Bullet Through Pendulum Bob-Inelastic Collision

In summary: You need to use conservation of momentum in this problem.In summary, the conversation was about a bullet passing through a pendulum bob and emerging with half its original speed. The problem was to find the minimum value of the bullet's initial speed in order for the pendulum bob to barely swing through a complete vertical cycle. The conversation discussed different equations and methods for solving the problem, including the use of conservation of energy and momentum. However, it was concluded that conservation of momentum was the most appropriate approach for this problem.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A bullet of mass m and speed v passes completely through a pendulum bob of mass
M. The bullet emerges on the other side of the pendulum bob with half its original
speed. Assume that the pendulum bob is suspended by a stiff rod of length L and
negligible mass. What is the minimum value of v such that the pendulum bob will
barely swing through a complete vertical cycle

Homework Equations

m1v1i2 + m2v2i2 = m1v1f2 + m2v2f2


k = 1/2mv2

p = mgh

The Attempt at a Solution

initial kinetic energy of bullet = potential energy of bob @ max height + final kinetic energy of bullet

1/2mv2 = Mg2L + 1/2 m(1/2v)2
1/2mv2 - 1/8 mv2 = 2MgL
v2 = (16MgL)/(3m)
v = 4[(MgL)/(3m)]^(1/2)

Answer is [4M(gL)^(1/2)]/m

The key sets
1/2MVb2 = Mg2L

if Vb = velocity of the bob, then at max height the bob is not moving hence velocity is 0 and all of the energy that the bob carried at the bottom is now potential energy.

and then solves via the equation:
mv = MVb + mv/2

initial momentum = momentum of bob + momentum of bullet after going through bob

If everything that I have said about the professors method is true, then I feel like I am beginning to understand why the professors way works, but why doesn't my method come to the same conclusion.
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  • #2
Hello, and welcome to PF!

DubbTom said:

The Attempt at a Solution

initial kinetic energy of bullet = potential energy of bob @ max height + final kinetic energy of bullet

Is the collision of the bullet with the bob elastic or inelastic?
  • #3
TSny said:
Hello, and welcome to PF!
Is the collision of the bullet with the bob elastic or inelastic?

Looking back on the pdf, it is inelastic because kinetic energy is being transformed into potential energy.
But why can't we say that
initial kinetic energy = sum of final energies?
  • #4
DubbTom said:
Looking back on the pdf, it is inelastic because kinetic energy is being transformed into potential energy.
But why can't we say that
initial kinetic energy = sum of final energies?

What type of energy does an inelastic collision produce? Did you include that type of energy in your sum of final energies?
  • #5
TSny said:
What type of energy does an inelastic collision produce? Did you include that type of energy in your sum of final energies?

An inelastic collision will take kinetic energy and transform it into some other types of energy like potential or thermal. (from my textbook). Am I not allowed to say that the initial kinetic energy of the bullet is equal to the potential energy imparted on the bob + what is left of the kinetic energy of the bullet?

KA + KB = K'A + K'B + thermal & other forms of energy

initially, the bullet has all of the energy of the system, so KB would be 0, after the bullet will have 1/2 the velocity so it will have 1/4 the kinetic energy and the kinetic energy of the bob should be 0 because it has no velocity at the top of the loop. So potential energy of the bob must be 3/4 KA.
I feel like something in my logic isn't correct though, as it gives me an entirely different answer.
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  • #6
You simply can't conserve energy before and after the collision here. Not all of the kinetic energy lost by the bullet will be converted into kinetic energy in the bob. There will be some losses.
  • #7
DubbTom said:
KA + KB = K'A + K'B + thermal & other forms of energy

This equation is correct. Note that you need to include the thermal energy on the right side. But you don't know the amount of thermal energy created in the inelastic collision, so this equation has too many unknowns.

FAQ: Bullet Through Pendulum Bob-Inelastic Collision

1. What is a bullet through pendulum bob-inelastic collision?

A bullet through pendulum bob-inelastic collision refers to a scenario in which a bullet is fired at a pendulum bob, causing it to swing and then come to a stop due to the inelastic collision between the bullet and the pendulum bob.

2. What is the purpose of studying bullet through pendulum bob-inelastic collisions?

The purpose of studying bullet through pendulum bob-inelastic collisions is to understand the principles of conservation of momentum and energy, as well as the effects of inelastic collisions in real-world scenarios.

3. How is the speed of the pendulum bob affected by the bullet in this collision?

The speed of the pendulum bob will decrease due to the inelastic collision with the bullet. This is because some of the kinetic energy of the bullet is transferred to the pendulum bob, causing it to slow down.

4. What factors can affect the outcome of a bullet through pendulum bob-inelastic collision?

The outcome of this collision can be affected by factors such as the mass and velocity of the bullet, the length and mass of the pendulum, and the angle at which the bullet hits the pendulum bob.

5. How is momentum conserved in a bullet through pendulum bob-inelastic collision?

Momentum is conserved in this collision as the total momentum of the system (bullet + pendulum bob) before the collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision. However, due to the inelastic nature of the collision, some kinetic energy is lost and converted into other forms of energy, such as heat and sound.
