What Are the Reactions at the Occipital Condyles in a Head Impact Analysis?

In summary, the skull shown is subjected to a force that is applied at an angle of 63 degrees to the horizontal. The linear acceleration of the mass center is 140 x gravity. If torque is neglected, the occipital condyles may experience a reaction force.
  • #1
I have a Force Acceleration analysis that I am un sure of. I have a picture of a skull that is punched/kicked/whatever in the chin.

Problem Statement:

The head shown in the figure below is considered a rigid body. IT rocks on the occipital condyle, C, where an axial force, Fa, and a shear force, V, and a neck torque, To, resist the motion. A blow is applied to the chin at point B at an angle of 63 degrees relative to the horizontal. The initial linear acceleration, a, of the mass center, G, is photographically deteremined to be 140 x gravity. For a head of mass 3.5kg, a moment of inertia of 0.0356 kgm^2 about an axis perpendicular to the sagittal plane is calculate.d WHat are the reactions at the occipital condyles if torque To is neglected?

Ive used the parallel axis theorem to find my actual needed inertia.

I am thinking that maybe I need to do a sum of moments about the condyle to find a reaction force, but I'm not sure if that is right or how to do it. I can't figure out how to incoroporate the moment of inertia.

If anyone can help shed some light for me, I would appreciate it.

I will also be around to answer any questions one might have.

Thanks a bunch.
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  • #2
After doing some research, I have come to the conclusion that if i neglect torque, then I don't even need to worry about moment of inertia. Is this correct? I can't find any equation that relates linear motion with moment of inertia unless there is torque involved.

Is this correct?
  • #3
You may want to put an image on the web, since I don't see any included in your post. Until then, no one will probably be able to help you. :smile:
  • #4
Here is an attachment of what my assignment is.


  • example.GIF
    87.7 KB · Views: 603
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  • #5
The answer I came up with is about 9500 N. Is this possible?

FAQ: What Are the Reactions at the Occipital Condyles in a Head Impact Analysis?

1. What is biomechanics?

Biomechanics is the study of the mechanical principles of living organisms, particularly the application of physics and mechanics to understand the movement and structure of the human body.

2. Why is biomechanics important?

Biomechanics is important because it helps us understand how the body moves and responds to internal and external forces, which can be used to improve athletic performance, prevent injuries, and design more effective prosthetics and medical devices.

3. What are some common applications of biomechanics?

Some common applications of biomechanics include sports performance analysis, physical therapy and rehabilitation, ergonomics, and the development of medical devices and equipment.

4. How is biomechanics studied and measured?

Biomechanics is studied using various tools and techniques such as motion capture systems, force plates, electromyography, and computer simulations. These methods allow for the measurement and analysis of different aspects of movement, such as joint angles, muscle forces, and ground reaction forces.

5. How does biomechanics relate to other scientific fields?

Biomechanics is an interdisciplinary field that combines principles from biology, physics, engineering, and mathematics. It also has overlaps with other fields such as kinesiology, anatomy, and physiology.
