Calculating required pump pressure to maintain flowrate in a uniform horizontal pipe

In summary, the required pump pressure in a horizontal water pipe, 3Km long, can be calculated by using the equation pressure = (flowrate x G)/cross-sectional area. The pressure at the end of the pipe is approximately 54935.92 Pa, but the pump pressure can be calculated by taking into account the frictional loss coefficient of 0.002. This can be done by using the equation \Delta P = f \rho U^2 L / D / 8, where f is the Darcy friction factor, \rho is the density of the fluid, U is the average velocity, L is the length of the pipe, and D is the diameter of the pipe. In this case, the
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Homework Statement

I am having trouble with calculating the required pump pressure in a horizontal water pipe, 3Km long. i know that the flowrate is 600Kg/s, average velocity 5.6m/s, cross-sectional area of pipe is 0.107143m^2 and losses due to friction average 0.002 per meter

Homework Equations

bernoulli's equation

The Attempt at a Solution

pressure = (flowrate x G)/cross-sectional area
= (600 x 9.81) / 0.107143 = 54935.92 Pa

i think that this is the pressure at the end of the pipe however i am unsure how to caculate the pump pressure given the frictional loss coefficient. i have had very little teaching in fluid mechanics but have researched Bernoulli's equation however i cannot see how it, is applicable to this problem is there any other equations i could use given the known elements
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Reynolds number is about

[tex] \frac{U D}{\nu} = 1.7 \times 10^6 [/tex]

This is clearly turbulent and not potential. Bernoulli's equation is not applicable here.

The solution is based on the exact statement, that for a steady flow in pipes mean pressure gradient is balanced by the shear at the wall. IF you work it out in spherical coordinates and by "friction" you mean Darcy friction factor, then

\Delta P = f \rho U^2 L / D /8 = 0.002 * 5.6^2 * 3000 / 0.3 / 8 \approx 80 \, Pa

FAQ: Calculating required pump pressure to maintain flowrate in a uniform horizontal pipe

1. How do you calculate the required pump pressure for a given flowrate in a uniform horizontal pipe?

The required pump pressure can be calculated using the Bernoulli's equation, which states that the total energy of a fluid in a pipe is constant. This equation takes into account the fluid's velocity, elevation, and pressure at two different points along the pipe. By rearranging the equation, we can solve for the pump pressure needed to maintain a specific flowrate.

2. What factors affect the required pump pressure in a horizontal pipe?

The required pump pressure is affected by several factors, including the fluid's viscosity, density, and velocity, as well as the pipe's diameter and length. Additionally, any changes in elevation along the pipe can also impact the required pressure.

3. How does the flowrate affect the required pump pressure in a horizontal pipe?

The flowrate has a significant impact on the required pump pressure. As the flowrate increases, the velocity of the fluid also increases, resulting in a higher pressure drop due to friction. This means that a higher pump pressure is needed to maintain the desired flowrate.

4. Can the required pump pressure be reduced by increasing the pipe diameter?

Yes, increasing the pipe diameter can reduce the required pump pressure. This is because a larger pipe diameter results in a lower velocity of the fluid, which in turn reduces the pressure drop due to friction. However, this also means that a larger pump would be needed to maintain the same flowrate.

5. How do changes in fluid properties affect the required pump pressure?

Changes in fluid properties, such as temperature or viscosity, can affect the required pump pressure. For example, a decrease in fluid viscosity would result in a lower pressure drop due to friction, and therefore a lower required pump pressure. Similarly, an increase in fluid temperature can also impact the required pressure due to changes in the fluid's density and viscosity.
