Max Tension in Rope Supporting Bungie Jumper

In summary, the maximum tension in the rope supporting the bungie jumper is not possible to determine without more information about the height of the jump and the length of the rope. This is because the tension in the rope increases as the jumper falls, but without knowing the height, we cannot calculate the tension at the bottom. Additionally, air resistance is neglected and the equation Fnet = ma can be used to calculate the tension in the rope. However, the equation Fgravity - F Tension = ma is also relevant to this problem as it shows the relationship between gravity and tension in the rope.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the maximum Tension in the rope that supports the bungie jumper.
mass of the jumper is 75kg. neglet air resistance.

Homework Equations

would it be Fnet = ma
Fgravity - F Tension = ma

The Attempt at a Solution

I am not sure how to approach this.
i know that when the jumper reaches the bottom. the rope flicks and for a moment it gains quite a bit of tension i believe? how would you approach this problem?
is it possible to find out ?
Physics news on
  • #2
No, it's not possible to find out without more information. Think about it this way: if you jump down from somewhere really high up, you stretch the bungie farther, so it exerts a greater force.
  • #3

I would first clarify the scenario and gather more information. Is the bungee jumper jumping off a bridge or a platform? What is the length and material of the rope? Is the bungee jumper attached to the rope at their waist or ankles? These details can affect the calculation of maximum tension.

Assuming the bungee jumper is jumping off a platform and attached to the rope at their waist, we can use the equation Fnet = ma to calculate the maximum tension in the rope. As the bungee jumper falls, the force of gravity (Fgravity = mg, where m is the mass of the jumper and g is the acceleration due to gravity) will accelerate them downwards. At the same time, the rope will stretch and exert an upward force on the jumper, creating tension.

At the bottom of the jump, when the jumper reaches the maximum velocity, the net force will be equal to zero (Fnet = 0), as the jumper is no longer accelerating. This means that the tension in the rope (Ftension) must be equal and opposite to the force of gravity (Fgravity) at this point. Therefore, the maximum tension in the rope can be calculated as:

Ftension = Fgravity = mg = (75 kg)(9.8 m/s^2) = 735 N

However, this is a simplified calculation and does not take into account the stretching and recoiling of the rope, as well as the potential energy of the bungee jumper. To get a more accurate calculation, we would need to use more complex equations, such as the spring force equation and conservation of energy.

Overall, the maximum tension in the rope supporting a bungee jumper depends on various factors and can be calculated using different methods. As a scientist, it is important to consider all the relevant variables and use appropriate equations to accurately determine the maximum tension in the rope.

FAQ: Max Tension in Rope Supporting Bungie Jumper

1. What is the purpose of calculating the max tension in a rope supporting a bungee jumper?

The max tension in a rope supporting a bungee jumper is an important factor to consider in order to ensure the safety and success of the bungee jump. It helps determine the appropriate materials and thickness of the rope, as well as the proper length of the jump.

2. How is the max tension in a rope supporting a bungee jumper calculated?

The max tension in a rope supporting a bungee jumper is calculated using the equation T = m * g * (2L + h) / (2L), where T is the max tension, m is the mass of the jumper, g is the acceleration due to gravity, L is the length of the rope, and h is the height of the jump.

3. What factors can affect the max tension in a rope supporting a bungee jumper?

The max tension in a rope supporting a bungee jumper can be affected by several factors, including the weight of the jumper, the length and thickness of the rope, the height of the jump, and external forces such as wind or air resistance.

4. Why is it important to consider the max tension in a rope when planning a bungee jump?

Considering the max tension in a rope is crucial in ensuring the safety of the bungee jumper. If the tension exceeds the breaking point of the rope, it can lead to serious injury or even death. It is also important to consider to ensure the successful completion of the jump without any technical difficulties.

5. Are there any safety measures to prevent the max tension in a rope from being exceeded during a bungee jump?

Yes, there are several safety measures in place to prevent the max tension in a rope from being exceeded during a bungee jump. These include using high-quality and properly maintained ropes, performing routine safety checks, and having a backup plan in case of any unexpected circumstances. It is also important for the jumper to follow proper jumping techniques and for the jump to be supervised by trained professionals.
