Better way of holding candle at an angle

In summary, for an experiment involving setting a burning candle at different angles, it is inefficient to tape the candle to a cup and a needle each time the angle needs to be adjusted. A more efficient method would be to use two poles with screw eyes to hold the candle, allowing it to be easily slid back and out without having to readjust the angle. Another suggestion is to use a lab clamp, which can be kept on the scale for the entire experiment and allows the wax to drip onto a non-supported surface.
  • #1
Jenny Physics
In one of the experiments I give to my students, they need to set a burning candle at different (fixed) angles.
In the past they have taped the candle to a cup and a needle taped to the cup like in the following picture.
This is quite inefficient because for the same angle they need to tape and un-tape the candle (to measure its weight etc) a few times and each time they need to measure the angle again.
Any suggestions on a better way to do this that doesn't require taping the candle? Perhaps using two poles set at a given distance each with screw eyes on which the candle rests? This way the candle can be slid back and out without having to set the angle again.
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  • #2
Why not simply use a lab clamp? See for instance
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  • #3
Just keep the setup on the scale for the whole experiment and let the wax drip onto something that is not supported by the scale... :smile:
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Likes Jenny Physics

FAQ: Better way of holding candle at an angle

How does holding a candle at an angle affect its burn time?

Holding a candle at an angle can actually decrease its burn time. When a candle is tilted, the wax will pool on one side, causing it to burn unevenly and at a faster rate.

Is there a specific angle at which a candle should be held for optimal burning?

No, there is no specific angle that guarantees optimal burning. Some experts suggest holding the candle at a 45 degree angle, but the best angle may vary depending on the type of candle and its wick.

Can holding a candle at an angle affect the scent throw?

Yes, holding a candle at an angle can affect the scent throw. When the candle burns unevenly, the scent may not be dispersed evenly, resulting in a weaker scent throw.

Are there any safety concerns with holding a candle at an angle?

Yes, there are safety concerns with holding a candle at an angle. As the wax pools on one side, the flame may become larger and more unstable, increasing the risk of fire. It is important to always keep candles on a flat surface and never leave them unattended.

Can holding a candle at an angle affect the appearance of the melted wax?

Yes, holding a candle at an angle can affect the appearance of the melted wax. The wax may drip down the sides of the candle and create an uneven, messy look. This can also make it difficult to relight the candle later on.
