Calculating Cost of Digging 900 m Tunnel: Comparing Companies 1 & 2

In summary, the cost of digging a tunnel depends on various factors and is not constant. Two companies have bid for a 900m tunnel and their cost per meter estimates are summarized in a table. The project manager is investigating the costs of three different approaches and needs to determine the function that relates cost per meter with length of the tunnel for each company. They also need to consider the situation where both companies dig from opposite ends and meet at a point to determine the minimum cost. Showing work and effort is important when seeking help and this question should be moved to the Calculus HW section.
  • #1
Digging a tunnel
The cost of digging a tunnel depends on many factors, including the overall length of the
tunnel. However, the cost per unit length is not constant: as the tunnel gets longer, the cost per unit length increases because of the increasing expense of carrying tools and workers in and hauling dirt and rock out. Two companies bid to construct a 900 m tunnel.

Consider the following diagram:

Figure 1: Tunnel through hill.

Their initial bids include details of how cost per metre changes with the overall length of
the tunnel dug. For example, if a 400 metre tunnel was required, Company 1 would quote
$1625 per metre and Company 2 would quote $1502 per metre. The quotes of cost per
metre for tunnels ranging in length from 75 metres to 900 metres are summarised in the
following table:
Length of tunnel dug (m) 75 230 400 450 550 700 900
Cost per metre ($) Company 1 358 962 1625 1820 2210 2795 3575
Cost per metre ($) Company 2 300 873 1502 1687 2057 2612 3352

It is assumed that the relationship between cost per metre and length of tunnel dug is

As the project manager you investigate the relative costs of three different approaches to
digging the tunnel:
• use Company 1 only,
• use Company 2 only,
• use both Companies 1 and 2, each approaching from opposite ends of the tunnel
and meeting at a location x metres from the western end of the tunnel.
By using the following steps investigate which of the three options above will give you
the minimum cost of constructing the tunnel.

1. Determine the function that relates cost per metre with length of the tunnel dug for
Company 1 and use this function to determine the cost for Company 1 to dig the
tunnel for this project alone.
2. Determine the function that relates cost per metre with length of the tunnel dug for
Company 2 and use this function to determine the cost for Company 2 to dig the
tunnel for this project alone.
3. Consider the situation where each company digs part of the tunnel, with each commencing
at opposite ends, meeting at a point x metres from the western end of the
tunnel. Use the two functions from (1) and (2) to develop a third function that relates
total cost of digging the tunnel to the distance from the tunnel’s western end
(x) and hence determine the total cost of digging the tunnel if the two companies
share the digging, meeting at a point in the tunnel that will produce the minimum total
cost for this option, (algebra and differential calculus must be used to determine
the minimum total cost).
If the companies share the task, determine how far from the western end of the tunnel
the companies will meet when digging from opposite ends towards one another. Finally,
conclude which of these three options would give minimum cost overall.
Useful information:
• The costs per metre for each company are the same no matter which end of the
tunnel the digging is commenced from.
• A single company cannot dig from both ends to meet in the middle because of time
constraints and limitations on availability of equipment.
Physics news on
  • #2
Please reply
  • #3
Hi there Sivasankari and welcome to PF,

I would like to draw your attention to a few points, if you would permit me;

Tom Mattson said:
I would like to say that if you are seeking help with problems that are giving you some heartburn, then you have come to the right place!

I would also like to say that if you are looking for someone to do your homework for you, then you have come to the wrong place.

Please, for your own sake, try your homework before you come here, and show us where you got stuck. Speaking for myself, I already know that I know how to do your problem. Me doing it for you accomplishes nothing.

So, post away--and show your work!

Phyiscs Forums Global Guidelines said:
NOTE: You MUST show that you have attempted to answer your question in order to receive help.

FAQ: Why hasn't anybody answered my question? said:
you posted a question and it has gone unanswered, there are a few possible reasons:

1) Did you show your work? Homework helpers will not assist with any questions until you've shown your own effort on the problem. Remember, we help with homework, we don't do your homework. We already passed those classes; it's your turn to do so.

Please show some work.


Suggestion to Mentors; perhaps this thread would be more appropriatly placed in the Calculus section.
  • #4
Boy, what a small question !
  • #5
Sivasankari said:
Please reply
Please show work -

as suggested by Hootenany.

I agree with H's recommendation to move this problem to Calculus HW section.

FAQ: Calculating Cost of Digging 900 m Tunnel: Comparing Companies 1 & 2

1. How do you calculate the cost of digging a 900 m tunnel?

The cost of digging a 900 m tunnel can be calculated by considering various factors such as labor costs, equipment costs, material costs, and overhead costs. The total cost can be determined by multiplying the number of labor hours required by the labor cost per hour, adding the total equipment and material costs, and adding the percentage of overhead costs to the total amount.

2. What are the main differences between Companies 1 & 2 in terms of cost for digging a 900 m tunnel?

The main differences between Companies 1 & 2 in terms of cost for digging a 900 m tunnel can vary depending on factors such as their labor rates, equipment rates, and material costs. Additionally, the efficiency and experience of the companies can also play a role in their overall cost.

3. How can we compare the cost of digging a 900 m tunnel between Companies 1 & 2?

The cost of digging a 900 m tunnel between Companies 1 & 2 can be compared by obtaining quotes from both companies and analyzing the breakdown of their cost estimates. It is important to consider factors such as labor rates, equipment rates, and material costs to get an accurate comparison.

4. Can the cost of digging a 900 m tunnel vary depending on the location?

Yes, the cost of digging a 900 m tunnel can vary depending on the location. Factors such as the type of soil, access to the site, and local labor rates can all impact the overall cost of the project.

5. Are there any hidden costs that should be considered when calculating the cost of digging a 900 m tunnel?

Yes, there can be hidden costs that should be considered when calculating the cost of digging a 900 m tunnel. This can include unexpected delays, additional equipment or labor needed, and unforeseen challenges during the digging process. It is important to account for these potential costs in the initial calculation to avoid any surprises later on.
