Make 2 launchers that shoot a straw with clay at the end

  • Thread starter Jhonny boy
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In summary, the project involves creating two launchers designed to propel a straw with a clay tip. The process includes assembling materials for the launchers, ensuring they are capable of launching the straws effectively, and testing their performance to achieve optimal distance and accuracy.
  • #1
Jhonny boy
TL;DR Summary: The goal of the project is to make 2 launchers that shoot a straw with clay at the end for weight.
Here are the requirements:

Performance Requirements
Performance requirements (each launcher):
  1. Range Distance 1 - projectile must travel exactly 12 feet measured where it first strikes the ground
  2. Range Distance 2 - projectile must travel exactly 16 feet measured where it first strikes the ground
  3. Range Path 1 - the projectile must travel straight relative to the centerline
  4. Range Path 2 - the projectile must travel straight relative to the centerline
Launcher Guidelines

  • Launchers must be built from the supply of ‘raw materials’ provided in the room and listed below.
  • Launchers must be freestanding and built on a platform as detailed below.
  • Launchers must be contained within the platform’s dimensions with nothing overhanging the platform, with the exception of the straw projectile.
  • Each launcher must be adjustable with two ‘settings’ so it is capable of launching a straw projectile each of the two target distances.
  • The minimum launch angle for either launcher is 30 degrees above the horizontal.
  • One launcher must be adjustable by the angle of launch (A-Launcher) and the other launcher must be adjustable by the velocity of launch (V-Launcher).
  • Launcher adjustment ‘settings’ must be built into the design - nothing may be removed from the launcher to adjust the launch ‘settings’.
  • Both launchers must be operated with a ‘trigger’ mechanism - the ‘trigger’ must have the ability to be ‘set’ in a hands-free mode and then ‘activated’ with an action (i.e. touch, push, pull).
  • Both launchers must use the same or identical projectiles (see Straw Projectile below).
  • Any source of potential energy may be used as provided in the materials list (i.e. spring, rubber band, weight, mousetrap, etc.).
  • The height of projectile flight is limited to the hallway ceiling height.

Launcher Platform Requirements
  • Launchers must have a platform as a ‘base’ on which the launching ‘mechanism’ is mounted.
  • Launcher platforms must be identical including dimensions, materials, fasteners, configuration, feet.
  • The platform must rest on the floor with either 3 or 4 points of contact with the floor (feet) that are each no larger than 1 square inch in contact surface.
  • The platform must rest parallel (level) with the floor.
  • The platform surface area can not be larger than 64 square inches.
  • Launchers must be contained within the platform’s dimensions with nothing overhanging the platform with the exception of the straw projectile.
Straw Projectile

  • The projectile must be a plastic drinking straw (provided in the materials).
  • The straw can be altered but it must fly freely as a projectile through the air.
  • The straw projectile must have a minimum length of 3 inches.
  • A small amount of clay must be added to the front of the straw (provided in the materials), nothing else can be attached to the straw.
  • Both launchers must use the same or identical projectiles.
  • The straw projectile must have a launch mass of 10 grams or less.

Launchers must be built from the supply of ‘raw materials’ provided in the room and listed below. Be creative and efficient. No other materials are allowed to be used on this project.
  • Rubber bands, mousetraps, springs, weights
  • Plastic drinking straws, clay
  • Various craft sticks, wood pieces, sheets, plywood, card stock, PVC pipe as available
  • Clothespins, metal rods, wood dowels
  • Tape, duct tape, wood glue, hot glue
  • String, fishing line, wire
  • Various metal screws, fasteners, and zip ties
  • Paint, markers, card stock as available

Demonstration Conditions
Each team has two rounds of launcher demonstrations. For each round, the team demonstrates both launchers, one at a time (4 launches). The A-Launcher is demonstrated first. Each launcher makes 2 launches, one at a time, to strike the 2 target distances in sequence. The short target is demonstrated first.

Launchers are placed with the front of the platform parallel with the launch line and centered on the launch point. Performance results are recorded for each demonstration round. At the end of each round, a team may elect to redo 1 of the 4 launches, recording the best result.

Each team must present their Guide Book before they are allowed to participate in the demonstration.
The project is divided into 3 separate graded deliverables that total 225 points, including:
  1. Launcher Performance (100 points) - results of performance;
  2. Guide Book (50 points) - presentation of team and launchers;
  3. Engineering Notebook (75 points) - documentation of project activities and results;

Launcher Performance
  1. Range Distance Deviation: percent difference between the required range distance and the projectile’s actual range distance - measured from the Launch Point point to where the straw projectile first strikes the floor.
  2. Range Path Deviation: percent difference between the required range path and the projectile’s actual travel path distance - measured as a straight line from the nearest point on the Range Path Center Line to to where the straw projectile first strikes the floor.
Deviation performance measures are the same for Range Distance 1 and 2 and for both Launchers.
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Likes DeBangis21
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  • #2
Since this is for your schoolwork, you need to show us your efforts on this project before we can be of help. What are your thoughts on the best approaches for making this?
  • #3
berkeman said:
Since this is for your schoolwork, you need to show us your efforts on this project before we can be of help. What are your thoughts on the best approaches for making this?
Hello! I am not able to work on the assignment till I have a solid prototype design approved by my teacher.

Jhonny boy
  • #4
Jhonny boy said:
Hello! I am not able to work on the assignment till I have a solid prototype design approved by my teacher.

We are not asking for a final prototype design, we are expecting you to tell us what are your thoughts about how to approach the problem.