consulting a skeptic website will obviously lead you to information that is biased against astrology...

the reason skeptics claim that astrological charts have shifted is because the constellations have shifted...however, the chart is not based on the stars in the sky, but the ecliptic of the earth...:wink:
  • #3
Originally posted by Kerrie
the link did not come up for me...however, consulting a skeptic website will obviously lead you to information that is biased against astrology...

the reason skeptics claim that astrological charts have shifted is because the constellations have shifted...however, the chart is not based on the stars in the sky, but the ecliptic of the earth...:wink:

Yes, Kerrie, and I hear that any precessional shifts due to Earth's wobble etc... are compensated for in todays version of astrology.
  • #4
yes they are, it is called vedic astrology and all the charts practiced in that type of astrology are moved back exactly (at present) 23.5 degrees...tropical astrology, which is most widely used uses the date of the spring equinox to use as a starting place, as the Earth's ecliptic, being a perfect circle, has no beginning or end, thus astrologists will use either the tropical starting point (the spring equinox) or the vedic starting point (exactly 23.5 degrees prior) to the spring equinox...
  • #5
Originally posted by Kerrie
yes they are, it is called vedic astrology and all the charts practiced in that type of astrology are moved back exactly (at present) 23.5 degrees...tropical astrology, which is most widely used uses the date of the spring equinox to use as a starting place, as the Earth's ecliptic, being a perfect circle, has no beginning or end, thus astrologists will use either the tropical starting point (the spring equinox) or the vedic starting point (exactly 23.5 degrees prior) to the spring equinox...

Kind of like GPS/protractor/simulator/sextant/astrological forcasting! Bloody marvelous!

Next they'll be using an atomic clock to verify birthdates.

There is another method that is based on conception rather than birth. That must involve a lot of embarrassing questions to the parents of the subject!

I imagine that conception based astrological readings could potentially hold very accurate information about the subject. Calculating the effects of the immediate galactic environment on a rapidly dividing and multiplying foetus, theoretically, picks up on the most basic of trends in organ growth, efficiency and the personality traits that are determined by the shape and health of various organs.
  • #6
conception is not used in determining a chart because the fetus is entirely dependent upon the will of the mother carrying it...astrology is a blue print of a person who has the ability to excercise free will, yet it is our free will that ultimately decides what choices we will make...
  • #7
Greetings !
Originally posted by Kerrie
the link did not come up for me...
Well I tried it again, seems to work now.
Originally posted by Kerrie
however, consulting a skeptic website will
obviously lead you to information that is
biased against astrology...
There's a difference between lying and arguing.
Like I said, I heard this before from an
expert too, and the site seems pretty
respectable to me.
Originally posted by Kerrie
yes they are, it is called vedic astrology and
all the charts practiced in that type of
astrology are moved back exactly (at present)
23.5 degrees...tropical astrology, which is
most widely used uses the date of the spring
equinox to use as a starting place, as the
earth's ecliptic, being a perfect circle,
has no beginning or end, thus astrologists
will use either the tropical starting point
(the spring equinox) or the vedic starting
point (exactly 23.5 degrees prior) to the
spring equinox...
O.K., I see.

Live long and prosper.

FAQ: Astrology Shifted: What You Need to Know

What is "Astrology Shifted: What You Need to Know" about?

"Astrology Shifted: What You Need to Know" is a book that explores the concept of astrology and how it has shifted over time. It discusses the historical origins of astrology and how it has evolved into its modern form, as well as the different approaches and interpretations of astrology in various cultures and traditions.

Is astrology a scientifically valid concept?

Astrology is not considered a scientifically valid concept by the majority of the scientific community. While there is some evidence that celestial bodies can have an impact on Earth, there is currently no scientific proof that astrology can accurately predict human behavior or future events.

How has astrology changed over time?

Astrology has changed significantly over time, with its origins dating back to ancient civilizations such as the Babylonians and Egyptians. It has evolved and adapted to different cultures and belief systems, and has also been influenced by advancements in astronomy and technology.

What are the different types of astrology?

There are many different types of astrology, including Western astrology, Chinese astrology, Vedic astrology, and Mayan astrology. Each type has its own unique methods and interpretations, and may focus on different aspects of a person's life, such as personality traits, relationships, or future predictions.

Can astrology be used for guidance or decision-making?

While some people may use astrology as a tool for guidance or decision-making, it is important to approach it with a critical and open mind. Astrology should not be relied upon as a definitive source of information or as a substitute for professional advice. It is ultimately up to the individual to determine the role and significance of astrology in their own life.

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