Calculating constant field lines

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of field lines for a magnetic dipole in cylindrical coordinates. The equation for the magnetic field vector B is provided, and there is a discussion about finding the shape of the field lines. The conversation also touches on the difference between lines of constant field strength and lines tangent to the direction of the field. There is a suggestion to approximate the field lines numerically by using small line segments.
  • #1

I a question related to an equation for a magnetic field vector,
B, from a dipole in cylindrical coordinates. This is the equation I found for the B field (thought I'm not 100% certain this is correct).

B = (u0*m/4*Pi*r^2)* {2 Cos[theta] , Sin[theta]}

where the first index is the r component and the second is the theta

I am attempting to recreate the field lines as shown on page 3 in:

so I need to find r as a function of theta.

I can calculate the magnitude of the field vector at any point. However, if I take that magnitude, set it equal to a constant and solve for r as a function of theta, I'm not getting the shape of the curve I see in the above pdf file.

How can I do this? Is there any simple source code anyone knows of that can do this?

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  • #2
I am afraid you started the wrong way. The field lines are not lines of equal values of B.
You may be confusing it with equipotential lines.
  • #3
nasu said:
I am afraid you started the wrong way. The field lines are not lines of equal values of B.
You may be confusing it with equipotential lines.

Okay, I accept that. It's been quite a while since I've worked with this and I'm rusty. Can you direct me to how I find the field lines as a function of theta for the purposes of plotting the lines?
  • #4
The field lines are tangent to the direction of the field in each point.
The direction of the field at a given point can be calculated from
Where alpha is the angle between the vector B and the x axis.
You can start by finding alpha as a function of position, alpha(r,theta) or alpha(x,y).
This will gave you the orientation of the field an any point. And you will know the magnitude at any point.

Plotting a picture as the ones in your link is a little more difficult. You have somehow to decide how dense you want them or how many of them.

Note. Now I see that you call your post "calculating constant field lines". Is this what you want to calculate?
The field lines shown in your link are not lines of constant field lines but common filed lines.
It is possible to calculate lines along which the magnitude of B is constant, as you suggested in your first post.
Now I am confused. Which one you have in mind?
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  • #5
Actually I made the assessment that the lines plotted were those of constant B, but the diagram is what I am after. I'm not sure how else it would work. I"m not sure what you mean by common field vs. constant field.

If the field strength is not constant, then what inside the formula is? Something must be held constant to plot a single line. Theta isn't, r isn't, and alpha isn't. What relationship does one point in the line have to the next point?

With a constant field I can calculate r and alpha given theta and |B|. If none of these is constant, how do I know what the next point is? I could draw any arbitrary curve since there are no constraints, but there is that definite shape I am trying to mimic.

Do you follow my reasoning?
  • #6
illuzioner said:
Actually I made the assessment that the lines plotted were those of constant B, but the diagram is what I am after. I'm not sure how else it would work. I"m not sure what you mean by common field vs. constant field.

If the field strength is not constant, then what inside the formula is? Something must be held constant to plot a single line. Theta isn't, r isn't, and alpha isn't. What relationship does one point in the line have to the next point?

With a constant field I can calculate r and alpha given theta and |B|. If none of these is constant, how do I know what the next point is? I could draw any arbitrary curve since there are no constraints, but there is that definite shape I am trying to mimic.

Do you follow my reasoning?
When I said "common" field lines I meant the common meaning: lines tangent to the direction of the field. This is what I refereed to in my first post and those are shown in your drawing. They are called field lines.
You could, in principle, calculate the lines (or surfaces) of equal magnitude of the field. These are not technically "field lines" and they will not produce the images that you would like to reproduce.

I agree, it's easier to calculate a locus (line, surface, etc) of equal value of the magnitude.

For actual field lines, I could suggest to approximate them numerically by a chain of short segments. You could start with a given point, calculate the direction of the B vector at that point and draw a small (let say of size "epsilon") line segment along that direction. Then move your current point to the other end of the segment and calculate the direction of B at the new point and so on. You will get a field line made from short segments. If you decrease the size of "epsilon" the line will be smoother.

FAQ: Calculating constant field lines

1. How do you calculate constant field lines?

To calculate constant field lines, you need to know the electric field strength and the charge of the source producing the field. Then, use the formula E = kQ/r^2 to find the electric field strength at various distances from the source. The constant field lines are then drawn perpendicular to the electric field lines, with the distance between each line representing a constant value of electric field strength.

2. What is the significance of constant field lines?

Constant field lines help to visualize the strength and direction of an electric field. They also show how the electric field strength changes as you move away from the source. Additionally, the spacing between constant field lines can be used to calculate the electric field strength at any point in the field.

3. How do you draw constant field lines?

To draw constant field lines, first draw the electric field lines using arrows to represent the direction of the field. Then, draw the constant field lines perpendicular to the electric field lines, spacing them out evenly to represent a constant value of electric field strength. The closer the lines are together, the stronger the electric field at that point.

4. What factors affect the spacing of constant field lines?

The spacing of constant field lines is affected by the strength of the electric field, the distance from the source, and the charge of the source. If the electric field strength or the charge increases, the constant field lines will be closer together. If the distance from the source increases, the constant field lines will be further apart.

5. Can you have constant field lines in a non-uniform electric field?

No, constant field lines only exist in a uniform electric field where the electric field strength is the same at all points. In a non-uniform electric field, the electric field strength changes at different points, so the spacing of the constant field lines will also vary.
