Barrel roll with/without slipping

In summary, the conversation discussed the difference in speed between a barrel that rolls without slipping down an inclined plane and one that only slips. The group concluded that the barrel that slips will reach the bottom of the plane faster due to its higher velocity. They also provided mathematical calculations to support their reasoning.
  • #1
Hi guys,

I'm wondering if I roll a barrel which rolls without slipping down an inclined plane vs. a barrel which only slips down the plane - who will get down faster and how can I show it mathematically ?

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  • #2
Start by drawing free body diagrams for each situation. Then you can calculate the acceleration.
  • #3
Do what Doc Al have told you, the final result is that the barrel that slips down falls faster than the one that rolls.
  • #4
For rolling without slip:
mgh=0.5Iω + 0.5mV^2, I=0.5MR^2 ->
mgh=0.25mR^2 * (V/R)^2 +0.5MV^2
gh=0.25V^2 + 0.5V^2 ->
V=√4/3 gh

For slip only:
mgh=0.5mV^2 ->

and so the Velocity at the bottom of the inclined plane is higher for slip only. is that correct?
  • #5
dislect said:
For rolling without slip:
mgh=0.5Iω + 0.5mV^2, I=0.5MR^2 ->
mgh=0.25mR^2 * (V/R)^2 +0.5MV^2
gh=0.25V^2 + 0.5V^2 ->
V=√4/3 gh

For slip only:
mgh=0.5mV^2 ->

and so the Velocity at the bottom of the inclined plane is higher for slip only. is that correct?
That's correct. (I see you modeled the barrel as a solid cylinder, which is OK.)
  • #6
Thank you for the help! much appreciated

FAQ: Barrel roll with/without slipping

What is a barrel roll?

A barrel roll is a type of aerial maneuver in which an aircraft rotates 360 degrees along its longitudinal axis while maintaining its altitude and direction of travel.

What is the difference between a barrel roll with and without slipping?

A barrel roll without slipping refers to a perfectly coordinated maneuver where the aircraft's nose stays on the same flight path throughout the roll. A barrel roll with slipping, on the other hand, involves the aircraft slipping or sliding off its original flight path during the roll.

What causes an aircraft to slip during a barrel roll?

An aircraft can slip during a barrel roll due to uneven lift distribution, uncoordinated control inputs, or external factors such as wind or turbulence. This can result in a loss of altitude and deviation from the intended flight path.

Is a barrel roll a safe maneuver?

When performed correctly, a barrel roll is a safe and controlled maneuver. However, it should only be attempted by trained and experienced pilots in appropriate aircraft and conditions. Improper execution or attempting a barrel roll in unsuitable conditions can lead to loss of control and potential accidents.

What are the practical applications of a barrel roll?

Barrel rolls are primarily used in aerobatic displays to showcase the agility and capabilities of an aircraft. They can also be used in certain situations to evade enemy attacks or as a defensive maneuver in combat. However, they are not typically used in day-to-day flight operations.

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