Predicting Boiling Points of Chemicals: Is There a Theory?

In summary, there is no simple, generally accepted theory or model to predict the boiling points of chemicals. However, there are certain special cases and factors, such as functional groups, mass, polarity, and chemical potential, that can play a role in determining the boiling point. The calculation of boiling points also depends on intermolecular potentials, which can lead to different population distributions of cluster sizes.
  • #1
Hi, does anybody know how to predict the boiling points of chemicals? Is there is a generally accepted theory or model to explain Tb? Thanks.
Chemistry news on
  • #2
Short answer? No.

There are special cases, homologous series, well characterized functional group effects, and a couple others that escape me at the moment, in which known boiling points for members of a series allow reasonable estimates for remaining unmeasured members.

ab initio calculation of a boiling point or vapor pressure? Do it, and you've got your Nobel sewed up tight.
  • #3
depends on a lot of things. most questions will focus on a particular aspect; like bystander has said, like functional groups, the compacity of the molecule, the formula weight, the polarity, it depends on a lot of factors...
  • #4
In short the boiling point of a substance is set by the attraction it applies upon other particles around it.

Functional groups might cause the vanderwaals bonds to be tighter because of unevenly spread charge. Mass is important too because the amount of mass a particle has decides how much gravity it exerts on other particles and sterical effects such as entanglement (not the QM variaty but just plain old hydrocarbons wrapping around each other ;)).

All in all many many such factors must be included in the calculation when you want to calculate its boiling point.
  • #5
the chemical potential of a solution also plays a role in determining the boiling point.
  • #6
Thank all of you.. I am not doing calculation work. my interest is largely in liquid dynamics. one more question, do you happen to know that, upon boiling, roughly, how broad the distribution of the clusters which escapes from liquids might be? I wonder if single molecule is the only form.
  • #7
wangasu said:
(snip) I wonder if single molecule is the only form.

Only for molecules taking introductory chemistry or physics. Population distributions of cluster sizes are again going to depend upon intermolecular potentials. Helium? Not a whole lot of dimers, even fewer trimers, ... Water? Lots of dimers and higher order clustering. Even numbers preferred over odd? Or vice versa? Certainly --- depends on the substance.

FAQ: Predicting Boiling Points of Chemicals: Is There a Theory?

What is the purpose of predicting boiling points of chemicals?

The purpose of predicting boiling points of chemicals is to understand the physical properties of a substance and how it will behave under certain conditions. This information is valuable in various industries, such as pharmaceuticals, where the boiling point can affect the efficacy and stability of a drug.

What factors affect the boiling point of a chemical?

The boiling point of a chemical is affected by several factors, including the strength of intermolecular forces, molecular weight, and the structure of the molecule. Other external factors such as atmospheric pressure can also influence the boiling point.

Is there a universal theory for predicting boiling points of chemicals?

No, there is not a universal theory for predicting boiling points of chemicals. The behavior of molecules and their boiling points can vary greatly depending on their chemical composition and structure. However, there are several models and equations that can be used to predict boiling points with varying degrees of accuracy.

How accurate are predictions of boiling points?

The accuracy of predictions of boiling points depends on the method used and the complexity of the molecule being studied. Simple molecules with well-understood structures can often be predicted with high accuracy, while more complex molecules may have a larger margin of error.

Can predicting boiling points be used in practical applications?

Yes, predicting boiling points can be used in practical applications in fields such as chemistry, engineering, and materials science. This information can be used to determine the best conditions for separating or purifying a substance, as well as understanding how a substance will behave in different environments.
