Solve Ballistic Pendulum Height Problem

In summary, a bullet fired with a speed of 97 m/s and hit a block of mass 2.61 kg supported by two massless strings. The bullet emerged from the right side of the block with a speed of 48.5 m/s. The block rose 4.414 m in height.
  • #1
[solved]Ballistic pendulum

Homework Statement

A bullet of mass m = 0.024 kg is fired with a speed of vi = 97.00 m/s and hits a block of mass M = 2.61 kg supported by two massless strings. The bullet emerges from the right side of the block with a speed of vf = 48.50 m/s. Find the height to which the block rises.

m1= 0.024 kg
m2= 2.61 kg
vi = 97 m/s
vf = 48.5 m/s
h = unknown


Homework Equations

Before+JA collision
m1v1+ m2V2 = P
Ki = 1/2m1v1^2+1/2m2vf^2
1/2mv^2= mgh

The Attempt at a Solution

I know i need to use con of momentum before and just after bullet contact to find v. But that's where I am having problems at, I am not really sure how to set it up to find v

I had been doing 1/2m1v1^2+1/2m2vf^2 = 3182.6 then trying to set that = mgh but it gives me 120.

If i can find that v i know id need 1/2*m2*V = m2*g*h
then solve from h there if I am correct if someone could give me nudge into right direction would be great
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  • #2
I don't notice where you take into account the energy lost during the collision.
  • #3
ok so would i do 1/2mvi^2 = 1/2 mVm2^2
vm2= velocity of block just after bullet passes threw
1/2*.024*97^2= 1/2*2.61*vm2^2

vm2 = 9.3016

1/2mvm2^2= mgh
1/2*9.3016^2 = 9.8h (m's cancel out)

i got h = 4.414 m but tells me that's wrong
  • #4
this is a complicated multi-step problem.

first, use conservation of momentum to find the velocity of the block when the bullet is embedded (.884 m/s). Then, use conservation of momentum again using equation mass (bullet plus block)*velocity (bullet plus block)= Mbullet*Vfbullet+ Mblock*Vfblock

subtract over the bullet final and divide by the mass of the block to obtain the velocity of the block after the bullet exits. Then, use conservation of kinetic energy to determine how high the block goes. 1/2mv^2=mgy Solve for y, and that's the answer. I got .1 m for the answer so if that's wrong I could be off.
  • #5
that didnt work but where are you getting the .1 when i do what you typed out i get
(.024+2.61)*.884 = 2.61*48.5+2.61*Vb
2.328456 = 126.585 + 2.61*VB
-124.26 = 2.61*vb
47.6 m/s = vb

plugging that # in for v i get no where near .1, so you could be close but it wanted atleast 4 sig digits and adding 3 zeros wasnt it
  • #6
be careful, in your equation you entered 48.5 m/s as the block's velocity after impact. You should be solving for this variable, so insert 48.5m/s as the bullet's velocity. There was an error on my part; the height should be .0099 m
  • #7
thnx i put in wrong mass for bullet was the problem got it now was .01016

FAQ: Solve Ballistic Pendulum Height Problem

1. What is a ballistic pendulum?

A ballistic pendulum is a device used to measure the velocity of a projectile by measuring the height reached by a pendulum after the projectile collides with it.

2. How do you solve a ballistic pendulum height problem?

To solve a ballistic pendulum height problem, you need to use the conservation of energy and momentum principles. First, calculate the velocity of the projectile before it collides with the pendulum using the conservation of momentum. Then, use the conservation of energy to calculate the height the pendulum reaches after the collision.

3. What factors affect the height reached by the pendulum in a ballistic pendulum experiment?

The factors that affect the height reached by the pendulum include the mass and velocity of the projectile, the mass and length of the pendulum, and the angle at which the projectile hits the pendulum.

4. Can a ballistic pendulum be used to measure the velocity of any projectile?

No, a ballistic pendulum can only accurately measure the velocity of a projectile if it is small, has a known mass, and hits the pendulum at a known angle.

5. What are some real-world applications of ballistic pendulums?

Ballistic pendulums are commonly used in physics laboratories to demonstrate principles of conservation of energy and momentum. They are also used in forensic science to determine the velocity of a bullet after it has hit a target. In sports, ballistic pendulums can be used to measure the speed of a baseball pitch or a golf swing.
