Calif Gov Davis to face recall vote

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  • Thread starter russ_watters
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the state of politics in California and the current governor, Gray Davis. Some individuals express their opinions on Davis' administration and the issues facing California, such as the reliance on a progressive state income tax and environmental concerns. Others mention potential candidates for governor, both Democrat and Republican. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the frustration and controversy surrounding Davis' leadership and the state's problems.
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  • #2
hahaha... that gave me a good laugh. Why would someone even attempt that? ha.
  • #3
Uh funny, the Repugnicans are subverting the will of the people in Florida, Texas, and now California. Very funny.
  • #4
Good job, traitors:
the system of government wherein a council of judges decides the ruling individuals = Monarchy.
  • #5
'Traitor' is a bit harsh, don't you think? 'Anti-Ame4rican scum' works, though.
  • #6
Shadow, what the heck are you talking about? Nowhere in that article does it say anything about Davis cheating to get elected. If you have another source, could you post a link?
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  • #7
Sorry I know that reply doesn't make sense, I guess its just one of those moments you get, when you can't think. I was trying to post on the forums while eat and type up some of the second chapter in the book I am writing. I'll delte the post.
  • #8
Originally posted by russ_watters

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha. And he's the best the Democrats can do for a presidential candidate. ROFLMAO.

Presidential candidate?
  • #9
Originally posted by Shadow
hahaha... that gave me a good laugh. Why would someone even attempt that? ha.
Attempt, eh? You don't think with all the problems in CA, it will succeed? I'd bet money that it will.
Repugnicans are subverting the will of the people in... California.
How could something that is provided for by law be a subversion of the will of the people? Its a direct action by the people based on the AWFUL job Davis has done.
Good job, traitors:
the system of government wherein a council of judges decides the ruling individuals = Monarchy.
Um... ok.

Now I'm just not sure you guys understand what a recall vote is and what it is for.
Presidential candidate?
Sorry. I got my list of candidates messed up.
  • #10
Davis is paying the price for his inept administration. Part of his demise is from the reliance of California on a progressive state income tax. This liberal Democrat tax to promote and fund liberal policies failed to generate sufficient income after the well-paid jobs in Silicon Valley dried up. Yeah! Tax the higher income earners until there’s none left to tax. Tax the industry until there’s none left to tax. Regulate the utilities until there’s none left to regulate. Rely on out of state power generation and complain they charge too much. Why let electrical utilities build in California and harm the habitat of a sub, sub, sub, sub species of fish. Irrigate LA and SF and dry up those pesky environmental unfriendly farms, orchards, and ranches. Mexico and the SW states don’t need water do they! Let the dead trees rot on the ground and release CO2 for 10 years instead of building homes.

This self-inflicted liberal blight would be funny were it not a giant albatross for the rest of us.
  • #11
Forgot my nominees for California Governor.


Sorry, I can’t think of any qualified Democrats (oxymoron?).
  • #12
Originally posted by GENIERE
Davis is paying the price for his inept administration. Part of his demise is from the reliance of California on a progressive state income tax. This liberal Democrat tax to promote and fund liberal policies failed to generate sufficient income after the well-paid jobs in Silicon Valley dried up. Yeah! Tax the higher income earners until there’s none left to tax. Tax the industry until there’s none left to tax.

So it's Davis's fault that the economy hit the crapper? Should he instead taxed the hell out of poor people? Do you really think that a flat tax would have made any noticeable difference?

Regulate the utilities until there’s none left to regulate. Rely on out of state power generation and complain they charge too much.

Hmm, I can't really say anything here. I don't know enough about the situation and how Davis was involved.

Why let electrical utilities build in California and harm the habitat of a sub, sub, sub, sub species of fish.

If you think that that is the worst environmental problem that exists, then you are sadly, sadly mistaken. What about the smog in Los Angeles. There are also entire ecosystems being torn apart, not just a "sub sub sub sub" species of fish.

Irrigate LA and SF and dry up those pesky environmental unfriendly farms, orchards, and ranches. Mexico and the SW states don’t need water do they!

Is it Davis's fault that an incredible number of people live in a very arid area? Do you really think that Davis is responsible for all the irrigation in California? Irrigation goes back many decades, and no governor has implemented sustainable methods.
  • #13
Originally posted by Dissident Dan
So it's Davis's fault that the economy hit the crapper?
Partially, yes. He had a lot to do with the electric power deregulation debacle, didn't he? And hey, welcome to democracy: regardless of what you do, you get the credit or blame for what goes on when you happen to be in the room.
  • #14
Do you really think that Davis is responsible for all the irrigation in California? Irrigation goes back many decades, and no governor has implemented sustainable methods.

