Can a bullet fired reach a percentage of the earths surface?

In summary, the person has a problem understanding a question about the range of a silo-based Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile on a spherical Earth. They are unsure how to determine the percentage of the Earth's surface that can be reached by the missile. After receiving clarification, they understand that the missile can reach any point in a two-dimensional circle on the Earth's surface and they suggest dividing this area by the total surface area of the Earth. They thank the people who helped them understand the problem.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have a problem in which I don't understand what is supposed to be solved. This is the exact question:

"A silo-based Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile has a range of 8000 miles. If the Earth is presumed to be a sphere with circumference 24,000 miles, what percentage of the Earth's surface can be reached by the missile?"

What is meant by the amount of surface that can be reached? Isn't the range of the missile a 1-dimensional number? If so, how can it "reach" a percentage of a 2-dimensional surface area?

Homework Equations

This is an extra credit problem for a 3rd Semester Calculus/Vector Calculus course. That is all the relevant information I can give.

The Attempt at a Solution

I don't recall ever seeing this kind of problem in my current Vector Calculus course. I think it may be a general math question. All I could think of is dividing the range of the missile by the surface area of the earth, but I don't know what kind of dimensional number that would give me, or if its dimensionally correct, or if its even dimensionally possible. Any help would be appreciated.
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  • #2
JustSomeGuy80 said:

Homework Statement

I have a problem in which I don't understand what is supposed to be solved. This is the exact question:

"A silo-based Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile has a range of 8000 miles. If the Earth is presumed to be a sphere with circumference 24,000 miles, what percentage of the Earth's surface can be reached by the missile?"

What is meant by the amount of surface that can be reached? Isn't the range of the missile a 1-dimensional number? If so, how can it "reach" a percentage of a 2-dimensional surface area?
Yes, the range is a 1-dimensional number, but you can point the missile in any direction. The means that the missile can reach any point in a circle on the Earth's surface. This circle would be a two-dimensional region.
JustSomeGuy80 said:

Homework Equations

This is an extra credit problem for a 3rd Semester Calculus/Vector Calculus course. That is all the relevant information I can give.

The Attempt at a Solution

I don't recall ever seeing this kind of problem in my current Vector Calculus course. I think it may be a general math question. All I could think of is dividing the range of the missile by the surface area of the earth, but I don't know what kind of dimensional number that would give me, or if its dimensionally correct, or if its even dimensionally possible. Any help would be appreciated.
  • #3
My understanding of the problem is that the missile can be fired 8,000 miles in any direction, creating an area around it which it could potentially reach. Then divide the total area that is in range of the missile by the total area of the Earth.
  • #4
Got it. Thanks Wumple and Mark.

FAQ: Can a bullet fired reach a percentage of the earths surface?

1. Can a bullet fired reach a percentage of the earths surface?

Yes, a bullet fired from a gun can reach a certain percentage of the earth's surface depending on various factors such as the type of gun, the angle of trajectory, and the initial velocity of the bullet.

2. What percentage of the earth's surface can a bullet reach?

The percentage of the earth's surface that a bullet can reach varies depending on the factors mentioned before. However, it is estimated that a bullet fired from a typical handgun can reach up to 1.5 miles or 2.4 kilometers, covering less than 0.0001% of the earth's surface.

3. Can a bullet fired from space reach the earth's surface?

No, a bullet fired from space cannot reach the earth's surface as it would burn up in the Earth's atmosphere due to the extreme heat and friction. Additionally, the speed and angle of entry would also affect the bullet's ability to reach the surface.

4. Can a bullet fired at a certain angle reach farther than one fired straight?

Yes, a bullet fired at an upward angle can potentially reach farther than one fired straight due to the effect of gravity. However, the angle of trajectory must be carefully considered as too steep or too shallow of an angle can significantly reduce the distance the bullet can travel.

5. What is the farthest distance a bullet fired from a gun has reached?

The record for the farthest distance a bullet fired from a gun has reached is 7.51 miles or 12.1 kilometers. This was achieved by a sniper from the Canadian Special Forces in Afghanistan using a McMillan Tac-50 rifle in 2002.

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