Calculating the spring displacement response from an acceleration input

In summary, the natural frequency of the mass on a spring is determined by the spring rate and the 1/t apparent frequency of the shock input. The dynamic mass displacement is 1/sqrt[ (1-β^2)^2+ (2*ζ*β)] and will oscillate at the calculated frequency in a sin wave configuration. With no external damping, the amplitude of the successive oscillations will decline due to work energy consumption of the spring and aerodynamic drag on the mass.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
Determine the displacement response of a mass on a spring when subject to an acceleration impulse
I'm working on a project where we have a mass (50 kg) sitting on a spring (350 N/mm) and are subjecting it to a sudden impulse (20g) along the spring axis to simulate a shock. We have the profile of the acceleration defined as:

##a(t) = x''(t) = P\cdot \sin^2 (\pi \cdot t / T)##

Where P (peak acceleration) and T (pulse width) are known and fixed. I know the normal equation is:

##F(t) + m \cdot g = m \cdot x'' + b \cdot x' + k \cdot x##

The b term drops out since there is no damper in this system, but that's as far as I can make it and I'm about a decade removed from my differential equations class. Is it possible to determine the function x(t) response from the information I have?
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  • #2
Raddy13 said:
are subjecting it to a sudden impulse (20g) along the spring axis to simulate a shock.
If you are subjecting the mass to an acceleration ##a(t)##, all you have to do is integrate the accelration twice to ge the displacement :rolleyes: .

This is probably not what you had in mind. 'a sudden impulse' suggests you want to apply a force and give the spring a chance to counter that. Right ?
  • #3
That would be ideal. The mass is a piece of equipment that sits on a shock mount in the bed of a mining vehicle and the vehicle is constantly hitting potholes and ruts and an acceleration measurement found that the worst case acceleration at the mounting location is 20gs. The equation listed above is from a study I found on approximating acceleration profiles in shock analysis.
  • #4
Consider as ##x## the deviation from steady state (so that ##mg## also disappears from the equation)
and instead of ##a(t) = P\sin^2\left ({t\pi\over T}\right)## write ##F(t) = mP\sin^2\left ({t\pi\over T}\right)##, then you are left with $$m\ddot x + kx = mP\sin^2\left ({t\pi\over T}\right)$$

My DE class is 4 decades back, so I use wolframalpha and type in
d^2x/dt^2 = -x +sin^2(t);x(0)=0, dx/dt(0)=0
and they come back with

which looks OK, and a 'solution'

which I don't fully grok now (late and Heineken), but maybe will tomorrow. They even show a plot (for periodic bumps):Advantage: gets you started and easy to re-introduce some damping
  • #5
Awesome, thank you for the reply!
  • #6
To start you need to determine actual dynamic displacement of your mass vs the static load displacement amplitude Xdyn/Xstatic ; and. for that you must first determine the β ratio between the natural frequency of your spring and the input frequency of your shock profile. The equation for the natural frequency of your spring/mass is: f (sprg &mass) = √(k / m) ÷ 2π, where m = mass mounted on the top of the spring + 1/2 the mass of the spring and k is your spring rate.
Next, the time of your shock determines the 1/t apparent frequency of your shock input; and then β = f spring & mass / (1/t).

From there, the actual dynamic mass displacement X dyn / X static = 1 / sqrt[ (1-β^2)^2 + (2*ζ*β)^2]; where for your undamped case the ζ (damping factor) = 0 and the formula reduces to: X dyn = X static / sqrt[ (1-β^2)^2].

Once the impulse displacement is completed your load and spring will then oscillate at the above calculated f sprg &mass frequency in a sin wave configuration; and, even with no external damping, the amplitude of the successive oscillations will decline due to work energy consumption of the spring and aerodynamic drag on the mass.

(PS The 1/2 mass of the spring a way of representing the average spring displacement between the x=0 at the input end and the x=max at the output ends of the spring)

FAQ: Calculating the spring displacement response from an acceleration input

1. What is the spring displacement response?

The spring displacement response is the amount of displacement or movement that occurs in a spring when it is subjected to an acceleration input. This can be calculated using mathematical equations and can help determine the behavior and performance of the spring in a given system.

2. How is the spring displacement response calculated?

The spring displacement response can be calculated using the equation: x(t) = (1/k) * a(t), where x(t) is the displacement, k is the spring constant, and a(t) is the acceleration input. This equation is based on Hooke's Law, which states that the displacement of a spring is directly proportional to the force applied to it.

3. What units are used to measure the spring displacement response?

The units used to measure the spring displacement response are typically in meters (m) or millimeters (mm). This is because displacement is a physical distance and is usually measured in linear units. However, in some cases, other units such as inches or feet may be used depending on the system being analyzed.

4. How does the spring constant affect the displacement response?

The spring constant (k) is a measure of the stiffness of a spring and is a key factor in determining the displacement response. A higher spring constant means that the spring is stiffer and will experience less displacement for a given acceleration input. Conversely, a lower spring constant will result in more displacement for the same input.

5. Can the spring displacement response be used to predict the behavior of a spring in a system?

Yes, the spring displacement response can be used to predict the behavior of a spring in a system as it provides valuable information about how the spring will respond to different acceleration inputs. This can help engineers and scientists design and optimize systems that use springs, ensuring they will function as intended.