Yes but Davis is the governor so the irrigation does go by him and when there are problems like this he should do something about it.

Irrigate LA and SF and dry up those pesky environmental unfriendly farms, orchards, and ranches. Mexico and the SW states don’t need water do they!

Is it Davis's fault that an incredible number of people live in a very arid area?

California is over-run with people, they need to start controlling this. With all the power outages last year and getting power from all over the US, I think they need to clean up their act! I agree with Geniere, Mexico doesn't have all that much money, and even if some people do, the farmers certainly dont.
  • #15
Originally posted by Windy
Since when did a Democrat ever do a good job? Let alone liberals.
Well, Clinton was an exception.

Seriously, if this is all the democratic "party" has to offer, then they're going to get completely killed in 2004. Bush could have an affair like Clinton's and he'd get a landslide victory.

Just goes to show how incompetent the left front is.


What 'left' are you talking about? The Dems are the moderate party, with Clinton as a perfect centrist example.
  • #16
Larry Flint is running for govenor

at least he is not a crook. unlike most of the others
  • #17
Davis sucks, bigtime, but he was just re-elected -- what, 7 months ago? 8 months? And the recall campaign started months and months ago.

I'm all for will of the people prevailing and all, but it's pretty screwed-up to try and recall someone a couple months after they're elected. This is too much just like shouting "do-over!" cause you didn't like the results the first time.

I can see recalling a politician if they flagrantly violate the will of the people, or are involved in some scandal... but Davis hasn't done anything since he got re-elected. He hasn't had a chance to.


The recall promises to be massively entertaining though... so far we have as announced or likely candidates:

1) Darrell Issa, a reformed car thief who's been arrested for (among other things) illegally carrying a loaded semiautomatic pistol in his glovebox.

2) Arnold "I will terminate zeez budget deficits" Schwarzenegger. Nuff said.

3) The frontman for the punk band TSOL, which had a single "Abolish Government."

4) Larry Flint.

5) Columnist Arianna Huffigton, who used to be an outspoken conservative but turned liberal in the past couple years -- she was behind those "buying SUVs supports the terrorists" ads.

6) Arianna's ex-husband Michael, a former Republican Congressman. Oh yeah, they divorced when he came out of the closet. He's still a staunch Republican, though.

Only in California... :D
  • #18
Damgo, I agree with you - my interest here is about 90% for the entertainment value. I think the recall vote actually exposes a flaw in the State Constitution.
  • #19
Gee whiz, russ, have you looked at his platform? "Gov'ner" Flynt is for legalizing gambling, prostitution, and using proceeds from the taxes to balance the CA state budget! Will that be great? Who knows, but it Shows you something: there are a lot of rich guys in this country, a lot of weird rich guys, and so if politics is reduced to pure capitalism, Businessmen will rule, whose code is the law of the jungle.
least, that's how I sees it.
  • #20
I didn't comment on Larry Flynt.
  • #21
I guess it's "Hasta la vista, baby" and good-bye Davis!
  • #22
ahh, guess I thought you might have an opinion on that particular subject!


governor Ahnold eh? That's just desperate. I seem to recall that the gubernatorial recall law was some sort of product of the trust-busting endeavors of Teddy Roosevelt. And the fact that one is not required to even be born in this country (as is reqr'd for presidency) shows the anachronistic state of CA law. Do you (californians) really want a foreigner running your affairs? Arianna reminds me of Amelda Marcos. The independantly wealthy businessman (R) who began this whole loony-tunes show paid people up to a dollar per signature to sign the petition to recall Gov Davis, so I hear, from NPR, whatever that tells ya.
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FAQ: Calif Gov Davis to face recall vote

What is the recall vote against Calif Gov Davis?

The recall vote against Calif Gov Davis is a special election initiated by voters to remove the current governor from office before their term is over.

Why is Calif Gov Davis facing a recall vote?

Calif Gov Davis is facing a recall vote due to various factors, including his handling of the state's energy crisis, budget deficits, and car tax increases.

How does the recall process work in California?

In California, a recall petition must be signed by a certain percentage of voters to trigger a special election. If the majority of voters choose to recall the governor, the candidate with the most votes in the special election will become the new governor.

When will the recall vote against Calif Gov Davis take place?

The recall vote against Calif Gov Davis is scheduled for October 7th, 2003.

Can Calif Gov Davis still run in the special election if he is recalled?

Yes, Calif Gov Davis is eligible to run in the special election even if he is recalled. However, if he is not the candidate with the most votes, he will be removed from office.

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