Books on Applying to Grad School

In summary, the conversation is about the details of applying to a PhD program. The speaker is looking for books that can answer questions about selecting schools, the admissions process, and how to increase chances of admission. They mention that they have seen some recommended books but they are outdated. The expert recommends a book that covers various topics related to grad school, including choosing a school, applying, and graduate school life.
  • #1

I am looking for a few good books that talk about the details of applying to a PhD program. Soem of the questions that I would like answered are: How does one select the schools? How do admissions work? How is one evaluated? How can one maximize chances of admission?

I've seen a few books praised on various forums, but they all seem a bit outdated (published before 2000). How big of a problem is that?

I'd appreciate any titles and your opinion on them. Thank you.
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  • #2
I would highly recommend The first 9ish chapters are devoted to pre-grad school topics like choosing a school, choosing an advisor, applying, and financial aid. This book will remain useful in your years to come as it also talks about graduate school life, writing your thesis, and finding a job afterward.
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  • #3


I understand your desire for reliable and up-to-date information on applying to graduate school. The process of selecting and applying to PhD programs can be overwhelming, but fortunately, there are many resources available to guide you through it. While books can provide helpful information, I would also recommend consulting with current graduate students, professors, and other professionals in your field for their insights and advice.

One book that I would recommend is "Getting What You Came For: The Smart Student's Guide to Earning a Master's or PhD" by Robert Peters. This book covers everything from choosing a program and preparing your application to surviving and thriving in graduate school. It was last updated in 2009, so while some information may have changed since then, the overall advice and strategies are still relevant.

Another useful resource is "Graduate Admissions Essays: Write Your Way into the Graduate School of Your Choice" by Donald Asher. This book focuses specifically on writing effective personal statements and essays for graduate school applications, which can be a crucial component of the admissions process.

In terms of selecting schools, I recommend researching and considering factors such as program reputation, faculty research interests, funding opportunities, and location before making your decision. Admissions processes can vary among schools, but generally, they involve reviewing your application materials (transcripts, test scores, letters of recommendation, etc.) and possibly conducting interviews or additional assessments. Your evaluation will depend on your academic achievements, research experience, and potential fit with the program and its faculty.

In terms of maximizing your chances of admission, it is important to have a strong application that highlights your academic and research achievements, as well as your passion and potential for success in graduate school. This includes having a well-written personal statement and strong letters of recommendation. It may also be beneficial to reach out to potential advisors or faculty members at your desired programs to discuss your research interests and potential fit with their research groups.

Regarding your concern about outdated books, while it is always beneficial to have the most current information, the general process of applying to graduate school has not changed significantly in recent years. However, it is always a good idea to supplement your research with current information from reliable sources such as university websites and professional organizations in your field.

In summary, there are many helpful resources available to guide you through the process of applying to graduate school. I recommend using a combination of books, online resources, and personal connections to gather the most up-to-date and comprehensive information.

FAQ: Books on Applying to Grad School

1. What is the purpose of "Books on Applying to Grad School"?

The purpose of "Books on Applying to Grad School" is to provide guidance and resources to individuals who are interested in pursuing a graduate degree. These books typically include information on the application process, tips for writing a strong personal statement, and advice on how to choose the right program and school.

2. Do these books provide information on scholarships and financial aid for graduate school?

Yes, most books on applying to grad school include a section on scholarships and financial aid. They may provide information on different types of funding, such as grants, fellowships, and loans, and offer tips on how to apply for them.

3. Are there specific books for different fields of study, such as law or medicine?

Yes, there are specific books on applying to grad school for different fields of study. These books may offer more specialized advice and information for individuals pursuing a graduate degree in a specific field, such as law, medicine, or business.

4. Can these books help me choose the right graduate program for me?

Yes, many books on applying to grad school include a section on choosing the right program. They may offer guidance on factors to consider, such as program reputation, curriculum, and location, as well as resources for researching and comparing different programs.

5. Are there any online resources or websites that provide similar information to these books?

Yes, there are several online resources and websites that provide similar information to books on applying to grad school. These may include blogs, forums, and websites from universities or graduate schools themselves. However, books may offer more comprehensive and organized information in a single source.

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