Exploring the Mysterious Black Hole

In summary: The point at which this occurs is called the "Roche Limit".In summary, there are some helpful links available on the topic of black holes, which provide information about their existence and gravity. There is evidence for the presence of large black holes at the center of some galaxies. The intense gravitational field of a black hole would cause objects to be stretched and ripped apart if they were to come into contact with it. The size of a black hole can be measured by the radius of its event horizon, but the concept of size becomes ambiguous at the singularity. Ultimately, falling into a black hole would not be a pleasant experience, but at least it would be a dramatic one.
  • #1
Black hole...

Hi I am Andrews, I want to learn about black hole and its gravity where I can collect information about black hole. If anyone knows about the site or about it reply me
Thanks in advance
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
  • #3
Thanks for your reply.I have another question about black hole.Is there any exist for black hole,if you know about it shre the information with me
  • #4
There is strong indirect evidence for the existence of large black holes at the centre of some galaxies.

Ask in the astrophysics section.
  • #5
did u no if a black hole came into contact wth the earth, all our molecules would expand causeing us to all be strechted out. for example, ud be like 20 yards tall, ur hands would be waaayyy up ther! wut a cool way to die.
  • #6
u83rn00b said:
did u no if a black hole came into contact wth the earth, all our molecules would expand causeing us to all be strechted out. for example, ud be like 20 yards tall, ur hands would be waaayyy up ther! wut a cool way to die.

Sort of. The intense gravitational field would rip us apart (very quickly you wouldn't have any... recognizable human features left!) and we'd be peeled down to another single layer of atoms on the 'surface' of the black hole.
  • #7
fasterthanjoao said:
The intense gravitational field would rip us apart (very quickly you wouldn't have any... recognizable human features left!) and we'd be peeled down to another single layer of atoms on the 'surface' of the black hole.

Aren't black holes molecular in size? what is, if any, the difference between the size of black holes. If more material is absorbed, then more gravity is possible, therefore the hole gets smaller but denser.
  • #8
It can be useful to talk about the radius of the event horizon as being a "size" since we don't really know what is going on inside it and it generally doesn't matter anyway.
  • #9
There is also a book by Stephen Hawking called The Cambridge Lectures which has a couple of GREAT lectures on Black Holes.
  • #10
How could a black hole be molecular in size. I understand the great gravity pulling in on the particles but wouldn't they only be compressed to the plank length?
  • #11
u83rn00b said:
did u no if a black hole came into contact wth the earth, all our molecules would expand causeing us to all be strechted out. for example, ud be like 20 yards tall, ur hands would be waaayyy up ther! wut a cool way to die.

Yes, but black holes also stretch light rays. We would look red all over!
You are right about one thing, it's a cool way to die.
  • #12
russ_watters said:
It can be useful to talk about the radius of the event horizon as being a "size" since we don't really know what is going on inside it and it generally doesn't matter anyway.
I really don't see any physical meaning of size here.

What's the meaning of size for an ant that sits on a deflating balloon when it has deflated to a point?
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  • #13
I think that is Russ's point MJ, that it's pointless to try and talk about the size of the 'singularity', but what you can talk about for black holes is the radius of the event horizon, which does depend on the black hole mass and hence allows black holes of different 'sizes'.

I think you'll find you are actually agreeing with Russ.
  • #14
Wallace said:
I think that is Russ's point MJ, that it's pointless to try and talk about the size of the 'singularity', but what you can talk about for black holes is the radius of the event horizon, which does depend on the black hole mass and hence allows black holes of different 'sizes'.
My point is that that the r-coordinate in the usual Schwarzschild coordinate chart does not represent a radial or any other physical distance. For instance the size of a black hole is most definately not [itex]\frac{4}{3} \pi r^3 [/itex].
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  • #15
  • #16
Wallace said:

What?! Sementics?
  • #17
Wallace said:

What?! No, I mean what does that mean?
  • #18
Wallace said:

What?! No, I mean what does that mean?
  • #19
From Dictionary.com:

Semantics is commonly used to refer to a trivial point or distinction that revolves around mere words rather than significant issues: “To argue whether the medication killed the patient or contributed to her death is to argue over semantics.”
  • #20
going back to the death thing... if u went ova a blck holes event horizon, ur atoms would b ripped apart, as the gravitational difference between very small distances is so great... ie. the front of ur atoms would b traveling faster than the back of ur atoms and hence would b ripped to pieces... its not a nice way 2 die, but at least ud b going out with a bang =P
  • #21
Teresa said:
going back to the death thing... if u went ova a blck holes event horizon, ur atoms would b ripped apart, as the gravitational difference between very small distances is so great... ie. the front of ur atoms would b traveling faster than the back of ur atoms and hence would b ripped to pieces... its not a nice way 2 die, but at least ud b going out with a bang =P

If a black hole is small enough, this happens outside the event horizon.

FAQ: Exploring the Mysterious Black Hole

1. What is a black hole?

A black hole is a region in space with a gravitational pull so strong that nothing, including light, can escape it. This creates a dark, mysterious object that is invisible to the naked eye.

2. How are black holes formed?

Black holes are formed when a massive star dies and collapses under its own gravity. This causes the star's core to become extremely dense and compact, creating a black hole.

3. What happens if you fall into a black hole?

If you were to fall into a black hole, you would experience a process called "spaghettification". This is when the gravitational pull of the black hole is stronger at your feet than at your head, causing you to be stretched and ripped apart.

4. Can anything escape a black hole?

Once something enters a black hole's event horizon (the point of no return), it cannot escape. This includes light, which is why black holes are invisible. However, some particles are able to escape through a process called Hawking radiation, but this is a very slow and rare occurrence.

5. Are there different types of black holes?

Yes, there are three main types of black holes: stellar, intermediate, and supermassive. Stellar black holes are formed from the collapse of a single massive star, intermediate black holes are larger than stellar black holes but smaller than supermassive black holes, and supermassive black holes are found at the center of galaxies and can be millions or billions of times the mass of the sun.

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